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Dead Rising

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    I'm still playing this.......... this....... his.......... is.................

    1 day Rainbow 6 or GOW will get a chance

    anyway Transmissionary is still proving to be a fecking major pain in the bottom, but only 4 achievements left:
    PP collector
    5 and 7 day survivor

    love this game, but the survivors could test the patience of a saint, which i am since i've rescued over 50 people


      I hate this game. I've tried so hard to like it. I just hate it. Its just wrong. The whole game feels broken.

      What is the point in putting guns in when it takes about 3 hours to aim them?

      Why is the AI so stupid?

      The rotten cherry on the 2 week old cream cake though is the convicts. I would love to find out why anyone would think there inclusion made the game better!?. I had just started playing the game, getting my surroundings when i go across the park and find those three turds. I'm level 2-3 with a crap gun that i can't aim and a baseball bat vs three guys in a humvee with a 50cal strapped to it.
      How the **** did it get there in the first place? parachute?


        er... rick these guys out is totally optional and to be taking them on at lvl2/3 is just foolish, you must have read by know about the whole level up proess? Forget saving the hard to do survivors just run around do the main mission have a blast, die and restart strong than before.

        the trick to beating the jeep early only is

        to get the uzi hidden in mall are a you start out in, look to get a few of them(1 should be enough). Then just get between a tree and jeep let it crash, creep out into the open till you can see the gun but he can't shoot you(or wait till he reloads/pauses) and fill him full of lead. Once he's down run behind the jeep pick up the huge machine gun off the back of the jeep and finish them off.


          Don't they respawn?


            I have no problem with the convicts except for the fact that they respawn if you kill them. Can't help thinking it's a bug. Bug or not, it's pox.

            As for the gun aiming, well, it is a bit odd that it's easier to aim the camera than the guns but there's really little use for the guns in the game. The katana or chainsaw will serve you much better in general. There are only a few places (like the convicts) that I needed a gun.


              they do, each new day i think. So they'll respawn 3 times, until overtime.


                i actually hate the katana, would rather use a knife

                with the katana you lunge too much and other zombies in a packed area will have you

                anyway played it thru 6 times now and only have 3 achievements left

                the fecking transmissinary is doing my nut in, but havent tried 5/7 day survivor so, will give that a whirl next


                  I gave this another chance today.

                  Killed the Convicts, grabbed the gun. Got killed trying to save these two idiots who'd barracaded themselves in after making it almost to the warehouse.

                  Reloaded the game from the food court just after having killed the convicts. told the two guys to follow me again.

                  gets out into the park

                  and guess what

                  the ****ing convicts had respawned!!!!!!!!!


                  So after using every bullet i had clearing a path to the park; i get confronted by the convicts again.

                  There was nothing i could do - They just kept running me over until i died. The same thing i'd like to do to whoever put them in the game in the first place.

                  Im just going to shoot the "survivors" Its easier.

                  It makes me so angry. This game should be really good. Its as if they have purposely put things in which are blatently bad game design.


                    i dont bother with them, infact after saving those 2 chaps and the girl in the jewellers, i just run out and save sophie (girl in the park) and i can save them all without ever bothering about the convicts - they always seem to drive into a tree

                    thats 4 survivors in tow

                    but a tip to counteract the respawning

                    get into the park before 19:00hrs and they will always appear at the other end of the park driving into a tree (near the paradise plaza entrance) and you can sneak up behind them and kill the gunner, steal the gun and destroy them without breaking a sweat

                    another glitch i guess - but before 19:00hrs they are always in the same place, the smg will take them out easily, just wait until you get the mega buster - about 9 shots and all 3 are dead and you can walking into paradise plaza with the heavy machine gun


                      yeah cheers, i discovered that. Still playing through it and i've lightened up a bit about it.

                      I've just done the medicine run. The chainsaws from adam, the book and the secret passage make life a lot easier

                      I also started giving the people im escorting Guns. In wonderland plaza there a load of cops, so i pick those guns up. The two japs and the security guard were easy when they had guns, same with the two barracaded in. They seem to be crack shots and even keep the zombies off me.

                      The games not off the hook yet though, but its slipped out of worst game position.


