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SSX Blur [Wii]

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    SSX Blur [Wii]

    So, after all the to-ing and fro-ing, I decided to pick this up after all. I'm not a huge fan of the series (But I am a fan) and I suck balls at the games, but for some reason ever since I saw this running with the controls I've been really looking forward to it.

    So there's a few options you have when you first start it up. You can run through the tutorial (Recommended), which is about 8 sets of tasks ranging from stopping within a certain area all the way up to performing a couple of Ubertricks on a couple of ramps, there's a multiplayer option (Hot seat or splitscreen, neither of which I've tried), there's a Quick Play option (Which I understand allows you to run though everything you've unlocked in the career mode - again, not tried this mode) and the career mode itself, which I'll be concentrating on here.

    When you first launch into career mode you create a profile, and all of the bits and pieces you unlock (Characters, gear, peaks etc...) are available to the profile. There seems to be room for three profiles on the select screen but I think I recall the manual saying you can create more than that.

    If you've played SSX3 (And, I assume, On Tour) you'll be familiar with the layout. You start on Peak 1 in a free-ride mode and you board/ski down the hill, collecting 'Ubercollectibles' (Which, when you've collected enough of one type, unlock new Ubertrick moves) and branching off different routes for different events (If you hit the + button it brings up the pause menu, where you can select the map, which shows you where you need to go along with the event types etc...). There are also other special collectibles that start challenges (Hit A when prompted) and you can jump into one of the signs to start any tournaments you have access to (Which are unlocked at points intervals - points being gained by winning things, natch).

    Events consists of Half-Pipe (Most points gained within the time limit), Race (Duh!), Big-Air (Most points gained within a short section of a slope), Slalom (As you'd expect - and *really* ****ing hard. Time added for missing gates) and a couple of others that are a mixture of one or two other types. On top of this, the tournaments consist of two different events each with 3 heats (You skip straight to the third heat if you finish in the top 3 in heat 1). You need to be first overall not to lose the tournament. You gain points by just competing in the normal events, but the tournaments are where the points really mount up).

    The controls are interesting. The nunchuks control your movement on the ground. You tilt the analogue stick forwards/backwards to accelerate/brake and to the sides to tweak your direction; you tilt the nunchuk itself to accentuate the movement and carve. Take a little while to get used to, but not too long with it and it becomes very natural. The C button is used only, from what I can tell, to pivot when you're on skis (One note: I don't believe the mechanics alter between boards/skis at all), the Z button boosts when you're on the floor, assuming you have boost available.

    When you want to launch yourself, you flick the nunchuk up (Towards you) and, for the most part after you're in the air, control moves to the remote (The exception being grabs, which are performed with the Z button and tilting the nunchuk whilst in the air). To spin/roll you tilt the remote forwards/backwards/left/right and obviously a combination of these will modify the roll to a diagonal. Ubers are performed by hitting the A button whilst in the air and drawing a shape with the remote. You 'land' all tricks by tapping the A or B buttons - this rights your board assuming you have left enough time for the animation and you're not still tilting the remote.

    Now, most of the comments I've seen on various reviews criticise the Ubers for being too tricky. Personally, I don't agree - there seems to be some keys to the timing though. Firstly it seems as though if you start the gesture too quickly after hitting A it won't register, so leave a split second before starting. Secondly, you cannot draw the shapes too quickly - again it seems as though these will stop it from registering - hard to quantify but you'll get a feel for it eventually. Lastly, you must properly finish the motion before easing off of the A button - same as when starting, leave a split second after you've finished your motion and you should be OK. I can happily perform Uber after Uber on the half-pipes without too much effort.

    The weakest part for me is actually the spin/roll mechanic. To be honest it's hard to perform a specific type of roll with much accuracy (Even the straight forwward/backward roll you would expect to be easy), so I just find myself launching into the air then just waggling the remote a little, then tweaking it with a grab after a while.

