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Dead Rising

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    Only, he says.

    Eh, if you had fun doing it and/or finally hitting the magic 7 days, good for you. Kudos. I just know I couldn't. I don't think I've ever played anything for 14 hours straight, with breaks or otherwise. I've pulled quite a few two or three-day stretches without sleep lately, but that's because I'm in my third year of university and desperate to finish all my coursework on time... I don't think I could spend even half a day specifically on one game.


      I can't help but feel that it's a bit of a missed opportunity that Dr Barnaby didn't reveal that his

      "meat enhancer" drug was provided by a certain Umbrella Corporation....


        I think the Jill sandwich nod was as much RE as Dead Rising needed.


          Well this SUCKS. I just played through again to get Transmissionary, even drew myself up a checklist of the 38 calls and methodically ticked them off as they came through. After the final call about Cheryl ... no achievement.

          Buster, do I have to wait for the copter? I'll be damned if I'm playing through this AGAIN.


            Originally posted by peeveen View Post
            Well this SUCKS. I just played through again to get Transmissionary, even drew myself up a checklist of the 38 calls and methodically ticked them off as they came through. After the final call about Cheryl ... no achievement.

            Buster, do I have to wait for the copter? I'll be damned if I'm playing through this AGAIN.

            the last time he calls you is when you get the transmissionary achievement, if you've answered all his calls

            i thought it was a bugger to be honest, it was the last one i got (apart from survivor)


              I've just read somewhere that there actually 39 calls ... I appear to have been following a mickey-mouse guide. My save point is too late on, as well. ARSE.


                I am really giving it a chance this time round after 'losing' my save twice due to the absolutely daft save system as well as not knowing what on earth I was suppose to be doing on my previous save file as I haven't touched the game since last October.

                Anyway, you know the
                Maintenance key, when you (eventually) pick it up, does the key carry over to a new game or do you have to get it again and again on each playthrough?


                  Originally posted by Extra Terrestrial View Post
                  [/SIZE]Maintenance key, when you (eventually) pick it up, does the key carry over to a new game or do you have to get it again and again on each playthrough?
                  you need to re-collect it every time


                    Originally posted by buster_broon View Post
                    you need to re-collect it every time


                      It only takes about 2 minutes to get it, tops.
                      Walk to the car park, drive the car into the tunnels, round a few corners, through a door, there's yer key. It's one of the first things I do when I start a new game.

                      I finally got Transmissionary last night. Only one left now if that damned elusive Pimp achievement.


                        Originally posted by peeveen View Post
                        I finally got Transmissionary last night. Only one left now if that damned elusive Pimp achievement.
                        *cough* 3 actually my friend *cough*


                          Originally posted by buster_broon View Post
                          *cough* 3 actually my friend *cough*
                          We've already established only lunatics attept the 5 day survivor/7 day survivor achievements.


                            I bought this last weekend and spent literally all Sunday playing it. I think it's great.

                            But it is also the most infuriating, disheartening and down-right annoying game I've played in a long time.

                            It seems like every time I complete a tough mission, something goes wrong; either a rescued survivor dies, or I get killed, or I can't get the survivors back to the security room in time to complete another mission. It's so annoying!


                              Originally posted by MattyD View Post
                              It seems like every time I complete a tough mission, something goes wrong; either a rescued survivor dies, or I get killed, or I can't get the survivors back to the security room in time to complete another mission. It's so annoying!
                              Don`t worry about it too much, the game is made in a way so that you can achieve different things on different playthroughs.

                              On my 1st playthrough I did rescue some survivors but in the end that isn`t important in the slightest, just make sure you finish your cases and get the good ending to the game.

                              After each game you will carry over Frank`s increased health and abilities into the next game, this will equip you better when you go for achievements such as the "saint". When you have more "stock" space you`ll be able to make full use of books and of course get the 3 x 3 x 3 affect on Adam`s chainsaw that`ll make the game as easy as 1 2 3!


                                Fact is Matty, when zombies attack, people die.

                                I just saved who I could the first time out. Did the story missions the second time. It is one of those games that, if you try to do everything, it will kill you.

