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Earth Defense Forces 3 - Chikyuu Boueigun 3

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    You need the health boost because in Inferno you only have to be touched by a spider, even on earlier levels, and it can drain 3-4000 health in a millisecond. It's v. annoying.


      Originally posted by anephric View Post
      You need the health boost because in Inferno you only have to be touched by a spider, even on earlier levels, and it can drain 3-4000 health in a millisecond. It's v. annoying.
      Yeah the spiders are absolute dwads on inferno!


        Well it took 55 hours, but I have successfully completed the game on Inferno mode...

        Now two weapons left to find, the weapon you get once completed it on Inferno just 0wns...


          Mega kudos.

          Boss time too.

          Kendra > God



            I must pay tribute to the 20 or so EDF Ranger squad members I used as a human shield in the last mission while hiding in the corner sniping the weak spot.

            Now it's time to go home for a bite to eat, after showing those ants what us humans are made of!


              Yeah, fatty and his buddies certainly earnt their places in the EDF hall of fame.


                I liked killing the commander so that the soldiers would follow you instead, and you could use them as bait


                  1000/1000... had to farm level 40 non stop to the point I was doing it without any thought what so ever, 25 times in a row, but I got those two weapons!

                  So final stats:
                  Stamina: 5886 (250-300 of that was through farming after completeing the game)
                  Weapons: 171
                  Completion: 100%
                  Time: 54hours, 49 minutes and 6 seconds

                  Amazing, a game that cost less than £20 and I've played it for 54 hours...


                    Woah. Well done mate! Nice work there. Thats some hefty hours put in!

                    I think I got to level 3 before being side-tracked by other games Must pick it up again.


                      Kudos for finishing the game on inferno, I'm still struggling with it on hardest - I think I need to get more health but just don't have the patience for it at the moment.



                        I've got 5 levels to finish on Inferno but having real trouble with them. Not doing this is co-op, have 4000 health and the best sniper and the assualt rifle that does 700 a round. So it's the last mission, 52-inferno, 51-convergence, 49-elite and 48-wrath. Tips for them then?


                          4,000 health and five missions to go? Woa, nice.

                          Level 48: Just stay at the beginning, surround yourself with ZEXR-Guns and Stingray (or assault rifle) for longer range - concentrate on spiders and use your EDF as human shields.

                          Level 49: Sniper + ZEXR Guns - Get the attention of one with the sniper, then lay down the guns to hopefully do some more damage as they come in to attack.

                          Level 51: Slowly attack one at a time, but do try and pick them off at the start with the Lysander Z, very difficult mission this one...

                          Level 52: ZEXR-Guns and Lysander Z - Take out the first wave, make sure your guns are reloaded before you kill the last Hector with the sniper (make sure you have ample bullets left when the hector dies to take down at least one of the UFOs, put down the ZEXR-Guns and wait till absolutely necessary before deploying them, stay well back to where your EDF Reinforcements arrive, they should help in taking down the second wave).

                          Level 53: Start, kill the UFOs immediatley (if you can, take one out when the map instantly starts, but you gotta be clever), Take out the hectors, run to the far edge of the map (behind where you started, there's a barrier there to left) and you can take out the mothership from there - you can also destroy some of the laser cannons on the mothership to stop them attacking you while the pink bit is not exposed.... the EDF will be your human shield for 99% of these missions....


                            Thank's Kendra, will try these tonight


                              Almost did level 48, died on the last wave of spiders. Figured I'd die on the easiest wave too. Still can't do the last level despite your idea though. My guys don't last long after you destroy the drill gun...thing. Too much gun fire on that level, once the mothership opens up I'm boned within 3 minutes.


                                Pebbles and I did the last level in co-op. Lysanders to knack the walkers and the big ufo. One person has homers to knack the little ufos. When the biggie is whupped it sends the shields around, one person *ahem* attracts the purple energy bolts while running madly away, the other hides with an edf squad to take out each shield panel individually and any ufos that come their way. After most shields have been knacked, destroy the red half-ball and it raises big 'legs'. They can be knacked at the little red bit on each one - lysanders ftw! Then I think you knack the red half-ball again.

                                It's slow doing it this way but truly epic. Use buildings for cover and take the time to knack most of the shield panels and little ufos.