    There's a mini-RPG element too in that you can modify your stats at certain points in the game (Sometimes it automatically distributes the points, at others you can add to the four available categories (Edge, Speed, Boost and Trick). There's also a mechanism for throwing snowballs (Hit B, flick the remote forward then release B), which seems largely superfluous for the most part, though it has an auto-aim feature that means it's very useful for picking up the collectibles on the peaks.

    I've not mentioned the groove system because, to be honest, it's little more than a new aesthetic take on the old trick bar. The manual talks it up in that it modifies the trick mechanics at higher levels, but if it does I haven't been able to notice it - all it does is provide a dynamic soundtrack to your experience (Which is silenced completely after getting too low on the meter).

    Anyway I'm loving it. I'm still on the first peak (Completed the first tournament and most of the main challenges on the peak - the second tournament includes a slalom, which is an automatic LOSE!) and I guess I've probably put around 10 hours into it so far (Unheard of for me for a game I've only had for a few days).

    That was more than I was expecting to write, but **** me this forum's been down for AGES! Ask away if you have any questions and I'll do my best to answer.

    Several days since I drafted this edit: Unlocked the second peak now - Slalom's are slightly easier when you realise you're supposed to tilt the controller to turn rather than try and steer with it.

    Nice post mate, was reading about this the last few days and I think I *really* want it now!! Seems like only the second game for me worth buying for the Wii after Zelda so hopefully I can get it soon and bring my Wii back into the action..

    A little off topic but whats the deal with PAL games on US Wii's? If I can pick this up cheap here I'd like to, otherwise I'll just order it on VG+ for £30 which isn't a problem anyway. I'd just like to buy it tomorrow if possible.


      Only the second (non-VC) game I have for the Wii too. I'm pretty sure they're all region locked, sadly.


        Anyone else got this? Would like to hear some more impressions before I take the plunge after that Eurogamer 6/10!


          Eurogamer appears to have given it the lowest score i have seen so far, what my main issue with the game is though, is, what is the multiplayer like, anyone tried it out yet, i loved all the other SSX games and multiplayer was a big part of the game for me and will be on the Wii, so does it work?


            You've obviously not seen the 1Up score!

            Sorry, can't comment on the multiplayer. All I can tell you is that there's an option for split screen and one for 'hot seat' style play.


              got this today, pritty good so far, only bit i dont like is the uber tricks, they take some practise, the turning and carving are excellent thanks to the tilt control on the nunchuck,


                I think its important to address Eurogamers review regarding the controls. This game is gonna get slated for the uber mechanism and to an extent it deserves it because the manual and tutorials are crap. But, the mechanism itself actually works really well.

                First thing most people are going to do is misunderstand how the ubers work. The important point here is you don't have to point at the screen. When I read the directions, the minute I saw that I had to "draw" the moves along with the big example of the Z shape, I immediately thought, "right, got this, I've played Wario Ware, piece of cake". It was only an hour later, absolutely fuming that the control system was pap, that I read the directions again and it clicked. You can point the remote anywhere you like, at the wall to your left or right if you like, as long as you keep it roughly parallel with the floor (this isn't technically true, I was pointing it at the ceiling at one point and it was still working fine) and complete a smooth movement with reasonable speed (not too fast), you'll be pulling off ubers in no time.

                There are actually two uber tutorials, one is accessed using the 1 button from the tutorial section. Use it to simply practise the movements without having to think about boarding at the same time.

                The next point, is that the Uber prompt which appears isn't telling you which trick to do, it's merely telling you to do one of the uber tricks. This is a bit confusing at first, as the tendancy is to assume that the one shown is the one you have to do. Any unlocked tricks can be done at the prompt, so if one trick is a real pig to pull off you can simply avoid it.

                Finally, the Z trick is for some foul reason one of the hardest to get the machine to recognise. I can do a cleft sign, a circle, a heart, the letter M all with ease, but Z is a pain in the arse. So give all the ubers a go, don't worry if you get stuck on one.

                Another tip for generally controlling the game, which I picked up from rllmuk, is to tune the nunchuck settings towards less stick use and more nunchuck bias for steering. It makes carving feel that much smoother is the emphasis is on using the nunchuck.

