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Dead Rising

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    in fact its 3 people i havent saved

    early in the game there are 2 people hidden in a shop and you have to remove the blockade to get to them and when you do, you get attacked by one of them

    i just hit him 1 too many times and he turned against me - so i did the decent thing and chainsaw'd him


      Well, you are supposed to give him a beating until he stops, but not THAT much of a beating


        Originally posted by buster_broon
        even fought the marine with the machete and beat him, but at level 30 i guess its quite easy - cant imagine what it was like when you fought him on the first play through
        I fought him on the first play through and he knocked me down to one health square in no time. I ended up staying on top of the shelves for the rest of the fight trying to pick him off with the nail gun (my only ranged weapon). It worked but took a ridiculous amount of time.


          on the latter stages of finishing it for the 2nd time

          saved about 41 i think but otis took them all

          anyway nobody mentioned

          special fecking forces and strafing helicopters


          i know i mentioned earlier about the abundance of Zombies on screen but when you get into the maintenance section there really is so much happening on screen it is quite unbelievable

          **edit 2**
          nothing feels better than disembowling a special forces chap, you dont see much intestines but he drops just the same, been trying to take out the chopper for some time with absolutely zero success
          Last edited by buster_broon; 13-12-2006, 22:36.


            finished now and now on overtime, 18hrs to go until Frank becomes a zombie

            got everything upto the generator and 1 queen, just need to get some more - but that fecking helicopter is just annoying

            got a couple of costumes when i finished it, but i dont know where they are
            Mega man tights
            special forces boots
            prisoner garb

            i know it said the security office, but unsure where they are

            also the girl

            that turns into a zombie in the security office, you have to photograph her for an achievement, where does she go? - i know about the other gentleman but i didnt know at that point and squashed him with my car


              Originally posted by buster_broon
              i know it said the security office, but unsure where they are
              They're in shopping bags in the same room as Otis and the airduck to the roof.

              On the opposite side of where Otis is.


                Originally posted by MiaBocca
                They're in shopping bags in the same room as Otis and the airduck to the roof.

                On the opposite side of where Otis is.

                just completed overtime mode and unlocked infinity and some more clothes

                thought the boss was pretty easy, i fell into the zombies a few times but none of them munched me also the fact i was level 50 when i fought the boss, so that might have helped

                got ready to batter him and a PP appeared above his head and by the time i got my camera out - it was gone

                i did however like the tank battle - thought it was well constructed

                before i start it - what exactly is infinity mode can only guess that it just keeps on going and going

                just had a wee read about infinity mode and i think i will leave it, dont have the time and patience to even start it
                Last edited by buster_broon; 14-12-2006, 14:28.


                  Yeah, I was the same with Infinity mode. I gave it a go but it wasn't for me. After playing through DR twice and loving it, I didn't really have an urge to spend more time in the mall. Nice to have a different mode there to go back to if I ever want to revisit it.


                    Very late into this game but thought I'd give it a go - a lot of nice touches but I really can't be bothered with the escort missions. When I was trying to do it with a lady from the jewellery she somehow had the walk of a zombie...which meant she was really, really slow even when she was going the direction I wanted. Despite killing about 150 zombies, I still couldn't get her safe. At the moment when they die I'm glad to be shot of them, natural selection at work! Just wondering if you're supposed to always be able to save them? All the doors I tried to get to were locked, i couldn't see where else to take them.



                      Originally posted by JohnMcL7
                      Very late into this game but thought I'd give it a go - a lot of nice touches but I really can't be bothered with the escort missions. When I was trying to do it with a lady from the jewellery she somehow had the walk of a zombie...which meant she was really, really slow

                      some characters are lame, by that i mean injured

                      so if you walk upto them you will get the bubble beside them saying press b to carry or offer an arm and with her you can put her on your back and carry her to the security office

                      also with her the main gate to the entrance plaza is closed so you have to take her the long way around - maintenance tunnels are locked as well at this point of the game

                      the escorts you have to carry are always easier than the other idiots who just run into a pack of zombies

                      if you are going for the saint achievement you still have to do the cases to get tons of survivors and sometimes its very very tight to get back to the security office and since you end up late - all the other missions become tight

                      i found a couple more i missed the last time through, before i actually play it for real (save) i just bimble around the shopping market checking everywhere to see if others appear

                      also now giving all my survivor weapons to help them along especially the sub machine gun, managed to get a decent erotic shot so i now have went further and have to meet the photographer at midday on the 3rd day

                      the mission called lovers was funny, i remembered the last time he asked for a gun, but i didnt give him one, this time i did - managed to get a good pp shot of his brains all over the place - but not good for the saint achievement

                      best movie in the game is the clown dying - just creepy in every way
                      Last edited by buster_broon; 17-12-2006, 18:38.


                        Thanks for the advice.

                        Didn't manage to kill the clown, he was just annoying me so I went elsewhere!



                          Originally posted by JohnMcL7
                          Thanks for the advice.

                          Didn't manage to kill the clown, he was just annoying me so I went elsewhere!

                          from somebody who has only been playing it for 2 weeks, i missed him first time through, so when i fought him the 2nd time, i was powered up alot more and it took a few attempts until i learnt his routine

                          the weapons he gives up when he dies are necessary if you want an easier life

                          god look at me, talking like a pro

                          the boss characters in this game are excellent


                            Haha, much more a pro than me! Have to say that I was starting to find the zombie killing tedious but I think I was playing it too much...right now I really feel like tearing apart some zombies with a sledgehammer.



                              well it looks like my saint is up in smoke

                              i didnt know

                              that the fat woman cop, kills the girls if you dont get there quickly, when i first fought her i went when the mission was blue and i had 4 girls to help, this time it was red and there was only 1 - fecker

                              i did however get all 5 back from the cinema


                                As far as I can tell -

                                I had the same thing happen and I think what happens is, if you step foot inside Wonderland Plaza, a countdown starts. I think the Jo mission can go all the way to the red as long as you don't enter the area and the girls will be safe. That's just how it seemed to me but I can't be 100% sure on that.

