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Yoshi's Island DS

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    Yoshi's Island DS

    I guess this has been forgotten with the influx of great games recently! It's been a pleasant little surprise so fat though; while I wasn't expecting much from it, what I've played of it thus far (admittedly, only the first World) has felt pretty much exactly as it should have. Despite being developed by Artoon, it seems to have captured the spirit of Yoshi's Island perfectly, and it plays nice and tightly too.

    Only real niggle I've had is that Yoshi moves too fast when you use Baby Mario's "dash" power - I know the simple solution is just not to use it, but then Mario has no redeeming features at all!

    So, anyone else remembered about this one?

    Originally posted by Keith
    I guess this has been forgotten with the influx of great games recently! It's been a pleasant little surprise so fat though; while I wasn't expecting much from it, what I've played of it thus far (admittedly, only the first World) has felt pretty much exactly as it should have. Despite being developed by Artoon, it seems to have captured the spirit of Yoshi's Island perfectly, and it plays nice and tightly too.

    Only real niggle I've had is that Yoshi moves too fast when you use Baby Mario's "dash" power - I know the simple solution is just not to use it, but then Mario has no redeeming features at all!

    So, anyone else remembered about this one?
    I was gonna write a first play to. I got it yesterday and so far I'm loving it. It's JUST like the first one ! I'm loving it on the DS Lites screen, It looks lush!

    Nice one Nintendo! At least they consistently keep pumping out quality games.


      Originally posted by Selix
      I was gonna write a first play to. I got it yesterday and so far I'm loving it. It's JUST like the first one ! I'm loving it on the DS Lites screen, It looks lush!

      Nice one Nintendo! At least they consistently keep pumping out quality games.
      Glad to hear more positive comments. Mines on it's way from movietyme as I speak. I am a bit fan of the SNES original so I hope this does it justice. There's been a lot of negativity against it on other forums, I understand it has a lot to live up to but I will try to play it with an open mind. Can't wait!


        I've only played the first World so far but it's great. Lovely graphics and art, the kind of which that only Nintendo (or Capcom) are capable of producing consistently. It's a little basic so far but that's always the way with the first few levels. I'm sure it will get better later on, but so far it's a great little game. Yet again, another reason to own a DS! I've been so impressed with the DS this year - for such a short lifespan so far, it's got dozens of classic games


          The first two worlds are basic and a bit easy, but it gets quite tough in world 3 (which is where I am, no further yet). Having said that, my scores have steadily declined from the heights of 97 in 1-1 to the 30s and 40s in world 3. And there are loads of secrets and exits I haven't uncovered yet.

          A fabulous game so far.


            Great news, I guess I will order this to complement the recent RPG's. Is the music as great as in part 1? For me that had some of the most memorable videogame tunes ever.


              what is going on? I got this game and think it's absolutely terrible. I hate it more than any game I have ever played in my entire life. The level design is rubbish compared to yoshi's island 1. The fact that nintendo decided to outsource one of my favourite games of all time to a clueless and untalented company like artoon is so offensive that I am honestly considering boycotting them for life. the game is a travesty in every sense, be it the pointless and miserably complicated baby carrying nonsence or the truly terrible music or maybe the lazy recycling of bosses. the worst bit though, are the graphics. half cut and pasted graphics from the original game and half bastardised and out of place **** that looks like it was created by a bunch of down's syndrome chimpanzees. tripe.


                But apart from that you think it's pretty good, right?


                  Originally posted by gordon
                  But apart from that you think it's pretty good, right?
                  LOL! How do people think it compares to NSMB? I thought was immense myself - if YIDS is anywhere near as good I will be very happy.


                    It's a different kind of game. No time limit, for a start, so you can spend a long time exploring all the little secrets and side-paths. And though it's basically a side-scroller, there's a greater emphasis on vertical play, finding ways to get to high platforms, and so on, as well as a few levels and sub-levels where the action is exclusively vertically-scrolling.

                    It looks like Yoshi's Island, but after a while you realise it isn't quite the same game: more vertical play, more secrets, and three babies with different abilities.


                      It stinks like a tramps bum. No game has let me down as badly as this ever. I feel totally betrayed by nintendo. I got to one part on world 1 where you get to ride in the pouch of some kind of kangaroo type thing. OH MY DEAR GOD. what the ****... Although it was only a primitive sprite made from a limited colout palette and just a handful of pixels it managed to infuriate me more than the time my house was burgled and the thieves took everything I owned in the world. It is truly woeful and the deciding factor that made me decide never to play the stinking piece of filth ever again. That **** coloured, sad eyed, poorly drawn, wankly animated piece of garbage does not belong in any nintendo game.

                      This gets my vote as worst game ever. I see it as a kick in the bollocks to anyone who loved yoshi's island.


                        it clearly is not as bad as all that it is a fun little platforming games hardly the dire travesty it could have been.


                          Originally posted by boxhead
                          This gets my vote as worst game ever.
                          If I'd never played (or more importantly, paid for) a game worse than this one, I'd be a very happy man.


                            right, ok, technically it's not 'the worst game ever' but in context with the mighty yoshi's island then I think it IS definately is the worst game ever. So much wasted potential. It's like if nintendo bought 'gex: undercover gecko' for the playstation, put a red cap on our retarded reptilian chum and changed the name to super mario 64 2 then it would be the same thing. If there is a god out there, please prove it by killing all of artoon.


                              What is it you object to, apart from the kangaroo? Seriously. Because I think they've got the game mechanics just about right - the *feel*, the way Yoshi controls, along with the fact that all the elements that made the first game great are present here along with others (new characters, more vertical movement, for example). It's those others you could argue as being redundant, and there's an occasional quibble re the blind spot between screens, but apart from that I can't see a thing wrong with it...