                Oh yeah, don't use the nunchuck to jump, its a nice idea, but after half hour your arm will hurt from the sudden movements. Instead use the A button and you'll be able to prewind your spins and flips like the days of yore

                I've actually gone from wanting to bin this game after a couple hours play last night, to really enjoying it and collecting golds on the events without too much grief.
                Last edited by Riskbreaker; 17-03-2007, 22:19.


                  You know I think many of the poorer reviews, which obviously centre around 'broken' controls, are indicative of people really not getting the way the controls work. I'm the worst person in the world for tolerating poor controls (Seriously, I am), but after reading the manuals and various posts about the game I didn't find it too hard to pick up at all.

                  It's weird though, because by definition the Ubers should be hard to pull off. I know I used to have a nightmare pulling them off on the PS2.

                  Thanks for the tip on the carving though, will try out the sensitivity setting when I boot the game next.


                    Picked this up yesterday and after a good 5 hour session (Was only meant to be 30 minutes) it appears am, eh, ****en hooked!! Probably the most "Just one more game" feelings I have had in ages.

                    The controls take a bit of getting use to so dont expect to fly straight in and start nailing the ubertricks right away... this game takes practice and sweet timing to nail the big scores so its one you really have to stick with to get the joy out of it.

                    At first I thought the ubertrick mechanic was going to kill the game for me but as I progressed through the "uber training" and found it was ME thats was at fault things started to come together. Within my 5 hour session I went from crashing everywhere and nailing nothing to GOLD on every peak 1 event with some great top scores!!

                    When the controls "clicked" the game just seemed to wash over me and I just couldn't put it down. This "click" term has been used a lot for Wii games it has to be said but it is so true. When things come together on the Wii they really do hit you hard

                    Suppose its like Guitar Hero in that way you struggle at first and look like a monkey, but then you strum a few notes, then a whole tune and 4 hours later you are jumping on the couch and kicking in your sub-woofer. Its that sense of improvement, of power and then finally realising you are getting really good at this game by the end of the session I was timing my jumps perfect, nailing the spins and the ubers then landing and even setting aside time to throw the odd snowball at my opponents. It was fantastic!!

                    The visuals are lush, everything spins along at a furious pace and the effects are superb. It really is all I was expecting and bar the first 30 minutes where I was getting to grips with it my first 5 hour session was pure gaming joy.

                    Give the conrtols a chance and there is an absolute stormer of a game here folks, dont be put off by the complaints, these idiots just obviously cant handle it SSX is back and its better than ever!!


                      I picked this up on Friday after binning in my opinion the dreadful Tiger Woods

                      Haven't gotten to grips with the controls at all yet and am really tempted to take it back and get a refund (Gamestation FTW!!!!), but am going to give it another couple of try's. Will adjust the controls to more stick steering to see of that helps me out (assume its in the options)

                      I really want to like this game as I am in dire need of a different sort of game (FPS's are really starting to grate at the moment)


                        Sounds good from the posts. Seems to be a common problem among Wii games right now, nobody wants to give the controls a chance. Makes you wonder how long these journos spend reviewing games really.

                        So this or Sonic? Can't afford both.


                          Originally posted by MikeF View Post
                          Will adjust the controls to more stick steering to see of that helps me out (assume its in the options)
                          Yeah it's under "Tune nunchuck" or something like that, I think you have to push the 1 button at the control setup to get to it, then just tune it all the way to left. Once you've done that, you can just use the stick to speed up/slow down.

                          I have still got a couple of gripes, but none that are gameplay related. This is the first game where you haven't been able to access/edit the soundtrack, there's some decent tracks in there, but you can't select the damn things.

                          And the characters still haven't got there personality back, sure they look like the regular SSX selection, but they're still all damn mutes, same as On Tour. I wish they'd get back to the first three where they were slagging each off and whooping whilst tricking.


                            Got this ordered now from VG+, hopefully here by end of the week. Really looking forward to it, and I'll be sure to be patient so I can get the controls right with time.


                              I just couldn't get to grips with it so sadly it had to go

