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Earth Defense Forces 3 - Chikyuu Boueigun 3

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    You doing it on co-op? VP and I needed at least 8000 health each to do all the later missions on Inferno. He had to put in 2 weeks of armour whoring before we could nail those boys.


      Nope, no co-op for me. My mate took one look at the framerate and me getting raped on 48 on Inferno and said no way. Best I can manage is setting P2 up with ZE guns and ZE launchers, sticking them in place and hoping he's alive for a reload.

      I'll try farming 52 in Easy to get my health up - it coughs up fair bit more than 29 (about 800-1000 an hour). From what I can discern, I should already have the Lysander F by now, since the game is supposed to give it up in Hardest but it obviously wasn't feeling generous.


        Originally posted by anephric View Post
        Nope, no co-op for me. My mate took one look at the framerate and me getting raped on 48 on Inferno and said no way. Best I can manage is setting P2 up with ZE guns and ZE launchers, sticking them in place and hoping he's alive for a reload.

        I'll try farming 52 in Easy to get my health up - it coughs up fair bit more than 29 (about 800-1000 an hour). From what I can discern, I should already have the Lysander F by now, since the game is supposed to give it up in Hardest but it obviously wasn't feeling generous.
        tell yer mate hes a fag!


          Got this today, JESUS this game is fun!!

          EDIT: More...

          Been playing co-op, basically went to level 11 from the start on easy. On level 7 we could kill the UFO's because our rocket launchers were homing ones, no matter how hard we tried they went for the Ants til I had a brainwave...I'd make sure the Ants ALL died then when the UFO's opened up (we were stuck on the last one) and we both switches to rockets and took the ****er down...oh the satisfaction, we'd farmed the level dry we'd been on it so long, we upped our health from 265 to about 440!!!

          Then we got a bit further and found...THE ROBOTS!! Oh my, the explosions...the screen shaking, this is just...

          This is built for co-op, it's perfect, a budget game that pisses all over most of the full priced games.

          If this had ONLINE co-op it'd possibly be my game of the year, it's just balls deep, outrageous fun that doesn't take itself seriously and is about as much fun as is possible to have with a gamepad!
          Last edited by Jebus; 31-05-2007, 18:28.


            Yeah, had that problem as well - for some reason I had a weak assault rifle and an air tortoise, my brother grenades and an air tortoise. Had to pound the UFOs with the assault rifle which took a while on medium while trying to fight off the stuff on the ground.

            Struggling on hard, gone back to easy to boost my health although it's a bit too easy...having said that it's rather satisfying being able to blow most things up in a single shot with even just a semi decent weapon.



              This game is the worst best () game ever.





                I've finally had to resort to farming - I unlocked the C70 bomb which is so stupidly powerful (for my inventory) that 9 times out of 10 I detonated too fast and killed myself

                However, it's perfect for level 44 - drop all ten down the pit, MEX Emerald for any spiders that climb up and simply detonate. Best so far is killing all the spiders bar four in one round of explosives. Then drop down and pick up the goodies...praying for a new rocket or missile launcher but keeping getting ZE guns at the moment.



                  I sold this as I got really annoyed at Level 29...

                  Then rebought it because I can't have a game with 300/1000 gamerscore when I was 70%+ through the game!

                  Now at 88%, I can't do three levels on Hardest, am on level 20 on Inferno, going to go round a friends soon and do those three levels coop as it's impossible otherwise. Only just broke the 4000 barrier.


                    Is item farming that important in EDF3?
                    In EDF2 (aka Global Defence Force, yes it's out for PS2 in the UK finally) we've only harvested items for ca. 2 hours over the course of the game and we're at 96% completion (we both have around 2000 health).

                    PS: Is there a maximum health restriction (maybe 9999)?


                      Originally posted by Ryo Saeba View Post
                      Is item farming that important in EDF3?
                      In EDF2 (aka Global Defence Force, yes it's out for PS2 in the UK finally) we've only harvested items for ca. 2 hours over the course of the game and we're at 96% completion (we both have around 2000 health).

                      PS: Is there a maximum health restriction (maybe 9999)?
                      Yes, it's mega important! 6000+ needed on co-op, unless you're a strategic whizz-kid.

