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Crackdown (360)

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    I tried to put this down about 12 last night but ended up playing til half 2 again just doing "one more thing" over and over again!

    So addictive. Now got 31 of the 43 achievements, and putting it on now for some more of the tricky ones.

    One I'm struggling with is getting the jump 115ft high in a car, cant seem to do it anywhere. Any tips for that one? And the 6 car stunts in 60 seconds is tricky too. I tried it at the boss location where ha has lots of jumps in the big warehouse but its too low and my car keeps hitting the ceiling!

    Driving level 4 is just amazing btw, the SUV is stunning. And the jumping on the spot comes in handy!


      The jump 115ft is SO easy mate.

      Read the description carefully, at no point does it mention jumping.

      Easy way :

      Go to one of the shai gen towers and chuck your suv into the lift, make the lift go up and immediately get into you are car and you'll automatically get the achievement because your in a car and higher than 115 feet.

      That's what I love about this game! In NO other game would you even attempt this, yet I managed it and got the achievement by chance. I was originally just going up there to do a massive SUV jump!

      Via that method you can also get the 2 x front flip achievement very easily!!

      I'm slowly getting my driving up to 4* but I'm at three and its become a little annoying because it's slower. The quickest way must be races right? If I weren't so **** at them!

      I think if you unlock an achievement it doesn't matter if you're connected or not!!
      Last edited by Jebus; 26-02-2007, 11:28.


        really shouldn't have read this thread at work, it's just made me want to go back on the game >_< I put it on about 8:30 last night for a couple of hours before bed, then was still playing it after 1am.

        First total and utter killer app on the 360 for me. Really can't recommend this game enough, even to people who aren't fans of "sandbox games" they aren't usually my cup of tea, but this game is so superbly designed and put together, and focussed so strongly on having fun, that I don't see how anyone giving it more than half an hour can't get sucked into it's world.


          Originally posted by Rossco View Post
          Having problems:

          Doing the final crime on Shai Gen and it wont finish. Guys keep respawning all the time.
          From the thread it just seems to be me, but I'm really struggling with some of the boss fights. I'd like to approach them in a more strategic way than my, flank around to the boss and kill him approach, but from every boss fight I've had so far it's not been possible to do this because of the respawning. To me it is not possible to move in slowly, take down certain guards with snipes from a distance and then move in to take out more upclose and kill the boss, as by the time you get their those you've killed have respawned and it is just another massive bar fight ! I think enemy spawning would be my only complaint about the game so far. I realise that as this ubber cop it would not be fun if you were not dramatically out numbered, but the fact you can only bring those numbers down for a short period, is taking allot of the fun out of the boss encounters to me. The time trial option for redoing the boss fights is a good idea to me, but with a limited amount of tactical ways to approach them, I'm not sure how much fun (atleast in SP) it is going to be to do them over and over again !


            TT'ing the bosses is brilliant fun and you do find ways to cut the time - You get a big area to play with !!!

            As for respawning enemies are you taking out the HR/Recruitment general beforehand ? This makes the numbers more manageable.

            I find they tend to fall quite quickly depending on how evolved you are !


              Genius. Why did I not think of that! Cheers Jebus.

              Got it now, tried to take it up to the top of the Shai Gen building. Got to the big yellow bell things and my SUV exploded. After there its easy too, I'll try again another time.


                Originally posted by Yoshimax-UK View Post
                As for respawning enemies are you taking out the HR/Recruitment general beforehand ? This makes the numbers more manageable.
                Have to give that a try ! I just find I can have a gang of 5 guys kill them move off to kill a few more, and then those 5 guys are back again. Maybe I'm just crap at the game though, and concocting things to cover that up


                  Originally posted by Yoshimax-UK View Post
                  TT'ing the bosses is brilliant fun and you do find ways to cut the time - You get a big area to play with !!!

                  As for respawning enemies are you taking out the HR/Recruitment general beforehand ? This makes the numbers more manageable.

                  I find they tend to fall quite quickly depending on how evolved you are !

                  There's nothing better kicking the **** out of em' and watching their energy disappear after a good shoeing.


                    Originally posted by Smegaman View Post
                    really shouldn't have read this thread at work, it's just made me want to go back on the game >_< I put it on about 8:30 last night for a couple of hours before bed, then was still playing it after 1am.

