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Splinter Cell Double Agent (Multiplayer demo)

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    Originally posted by ProgScan
    Agree, with Matt - even tried to join a game with Matt in the lobby, and it kept telling me the host had ended the session, even though it had you as being in the lobby.

    Still, had a couple of games and it seemed alright, I'm another noob at MP Splinter Cell, but the pre-order stays at the mo.
    Remember it is only a demo and there are bound to be problems like this at first. I expect the full version to be sorted as the MP in Chaos Theory was bang on and this should be too. am downloading the demo just now and really pumped for its release on Friday, missed Sam Fisher this last year


      i just hope the single player doesn't suck as much as the vids suggest

      i liked the complexities of the old multiplayer more than the simplicity of the new one but it's still very good


        well just managed to get in.. and apart from the disgustingly annoying yanks on my team who seem to be oblivious they're wearing a mic and just chatting to their mates it seems ok. Had a bit of a jump about as the spy.. i must admit it felt quite easy as the spy as i had so many escape routes even after being shot at a fair bit.

        will play a wee bit more and hold out for some non lunatics to play with
        Last edited by reektan; 14-10-2006, 21:44.


          played a couple of co-op challenges and enjoyed it very much. very atmospehric, must agree with previous post though, playing as the spy was a tad bit easy. anyhow though i can't wait for the full game!


            just can't get a game given up and deleted, 1up is right its lacking something the one game i did get I thought SCCT looked better.
            Pre-order cancelled please someone release a finished working game on 360 with nothing missing either
            Last edited by dvdmike; 14-10-2006, 23:31.


              hmmm starting to get a bit ticked off, haven't got into a game since my last post, when I do I get kicked out cos the host clearly wants their mates to be in the room with them.....which begs the question why wasn't a private match option included in the demo because this will put many people off the game.


                Originally posted by J0e Musashi
                You know about the mercs' torch right? Press left on the d-pad, and up and down to adjust.
                Found it after about 10 minutes :P


                  This is my first SC multiplayer experience and enjoying it quite a bit, feels different. Really difficult to get into a game though, and have yet to play as Spy.


                    I can't ever connect to the game boo


                      Yea same here would play this alot more if the 'Joining to Session screen' didnt make me want to blow up my 360


                        yeah I cant connect either


                          If you wanna have a looksy still, you can pick system link and go into a game of co-op by yourself. You have to take on CPU mercenaries


                            Originally posted by EvilBoris
                            If you wanna have a looksy still, you can pick system link and go into a game of co-op by yourself. You have to take on CPU mercenaries
                            cheers for that would be good for a little blat when im having trouble connecting, god i hope they get this sorted for the full game


                              I think it is a bit misleading calling this co-op. To me it feels like "Sneaky" team death match.

                              Will there be proper co-op in the final game?

                              (My definition of co-op being playing the single player missions with mates, or specially designed maps that pit a group of friends against AI, with objective based missions)

                              I'm sure this sneaky death match stuff will be tremendously popular, but it's not my cuppa.

                              If anyone knows the score on "Proper" Co-op being included in the final game, let me know!

                              I'll still buy for the SP, but had hoped to play through the game with friends.


                                There isn't proper coop, watch the latest 1up show who explain it pretty well (and are also annoyed that they tried to pass it off as 'coop'...though admit it is very good fun).

