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StarWars KOTOR

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    I'm so going to be on the dark side that Darth and the Emperor have nothing on me.

    Personally I'm hoping for some cute ewoks. Then I can lop off there heads.


    I'll get me coat.


      Looks like I'm too late for the tronix initial shipment jumped on the bandwagon too late for DVD boxoffice to deliver in a reasonable amount of time as well. Time to play the waiting game

      Gotta be the dark side for me as well, it's just too tempting


        Have you tried NCSX?


          Couldn't see it on there, I'll just wait until Tronix get a second shipment.


            I'm going to be balancing dangerously on the edge of dark and light like everyones favourite mercenary Kyle Katarn.

            Dual orange sabers for me ta.


              Going to the Dark SIde is a weak man's game. Takes real balls to be good...


                Damnit, Tronix's first run is sold out, I knew I should have pre-ordered last night!

                Ah well, at least I know there are others who'll be sitting about waiting like me, misery does love company.

                Light or dark? Hmm, it's a tough one, I think I'll just go with my personal choices in the game and see where it lands me, rather than saying 'I am going to be light/dark Jedi' and trying to tailor every conversation or encounter to build points in that direction.

                As for dual-wielding light sabres, don't you know that's considered sacriligous? A true master only needs one. 8)


                  Do this game use XBOX live or not. I fancy doing the dark side or be Han Solo type character. I am wondering if I can do double agent stuff 8)


                    Surely all this light / dark debate is somewhat moot? Who doesn't steal gold pieces and equipment from peoples homes in RPGs?

                    Even the Avatar nicked stuff!

                    Its a difficult habit to break.

                    Face it we're all doomed to the dark side whether we like it or not

                    (and if people wonder why I'm posting with the speed of a ninja in this thread tonight - i'm stuck behind a keyboard working )


                      Check earlier in the thread for an answer on XBox Live content, Legendary.


                        I'm getting all hyped up about this now, I was quite happily ignoring it's existence a few weeks back and now boom, right up there at high priority.

                        Oh, and just ordered from Tronix The games has Live! downloadable content, so I hope my Config magic switched Xbox works ok with it. I've never tried it before on a US game.


                          I'm going good. ONLY if it's not like Black and White where you make one mistake and you are buggered...

                          ... If that is the case I'm going plundering and killing!


                            Nah, the Devs were quite mindful of this apparently. They made it impossible to attack non-hostile creatures due to the possibility of murdering someone who was integral to a main quest, and being unable to proceed without them.

                            I suspect the wait for this 'second batch' will prove more difficult than I anticipated.


                              Gamespot has given it a 9.1 and an Editors Choice award. Not too shabby...


                                Originally posted by Ish
                                Originally posted by Brats
                                Originally posted by Ish
                                Where I live in the UK (Bedford)
                                Yay! Another Bedfordian . Where abouts in Bedford do you live?

                                I live out the back of Wootton off the A421. How about yourself?
                                I'm in Castle Road, just outside the Town Centre.

                                Have you been to the new import shop in the town? It started off alright at first, but the stock is pretty crappy atm.

