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Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops

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    done a little bit more tonight, dont really want to rush too much, as i need to drag it out till christmas.
    got a couple of recruits now. one ordinary soldier that i did myself rather haphazardly. and one officer looking bloke called 'orangutan', which i found through my wifi. off to find a doctor next.

    not really sure how i'm suppossed to use them without acting suspiciously though. other soldiers still seem to spot me if i run or walk, with or without weapons. i guess its only usefull at a distance?


      Only got up to capturing my first solider but im not over impressed with the camera maybe Ill get used to it but at the moment its not good.


        Not feeling the love just yet, struggling with the camera and feel my view is too restricted.


          Try holding down 'L' guys, it's a lock-on function and helps no-end I've found since discovering it last-night.


            Got this the other day, i've recruited Jonathan, but he got nailed, so started again, (shame the game does not allow multiple saves) fortunately i'd saved it before I started the mission with him, I like it, (goodness knows why Sony did not encourage Konami to release this before xmas in europe though... )


              This turned up today and so far it plays really well. Anyone know how you get online with the infrastructure mode?


                One of the games I am interested in for the PSP. How many cut-scenes have you guys had yet?
                I may pick this up with a PSP when they both are cheap.


                  I love this game, why the hell they didn't make it before the two turn based titles god only knows. This is easily the best PSP game I've played this year if not ever.

                  The controls are a bit fiddly, but not enough to cause me any substantial grief and a couple of issues aside it controls like MGS. They certainly feel no worse than Syphon Filter, although I can understand how the camera may give some players grief.

                  So far the missions are the perfect size for a portable game, with each just about the right length for a 45min train journey to work. The codecs and cutscenes are still plentiful, but tend to get to the point quite quickly which is what you want when time is limited.

                  The wireless features are brilliant, hunting down access points to collect new squad members is soon to become a hobby of mine. The management system and inventory works really well, its great fun just getting new recruits, kitting them out and placing them in the right sections for their profession.

                  I love the fact that you can setup those recruits you want to trade, set the PSP to sleep mode and have it trade automatically if you're in the area of another player. Can only hope this sells well enough over here that I'll actually see some fruits from this.

                  Can't wait to get online with my squad and see what happens in the standard deathmatch and cyber survival modes.


                    There's some cheating going where that's concerned apparently. People with hacked 999 Level players.


                      Will just have to setup private matches then Shame though.

                      Any idea which part of the multiplayer they're cheating on? Just put my Cyber survival team online last night, don't quite like the idea of them getting nailed by lvl 999 players.

                      EDIT: Got home tonight and withdrew my team from their first online encounter. Turned out I won my first survival battle and acquired a new member
                      Last edited by Riskbreaker; 20-12-2006, 18:46.


                        Originally posted by J0e Musashi View Post
                        Somebody please fully explain the GPS function. I had been waiting sooooooooo long for this, and lo and behold when it arrives my PSP self bricks. Not sure I have the fundage to get another until the new year either.
                        I'm really behind the times on this one but I've just started playing Portable Ops.. (well, started and finished a solid 24 hours later - I can't recall if I took a break or not - HOOKED). However this question still hasn't been answered! The GPS works by plotting out random soldier points on a radar screen, then you have to walk around to get them in the centre of the scope.. the catch is that the scope has no representation of scale or landmarks/geographical features etc.. the scale is actually very large so every time I go out to use this I come back 2+ hours later having trekked much farther than I originally planned. I'm getting to see parts of Osaka I would never have visited otherwise, haha

                        I absolutely love the style of the cutscenes, and I also love the idea that through all this 'recruiting' you are creating Big Boss's army. If Snake Eater showed us why Big Boss turned against the US, then maybe this is explaining why he gained all his followers!

                        One thing I really don't like, and that's the trailing camera. I avoided ever playing Subsistence because I didn't like the sound of the new camera, and this confirms my fears. But it's not for the reasons I thought - I figured it would make the stealth too easy, but really it severely hampers the CQC. When you drop a guard at your feet in a cramped environment you often drop him out of the camera's perspective, which makes it really hard to figure out his position to grab him when he stands up again. Bleeeehh.

                        But apart from that gripe the game is tremendous!


                          Started this on the Vita after hating the camera on the PSP. Remapped it to the second analogue stick and it is a lot better.

                          Played a couple of hours, taking it slow and capturing everyone in every level. The game is fairly simple so far. Take a team in equipped with tranq guns, capture everyone and then advance. I'm sure once bosses turn up it will get more difficult though.

                          Interesting to go back to this and see the evolution of the recruitment and base building from this to Peace Walker to Phantom Pain.

                          I cheesed the game a bit and got all the passwords for the extra soldiers to recruit so I now have all the bosses in the game working for me as well as Ocelot, Eva, Zero and the women from the Ac!d series.

                          Not a great game with some generic and uninteresting characters, a lack of voice acting and fairly light weight gameplay but I'm enjoying another dose of MGS before Phantom Pain arrives.

