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Kororinpa - Wii

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    Just found a interesting secret.

    On the stage select screen press, Up, Right, Down, Left, Right, Down, Left, Up

    It brings up a strange password screen. No idea what its for, more mystery awaits (^_^)


      I think this is the best Wii game so far and makes very good use of the Wii Remote but isn't without flaws.

      I have got about 5 Gold trophies and the rest are Silver trophies on the main (single player) mode but after trying for 30 minutes, I still can't do number 43 because you have to around not one, not two but three uneven wall-less road curves where the enjoyment factor goes down and frustration takes over.

      I only need one more green gem and finish that last maze to 'complete' the game.

      I have also found out that you need 25 Gold trophies to unlock the last five stages, which also means you can unlock the last secret stage too.

      The music in this game is absolutely wonderful!


        Originally posted by The Mole View Post
        The game is 100% what Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz should have been. This game ozzes thoughtfullness in both the level design and the camera which is essential to a game of this nature.
        Completely agree.

        I popped into woolies last thursday and was surprised to see boxes and boxes of Kororinpa - I'd written it off as a japanese only title ages ago. Anyhoo - the only reason I haven't posted since then is because i've been plaing this ever spare second - it's great.

        Not only do I agree with Mr Mole (Kororinpa game craps over Banana Blitz in every way), but I think it surpasses the orginal smb, a game I absolutely love to pieces. The controls are blindingly good - I honestly didn't think it'd be possible to be so precise with the Wiimote - and everything about the game oozes charm and care.

        The lack of fullscreen 16:9 is a minor annoyance.

        So far this is the most single player fun I've had with the Wii, and I really can't think of a better sit down and chill out game.

        oh, I also found playing Kororinpa 2 handed works very well - right hand lightly gripping the underside of the wiimote with fingertips, with the left hand right at the back for those 45 degree turns.

        I'd buy a sequel without hesitation.
        Last edited by H-Man; 04-03-2007, 12:03.


          I agree with all of your well explained points H-Man.

          Originally posted by H-Man View Post
          The lack of fullscreen 16:9 is a minor annoyance.
          I nearly choked on my tea when I saw the big boarders when the game boot-up for the first time and is the only Wii game where I am forced to use the 4:3 screen-size.

          It doesn't bother me now though simply because the game is far too charming and enjoyable to care.

          I wonder if there are any guides floating around the net where you can view the specific times required to get the Gold trophy times. Does anybody happen to know if there is one awaiting to be of use?


            I found setting the screen size to 4:3 in the game menu and using a 14:9 stretch on the tele works great.


              thanks for the feedback guys, i'll be picking this up tomorrow.


                First time I'm glad I got a PAL Wii:

                US Kororinpa boxart... ugh

                Stil enjoying the game. Thanks to the great controls multiplayer is fun for everyone!


                  I've played about an hour of this, and I'm not too impressed so far. I was hoping for some fast, precise, edge-of-seat gameplay, like the original Super Monkey Ball... but it seems that Kororinpa can't go much faster than a brisk trundle, even when tilting the level 85 degrees.

                  Does this get much more exciting after the first 15 levels?
                  And does anyone know how it compares to Mercury Meltdown?


                    this game gives me brain pain.


                      Picked this up today after GameStation dropped the price to a more reasonable ?24.99 after reports of it being a fairly simple/short game.

                      Fairly impressed so far, it keeps you coming back with that 'one more go' factor similar to the original Super Monkey Ball on the Cube. Only played it for about an hour and up to level 19 and unlocked 2 secret levels so far plus quite a few of the extra balls.

                      Cute boxart too - unlike the US version!


                        Theres a lot of replay contrary to the people that just whizzed through. Getting enough gold cups to unlock the last 5 levels was quite a challenge.

                        The last 5 levels are pretty big too & well worth unlocking. Managed to unlock all the levels & now im just clearing them all in mirror mode im up to 84% cleared on my save file.


                          I am so torn over this game, On one hand it feels like a total rip off due to the shortness.
                          On the other hand it is just a total dream to play. The levels constantly put a smile on my face, unlike the monstrosities found in Banana Blitz.
                          In fact this is what BB should have been, with extra levels of course.

                          I am not one for replaying levels normally but the green crystal element, and geting the gold cups are really fun ways to pass the time.

                          Some levels are just outstanding. The best collction I think are the Day Town levels.

                          The last 5 bonus levels are jaw dropping too, SOOO much fun to play through.

                          Beautiful music, relaxing gameplay, I love this game in spite of its length.

                          Would it be too much to ask, technologically speaking, to get a level editor in this type of game? Like elebits sort of thing.?


                            I'm loving it, but probably coming from a different angle to a lot of people. Playing through the whole thing 2-player with my girlfriend. She's a decent gamer - played halo, tony hawk etc, but does like the simple stuff. We can compete on a pretty even field, and it's great fun!
                            Would recommend strongly for anyone else who's got a partner where they could play through like this.


                              I apologise for the poor photo quality but look at what I managed to do yesterday:

                              I expected something at least for 100%-ing the game but, nothing.

                              Oh well, at least I played and enjoyed the game as much as any other Wii game I own so far.


                                Originally posted by Psyduck View Post
                                I'm loving it, but probably coming from a different angle to a lot of people. Playing through the whole thing 2-player with my girlfriend. She's a decent gamer - played halo, tony hawk etc, but does like the simple stuff. We can compete on a pretty even field, and it's great fun!
                                Would recommend strongly for anyone else who's got a partner where they could play through like this.
                                That's what I did! Its great that you can play through the whole game 2 player right from the start. Usually you have to unlock levels in 1 player which would have been a drag.

                                ET- you are such a completionananist. Is that all time trials golded? SICK.

