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Metal slug 6 - Jpn PStwo

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    Metal slug 6 - Jpn PStwo

    Got this today from yes-asia for only $42 shipped (considerably less than play-asia in the region of $25)

    well what can i say - its Metal Slug and its very good

    Front end graphics are nice and it plays well

    i'm sure this was created on Atomiswave hardware and the gun just sounds really beefy - its probably how a 'heavy machine gun' should sound and the graphics seem a step up from the Neo AES cousin

    The home version has the same options as every other home slug thats been released, you have combat school and gallery options so you can either check out the artistic renders or listen to your favourite sounds from Metal slug upto metal slug 6

    Combat School has a slight RPG element (since my Japanese is pretty much no existant this option is a no go)

    when you start the game you can either pick the easy mode or hard mode, front initial play it looks like you can only access the last level through hard mode, on easy when you complete level 4 it just comes up with 'to be continued' and your default weapon is different, on Easy you have the heavy machine gun as standard and on Hard mode you have the pistol as standard

    Also just noticed on Hard the bosses have a better range of attacks

    you have 6 characters to choose from:

    each character has their own level of POW, DEF and SPD. So rather than just pick a character in the usual way (at random) each character has their own strengths and weaknesses - the all rounder is Ralf

    the only difference i can see with this game is that each character can hold 2 weapons at once and the Triangle button can toggle between the 2 of them to help in certain situations - as you kill the enemies you have a power bar that goes up to Max and when it does the weapon becomes a little more powerful for the time it takes the gauge to run out

    the bosses are pretty big as usual and some mid level bosses the screen has to scroll out to get most of them onto the screen, but i've noticed that some of the bosses have been used before especially level 2 and 3 bosses

    There are only 5 different slug's in this game, 2 we know from old (metal and flyer) and 3 new ones:
    drill slug - used to drill on level 5
    donkey and cart slug - first you get the donkey and it connects to the carriage for the missles
    mecha slug - walks on 2 legs very similar to one of the slugs used against the crab on metal slug 3

    whatever happened to elephant slug

    With regards to weapons the only new item is an item called the Zanetsu Sword which is a close range weapon, which to be fair is worse than dunkshot

    Once you complete a level you open it in the main window which just means you can start there again at any point rather than start the game always on level 1

    i havent found any alternate routes or any secret areas that hold bonuses yet but they may exsist

    when you complete it you open up a trophy room/soldiers list, what relevance this may have i dont know but they did the same thing with Metal Slug Advance and it opened up the game with slight RPG element by combining items to your slug and character to make them alot tougher

    This is the kinda of game SNK/Playmore does best and even though Metal Slug 3D is an okay game, its just not in the class as the 2d scrollers we all know and love

    overall the best in the Slug series was Number 3, but its far superior than 4 and 5 - the first slug game that Playmore has got right

    even though i like slug 4/5, they are great games amongst superb games
    Last edited by buster_broon; 21-09-2006, 22:44.

    Thanks for the impressions. A better game than the shocker that was Metal Slug 5 then Jason? I actually quite enjoyed 4, so i might pick this up.

    Edit; And it's a scientific fact that the best Slug game was no.1
    Last edited by Oh_Mutants; 21-09-2006, 16:59.


      Is this going to be a part of the Slug compilation on Wii?


        No. The Wii release only includes up to no. 5 unfortunately.


          I like the metal slug series but for every sequel it feels like i am playing the same game again allbeit with a few things added


            well playing it some more i've managed to find 2 secrets on the first level

            a gem in the oak tree and fish in one of the rocks

            i now believe (i might be wrong) that the missing soldiers and items found open up the infinite bombs/ammo options which at the moment are blacked out


              Is the blood in the game red, white or none at all?


                There is a violence option, so you can select between red and white blood.
                Kept you waiting, huh?


                  The Korean version comes with some cool mugs. I love random gaming tat


                    Will be getting this once i re-buy a ps2, along with 3,4 and 5. Cant agree with 3 being the best though, id say 1 or X myself,but hey,opinions and all that i also liked 4! Not played 5 yet though. I'll be intrested to see how this looks being the first on new hardware.


                      are the menus etc in english?


                        Originally posted by Geoff D
                        The Korean version comes with some cool mugs. I love random gaming tat

                        That's the one i ordered, still hasn't shipped tho


                          Originally posted by bootmonster
                          are the menus etc in english?
                          yeah they are

                          the only stuff in Japanese is the Combat school, names of the rescued prisoners and the end game option

                          i can now complete the first 2 missions without losing a life - hurrah

                          if anybody had this on arcade hardware - how do you rescue the prisoners on the second level that wont drop down from the higher platform

                          you cant jump that high and you cant destroy any scenery

                          for Graphics its better than the Neo AES especially the last boss, something stolen from Contra me thinks

                          As for 1 and X being the best, meh

                          1 is good but basic and X is just more soldiers and less slowdown from 2


                            Originally posted by Geoff D
                            The Korean version comes with some cool mugs. I love random gaming tat

                            some of the Korean stuff is nice

                            i've got the Taito Legends (Joukan and Gekan) in the super Korean special editions

                            lovely boxes


                              Are the graphics still based on the previous games though ?

