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Metal slug 6 - Jpn PStwo

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    Originally posted by eastyy
    Are the graphics still based on the previous games though ?

    it looks the same, but not - if you know what i mean

    all the characters and vehicles look the same but there is more animation and the backgrounds are drawn alot better

    and on some levels there is scaling and alot more happening at once

    definately worth $42 or $50 + shipping for the 2 cups Korean version


      worked out what the SPD, DEF and POW are

      SPD: if the bar is higher that character is faster, if its lower they are slower

      POW: if the bar is higher that character can hold more ammunition for the weapon they are using and they hold more bombs, if its lower they hold less ammunition and less bombs

      DEF: if the bar is higher they can take more hits until you lose a life, if the bar is lower they can only be hit once before you lose a life


        It's been confirmed today that MS6 will be included in the PSP Metal Slug Anthology coming out later this year, yipee


          Originally posted by DavidHolliss
          It's been confirmed today that MS6 will be included in the PSP Metal Slug Anthology coming out later this year, yipee
          wow! Thats great, but suprising news!
          Last edited by SuperDanX; 22-09-2006, 15:19.


            on a side note the last level has the best and the worst in the game

            the best
            As a mid level Boss the character Rumi Aikawa (drops food from her backpack) is being controller by an Alien and she is being used as a puppet and every time she changes her weapon instead of the usual heavy machine gun commentator noise you get a proper evil shout with the weapon she chooses

            died alot when fighting her

            the Worst
            the drill slug is just awful, just part of the game where you have to drill downwards and there isnt much you can do as all the controls are reversed so when you head down you are shooting up the way and vice versa - but all the enemies come from the bottom of the screen, it does suck and nothing like the Star ship troopers Metal slug 3 stylee which is brilliant

            managing to get to level 4 without losing a life - so there is loads to make you have another game

            also if you push up and R2 together you get a close in combat attack

            with Ralf its one of his special moves from the KOF series (rapid hand attack)
            Last edited by buster_broon; 22-09-2006, 19:38.


              Originally posted by DavidHolliss
              It's been confirmed today that MS6 will be included in the PSP Metal Slug Anthology coming out later this year, yipee
              And on the Wii too.

              Splendid news.


                I really hate to say this, cause I love the series (at least the first 4 SNK/Nasca installments) but I think it's the worst Metal Slug game in the "main series".
                I really had hopes for this installment, being on a new platform and after the 5th Metal Slug game (which introduced some new ideas, but really felt rushed and was too short) but now SNK Playmore has crushed all my expectations and spit on them.
                The render-backgrounds are soo awful and bland.. (they really make you long for the handdrawn and lovingly crafted BGs of the earlier installements).
                But the worst part is, that these lifeless Backgrounds are just like the rest of the game. Where's the charme, the fun and the little details? The level and boss-designs are just weak, I've only managed to find one alternate path in the first level (although that wouldn't be a problem if the actual levels were as engaging and enjoyable as f.e. in Metal Slug 1 or 2) and the Atomiswave hardware is only used for a little zooming between some boss encounters, for the aforementioned render-BGs and for some awful looking shadow effects (I thought it was a grafical glitch at first, but even every shot spawns an ugly and out of place looking little shadow).
                Character artwork is hilariously bad (Fio and Eri are looking like men) and the only small improvement that I could spot until know are the inclusions of the weapon-swapping, special attacks and characteristics in which the six heroes are differentieated.
                If only the rest of the game wasn't so overly dry and uninspiring.. It seems to me like they got this neat idea, in which for the first time it mattered which character you choose, but forgot to build a descent game around it. As a full-price game it's just an utter wast of money imho (except for a diehard Metal Slug collector or completist maybe) and I really can't imagine how anyone who played and loved the earlier games doesn't get frustrated and disappointed seeing how SNK Playmore is killing the franchise.
                The series really reached the bottom with the 6th game imo. I can only hope that they either let some other people try their luck with the series which are actually capable of producing a worthy successor or just leave it at that.
                Of course it's not as bad as the recent 3D title, but it comes frightenly close (I'd never thought that I would say that about a 2D Metal Slug game and it really hurts me to see such a wonderful series getting one inferior sequel after the other).

                SNK Playmore killed Metal Slug for me, what a sad time it is.


                  Originally posted by Ryo Saeba
                  Of course it's not as bad as the recent 3D title, but it comes frightenly close
                  Oh come on! Do you really think it's that bad?

                  I've not played MS6 yet, but I have had the misfortune of playing the 3D one, so that statement carries a lot of significance. It suggests to me that MS6 is absolutely dire in every department.

