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StarWars KOTOR

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    Originally posted by scottcr
    argh... the decisions...

    I want it asap, which means an import xbox version, but, then I'll miss the live updates (can't go live with my chip enabled)... so... I'll probably wait until the PC version comes out.
    I've come to understand that you can turn your xbox into a us region one through config magic, so you could change it, turn off mod chip, boot the game, get live stuff and then go back afterwards and change back to UK. I'm going to give it a try anyway (unless they won't like a UK live going in for US live content)


      PC version not out until November! Looks like MS got some limited exclusivity deal again..

      I suspect the PC version will be better with a more upgradable future with expansion packs. However, I would suspect that Live downloads would have to be relatively small.. no loaded DVD with an entire new massive quest.

      So... I could get the US version this week (got a friend in the states RIGHT NOW!) on Xbox and play it on my modded 'box. But I really have concerns about getting any updates... I'm not sure that it will be possible and in order to encourage live uptake come re-subscription time, I'd assume that they won't be available on cover disks...

      Oh what to do.. what to do...

      I could always get xbox now and see how it pans out and get PC version later, however, it's likely to be one of those games that I'd be loath to go right back to the beginning again.

      How different, graphically, is the PC one panning out?


        Not seen or heard anything about the PC version, but I assume it will look much the same.

        Originally when Bioware stated the Xbox will get the game first, they mentioned that the PC version would be less arcadey to suit the market. I am not sure if this is still true, but it explains some of the delay.


          The big question is: what lightsaber combo is everyone going to chose!?

          I might go for the classic single blade in red (oh, yes, I will be crossing over to the dark side )


            Haha, i'll be running around with a red saber, representin for the dark side.

            Ah, morning and I'm about to make breakfast... thought I'd share an interesting KOTOR tidbit for all before getting ready for work.

            I was talking to Aaron the other day and I was like "Hey, where did you find this party member?" And he told me and it was a planet I hadn't been to yet. No big. But then he pointed at a member I already had and asked where to get her. I told him you get her early on during Jedi training. You have to fight her and then convince her to return to the Light Side.

            Why didn't aaron have her? He's playing Dark Side and chose to kill her. Yeah. He killed her. She's dead. Not in the game anymore. Not part of his party. Never can become a member.

            And more interesting, one of the Jedi gave him major hate for killing the girl instead of turning her to the Light Side. And eventually Aaron had to fight that Jedi.

            Meanwhile, in my game, this chic is giving me props for getting this girl to return to the Academy and pursue the Light Side again.

            Now that's cool.




                Right, that's IT.

                *puts KOTOR to top of his 'To Buy' list*



                  "June 15: THINKING OUT LOUD
                  There's only one game I care about this week:
                  Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic
                  on Xbox, which should be hitting stores just as you read
                  this. Personally, I've spent only a brief few minutes with
                  it, but based on the rave reviews it's getting around here,
                  I can only assume that my evenings for the next few weeks
                  will be quite busy. Review scores aside, it's the comments
                  people have been making that have me particularly psyched
                  for the game. That, and the fact that BioWare have never
                  made a crappy game, ever. At least, not to the best of my

                  "The best Star Wars tale since Empire," was one of the
                  first comments I heard. "What the new movies should have
                  been," is something I'm sure we'll hear from a lot of people.

                  Star Wars lore aside, it's comments like "the best Xbox
                  game since Halo" that should really get us all juicy. I
                  hear that The Man With the Plan, Captain Xbox, Mr. Ed Fries,
                  has also been appropriately jubilant about the game.
                  Everyone who's seen it, played it, or heard of it seems
                  thoroughly pumped up and excited. I've heard it's not
                  scored less than nine out of 10 in any review so far, and
                  it's getting full 10 out of 10 scores from more than one

                  The reasons to be excited about this game are more
                  significant than for just about anything else on the
                  system right now. 1) It's really frickin' good. 2) It's
                  a good Star Wars story, and we haven't seen one of those
                  for a long time. 3) It's a good RPG, something we're
                  starved for on Xbox. 4) Not only is it a really good Star
                  Wars-based RPG, it also boasts a ton of gameplay (about 50
                  hours if you really dig in). And it's done in such a way
                  that there's a pretty good reason to want to go back and
                  play it twice, depending on whether you do the good Force/bad
                  Force thing the first time through.
                  I'm setting myself up for a nasty fall here.


                    Im torn on this game. On the one hand I dont like RPG's and didnt enjoy playing Balders Gate (although I didnt play it extensively), yet it actually sounds really good and for once a developer might be using the Star Wars license properly.


                      Awwww go on. Go on go on go on go on go on go on.

                      Go on.

                      Seen the rotatey screenshots they released? Nice graphics and all that, but I haven't seen a screen like that before. How'd they do it?


                        It's done using Quicktime I believe, quite a nice technique it is too.

                        McFarlane toys use it on their website features, so you can get a 360 degree view of figures or displays.


                          Oh man. I really really cannot wait for this game to arrive. I'm starting to obsess to a ridiculous degree (not that big a Star Wars fan I said earlier, ha ha ha ha ha ha).

                          I've caught myself daydreaming about it on more than one occasion at work today. And I mean proper lost staring slack jawed into space daydreaming. Whoops.


                            yeah i know what you mean Ish, tis gonna be a long weekend waiting for this to arrive

                            those rotatey screens are a great idea, hopefully these can be used for other games, impressive.


                              Is anyone going into this game thinking "i'm gonna be evil!" or the opposite? In games such as this, I tend to start off playing it as myself, but at one point or another I get pissed off and turn incredibly evil within the space of a few minutes.

                              I had +1 good on Black and White and the same for my creature, but after a short game of 'catch' I became horredously evil. Stupid cow decided it couldn't catch a giant rock any more, thus killing an entire village

                              Stupid cow....


                                Definitely choosing the dark side of the force. I normally 'go good' in games where there's a choice, but not this time....