                        Originally posted by Rick View Post
                        I also started giving the people im escorting Guns. In wonderland plaza there a load of cops, so i pick those guns up. The two japs and the security guard were easy when they had guns, same with the two barracaded in. They seem to be crack shots and even keep the zombies off me.

                        The games not off the hook yet though, but its slipped out of worst game position.
                        guns still suck on the hands of survivors - albiet with unlimited ammo

                        give you survivors knives - as when they swing that can hit a few at a time, even the baseball bat knocks one and they hit others which clears the path a little

                        when you are a little more powered up - just wade in and giant swing or suplex a zombie - that clears loads


                          eventually got transmissionary - what a fecker

                          if you are chasing this yourself, still save people as transmissions on some things (fullfillments) will only happy with specific saved people

                          there are 6 fullfillments but you still have to save others (unsure who) for the specific people to ask for items

                          with the starving guy - i played it through not saving anybody except for people who ask for items and because i didnt save somebody else he didnt ask for food which fecked up everything

                          so if you are going for transmissionary - probably worth doing it at the same time as the saint achievement

                          but got 5/7 day survivor left to do before i get my first 1000 points on an xbox360 game - unsure whether to bother trying as its 14 hours planted infront of the tv


                            but got 5/7 day survivor left to do before i get my first 1000 points on an xbox360 game - unsure whether to bother trying as its 14 hours planted infront of the tv
                            I haven't played it nearly as much as you, so forgive me if I'm being daft, but can't you just plant yerself on the roof, or in the security room, and leave the xbox running overnight while you snooze?

                            Yeah, I finally got this game (months behind everyone else, as per bloody usual). Fantastic stuff! I have no quarrel with the limited save system, as it makes it feel more like a race against time, and introduces REAL fear ... fear of failure, that is.

                            Was utterly delighted to find out that your costume changes are reflected in the cutscenes, which I had mistakenly thought to be pre-rendered FMV. I think I injured myself laughing at some of them. It's brilliant when the special agents are trying to convey the gravity of the situation to Frank, and he's standing there nodding, wearing a flowery dress and pantomime-horse head.

                            Just unlocked overtime mode, so looking forward to completing that over the weekend. I will DEFINITELY be playing through again to get more survivors, kill more psychos, and get the various achievements that I missed, especially now that Frank is powered-up like a superhero.


                              Originally posted by peeveen View Post
                              I haven't played it nearly as much as you, so forgive me if I'm being daft, but can't you just plant yerself on the roof, or in the security room, and leave the xbox running overnight while you snooze?

                              you lose a block of health every 2 minutes - so you have to eat to survive and food isnt as fruitful as it is thru the normal game

                              Seons food mall is closed and you only get 2 bottles of orange in roastmasters

                              also everybody is an enemy - all survivors attack you and when you dispose of them a box appears and inside the box you get some food and weapons

                              Paul (molotov cocktail guy) attacked me with a remote control car bomb, quite funny watching it drive thru the zombies to get to me

                              also you cant save - so it has to be done in 1 sitting - you can pause it however

                              tried it last night and because i fecked up the food - Major spoiler tag

                              not using 3 health books to boost the food and i only realised on my last coffee creamer

                              i lasted 5 days and 7 hours and that was every piece of food anywhere in the mall gone - so that was around 10 hours gone that i wont get back, but going for the 7 day survivor on Sunday when the wife is out for most of the day - 14 hours it takes apparently

                              never got the chainsaws either because the people you fight spawn randomly and Adam never appeared, so the cleaver is the new weapon of choice

                              but 5 day survivor opens the laser sword weapon aka light sabre and when you do a lariat with that - the place clears of zombies


                                Originally posted by peeveen View Post
                                Was utterly delighted to find out that your costume changes are reflected in the cutscenes, which I had mistakenly thought to be pre-rendered FMV. I think I injured myself laughing at some of them. It's brilliant when the special agents are trying to convey the gravity of the situation to Frank, and he's standing there nodding, wearing a flowery dress and pantomime-horse head.
                                love it when he tries on a dress - he likes it far too much

                                at the moment i have a special forces uniform (unsure if it protects more) and a hockey mask

                                got 49/50 achievements and 7 day survivor is the last which apparently gives me arthurs pants from ghosts and goblins