                  Even if this is just a "by-the-numbers" Slug, it surely can't be that bad?


                    oh well - i like it, guess i'm biased as i like them all (in different degrees)

                    can 1 credit easy now - onto hard

                    if you dont mind me asking - where is the alternate route on the first level

                    spoiler tags please for those not wanting to know


                      @Kubrick: As I said it's of course not as bad as the 3D title, but I also think that it's a step back from Metal Slug 5 (and maybe even 4), which wasn't that good to begin with.
                      And to be fair, Metal Slug 3D had it's moments (but mainly in the cheesy CG-sequences and not in the actual game ^^').

                      If I'd have to rate this new installment, I think I'd give it a 5/10 (in comparison I'd give the 3rd one a 9 and the 5th one a 6 (or maybe even a 7 on a generous day, I really like the Slug Gunner) and the 3D experiment I'd say between a 3 or 4 (I'd have to play this a little more, to really see everything, although it would be a pain in the arse).
                      Who knows, maybe it's just the initial shock and I'll get more out of it (the new character differentations and melee attacks are a nice addition, as said) but I don't even have the motivation to play it again, I just don't find it entertaining enough.


                      It's in the section after the midboss, shortly after you've jumped over the mines you have the choice to either go straight ahead to the lower-right or to head north and climb the mountain (yes, you can even climb it with the good old SV-001, although not that mindboggling it was on of the very sparse moments that felt actually a little fresh to me).
                      You can also see the player taking the "mountain path" in this vid:

                      Last edited by Ryo Saeba; 23-09-2006, 09:02.


                        found another 2 alternative routes

                        On level 3 there is a set of steps you come to and you will notice a barrier just head down that path and on level 4 once just before the bridge explodes you can head down a path to the right

                        still havent found one on level 2 yet

                        Last edited by buster_broon; 24-09-2006, 15:56.


                          Been a while since I played this so I'll just paste my impressions from Killercabs.

                          I really like this.

                          Graphics are alright overall. Low res sprites as we all know and expect from Playmore but everything static is high res, and rather pretty. While the low res sprites are a bit jaggy as you'd expect, they blend surprisingly well with the high res stuff, subtly like, and it looks nice in 31k, bar the odd dodgy shadow effect, although stuff like the groovy scaling bits make up for it. AW means no slowdown too, and lots of quick background swaps.

                          Sound is great. Some people loved the rawk music in 4 and 5 but I didn't. MS6 features nice higher bitrate arranged versions of the classic themes plus some great new stuff like L3s music. Surprisingly they've altered some of the main sound effects too but nothing bad at all. It all sounds great, and like a Metal Slug should.

                          There are loads of new gameplay tweaks.
                          Firstly there's Easy and Hard modes. Easy features 4 of the 5 levels, slightly easier and with unlimited HMG as standard. Hard is the proper game.

                          There's a great new score multiplier that increases the faster you're firing and killing stuff, releasing extra coins for combos/chains. Way more score depth than any other MS.

                          5 buttons - The usual 3 plus one for swapping between pistol and the two weapons you can now carry (very cool) and one Special button which when pressed with fire does your characters hand to hand combat attack and when you press it with C a weapon toss move.

                          You get the four main characters plus Ralf and Clark from Ikari Warriors/KOF. Each character has different strengths/weaknesses. Eg Marco has a powerful handgun, Tarma is best in Slugs etc
                          Ralf and Clark also have special moves executed by pressing Up+A+D, like Ralfs KOF Vulcan Punch.

                          Story is as mad and confusing as usual. New bollock-headed aliens this time

                          Only seen the first three levels but so far I like. Could well be the best since #3


                          Couldn't resist credit feeding it till the end yesterday

                          In my opinion, better than MS4 and MS5.
                          Less ripped stuff than MS4, more continuity in the story and design quality than MS5 (which I felt was good, but tailed off towards the end.)
                          Five levels of a decent length, challenging, plenty of new aliens this time, and mostly decent bosses too. Could've done with a few more slugs and more multiple routes perhaps, and the lack of blood is a shame, but those are my only gripes with MS6. Despite the lack of a true visual update, it's a really good effort with some cool new ideas. Not up to the standards set by the old SNK, but still a very good game.


                          + New characters, new character attributes and moves
                          + Easy 4 level mode with HMG as standard, challenging 5 level Hard mode
                          + New original aliens and designs. Not a rip-fest like 4
                          + More continuity in both story and design quality, unlike 5
                          + Better bosses than both
                          + Nice high res backgrounds
                          + AW = virtually no slowdown
                          + Best music since 3

                          - No blood
                          - 2D sprites look a bit jaggy. Dodgy shadow effects too
                          - More slugs would've been nice
                          - Zaitsu sword sucks
                          - Characters' strengths aren't exactly balanced

                          X > 3 > 1 > 2 > 6 > 5 > 4

                          Last edited by Super Monkey Balls; 24-09-2006, 12:50.


                            Yep, it's nowhere near as awful as the 3D iteration: anyone that could compare the two is living in fanboy la-la land.