                      Dunno about a restriction. 9999 is enough to do anything on the game, mind.


                        6000+? That sounds ridiculous.. how long does it take to farm enough items?

                        I remember completing EDF1 in coop with not even half the amount of health.
                        So is this game harder than its predecessors?

                        Is there also an unlockable Impossible difficulty like in EDF2?


                          No, Inferno is the hardest. If you choose the right levels to farm (as have been mentioned) you could get youself up to that within a week of diligent play. I'm at that level, but I have to be honest and say that I can't see myself going back to complete the last 6 levels I've got remaining in Inferno. It's just too frustrating.


                            Originally posted by Ryo Saeba View Post
                            6000+? That sounds ridiculous.. how long does it take to farm enough items?

                            I remember completing EDF1 in coop with not even half the amount of health.
                            So is this game harder than its predecessors?

                            Is there also an unlockable Impossible difficulty like in EDF2?
                            It took Vanpebble 80 hours to complete, and half those levels were done on co-op.

                            It may be that we're tactical inbreds and just really **** at the game, but the latter difficulty levels required major armour whoring.

                            No unlockable difficulty thank god - though I reckon the Inferno of edf3 isn't far off the impossible of edf2 on some stages


                              If you choose the right levels to farm (as have been mentioned) you could get youself up to that within a week of diligent play.
                              That sounds rather awful.. the item farming we did (maybe up to an hour a couple of times) was painful and boring enough, I think I couldn't get myself to do that.
                              EDF1 was really a cakewalk in Co-Op and while EDF2 is friggin hard (and I'd say unbeatable in single player), I still rather try levels over and over, until we find the right weapon combination and/or plan to beat it.
                              I think the best levels are those nonlinear ones, where you're free to move. It gets rather tactical and you have to come up with unusual solutions.

                              For example in one level, where you're facing ****loads of spiders in a destroyed city. You can't run away or kill all of them before they reach you, cause they're so damn fast and the only vehicle is placed right in the middle of the map next to the spiders. Even worse, when you've killed a certain number, another pack of them appears. So we had to come up with something. There were still a handful of buildings left, so I (the jetpack-girl) flew around from building to building, drawing the attention of the spiders to me. I couldn't rest too long on a building, cause those creepy critters can climb them, but it was always just long enough to refill my jetpack energy and fly to the next one. Of course I couldn't shoot, cause that would let the next pack of spiders appear and I didn't have energy to spare anyway. So while I did this, my mate (marine-guy) jumped like a maniac to reach the tank in the center of the map as fast as possible. We would then meet there, I'd fly of the nearby building, while finally shooting the spiders behind me and land on his tank.
                              After that he cruised around the edge of the map, with me standing on top of the tank, shooting missiles like there's no tomorrow.

                              We're way over 80 hours in EDF2 right now, but as said not that far of a way to go (96&#37.
                              Every level has been completed in Co-Op, cause in single player I've even had problems in some of the levels on normal difficulty.

                              And Impossable is just Inferno with health capped at 1000 (for the Marine) and 500 (for Palewing), so item farming isn't an option anymore ^_-

                              Last edited by Ryo Saeba; 12-07-2007, 14:58.



                                And Impossable is just Inferno with health capped at 1000 (for the marine) and 500 (for Palewing), so it's all about weapon selection and skill and not about farming ****loads of power-ups ^_-
                                lol that's me skanked then - it is as it says . Kudos for managing that!

                                Don't get me wrong, some of the later levels of EDF3 are all about weapon choice and strategy, and took us 10-20 goes at least to work them out, but there are also the levels where this just isn't enough - you need the health to survive in order to implement the strategy.

                                One in particular, mission 51, has invisible walls, so you can only run-and-gun for a set distance before having to camp out the ZER guns and use lysanders. Health was the key to winning that one for us - we did the same strategy, which almost worked a dozen times, with 1000 extra health and nailed it. Any other strategy was a hair-tearing failure.

                                If you can find the right levels for it, item farming can be very therapeutic! It reminds you, after 20 defeats, that you CAN actually beat a level on inferno. Plus, there are some great levels that lend to repeated play extremely well, like the beach one.