                    First total and utter killer app on the 360 for me. Really can't recommend this game enough, even to people who aren't fans of "sandbox games" they aren't usually my cup of tea, but this game is so superbly designed and put together, and focussed so strongly on having fun, that I don't see how anyone giving it more than half an hour can't get sucked into it's world.
                    You thread is just like mine and loads of others. They really have done a wonderful job of this game. I also note that quite a few people I "Trust" on these boards (The ones who give open and honest views, and are often critical of games) have been really impressed with Crackdown.

                    Last night I saw Spatial go online and I have a half hour before zzzzz land so figured I'd send him an invite.

                    Coop the game is very very amusing. Spatial drove the super car at 200mph and I sat on top letting rip with my firefly....

                    Even just jumping around the place like lunatics was great fun.

                    We did one boss (second island) and secured one supply point, but on the boss fight Spatial was very careful to just cause mayham and not jump in with his uber skills and take the boss out. Playing with a thoughtful buddy like that is great. But I would caution against playing your map with someone who will just take everything out.

                    I think that I will do the vast majority of missions solo, and then try for some achievements and general mayhem coop.

                    I think I will have the game completed in about 25 hours, and maybe another 10-20 hours of coop fun.

                    A game doesn't need to be 200 hours long to be a hit with me, and the superb save system and length of the game suit me hands down.

                    I have been so pissed off with Ubi soft recently, where I felt they were pushing games that could have been "Amazing" too early, so I ended up playing games that whilst being really good, they are too short and too buggy.

                    Crackdown has it's faults, but the end product is so well done, so enjoyable and so visually incredible, that it honestly feels like a GOTY title. (And believe me, I don't say that lightly!)

                    If I was reviewing the game, I would be seriously considering a 10.


                      Originally posted by Simmy View Post
                      Have to give that a try ! I just find I can have a gang of 5 guys kill them move off to kill a few more, and then those 5 guys are back again. Maybe I'm just crap at the game though, and concocting things to cover that up
                      Definitely having this problem when running around some areas of the city and normally end up swamped and killed. Gets annoying TBH


                        Jebus, where is an elevator please?


                          Only scratched the surface with this so far but **** me if it aint just a playground of immense possibilities. Spending most of my time carrying out some free running / roof jumping action and absolutely loving every second of it. Taken out a few bosses but I always seem to get side tracked by an orb I spot, then another orb, then another 2 orbs, then a fight breaks out, then 6 orbs, hehe.

                          Loving the simplicity of the game aswell... its just pure mindless fun with all the uniniteresting stat management things you dont care about going in the background!! It just leaves you to jump, fly, land, climb, drive and fight your way to a fantastic gaming experience.

                          It might not have a structured campaign but it really doesn't need it. Its just a fairground of rides and experiences that few games have been able to come close to in the past.

                          Gonna be on most nights this week to get some co-op action on the go and hit the achievements and can see this one sticking in my collection for a good while.

                          2 words... limitless fun!!
                          Last edited by Mardigan8; 26-02-2007, 13:11.


                            Originally posted by Ciaran View Post
                            Definitely having this problem when running around some areas of the city and normally end up swamped and killed. Gets annoying TBH
                            Glad it's just not me, absolutely loving the game on so many levels, but the spawning to me could of been a little better handled. I quite often load into a supply point, stand there for a few seconds and then a gang of guys magically appears in front of me. Swear these gangs have gotten themselves beaming technology


                              Originally posted by Ciaran View Post
                              Definitely having this problem when running around some areas of the city and normally end up swamped and killed. Gets annoying TBH
                              Is this after the first Gang then? I assumed they all respawned but found as I took more and more bosses out, there were fewer henchmen around and when storming the main boss of Los Meurtos or whatever it is, I found once I killed gang members, I was able to clear the area completely leaving me clear to nuke the bosses.


                                Originally posted by Jebus View Post
                                I'm slowly getting my driving up to 4* but I'm at three and its become a little annoying because it's slower. The quickest way must be races right? If I weren't so **** at them!
                                Playing this with Gradius yesterday; we discovered the best (quickest) way of increasing the driving skill was to get the agency truck cab and run down the Shai Gen gangs. The area where you emerge from the tunnel has quite a few gang members on the road. Once you've got a few they all come after you. You can sometimes get 4 or 5 at a time, which really starts the driving skill meter moving!!

