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SSX Blur [Wii]

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    Got it now, just going through the tutorials. God its mental, I cant even do any jumps properly yet, dont know how to flip or grab, but I'll work through them one by one and see how I manage!

    Hows everyone else getting on with it? No posts for a while!


      God of War has rather rudely intercepted my time on this, so I've not played for a while. After getting to peak 2, I personally found the difficulty ramps up a little, which got me thinking that I need to change the way I'm doing things, like using A for the jumps instead of flicking the nunchuk. Might also mess with the sensitivity see if it makes a difference.

      My biggest problem is launching into the air and forgetting to move the remote, trying to spin with the stick. When God of War is done with I'll get back into it.


        God I SUCK at this! I just cant do it. I am quite tired though so I'll sleep on it and try some tomorrow after uni and see if I'm any better with practice.

        Does have the potential to be ace though if I can get my hands around the controls.


          I'm still really enjoying it, even if it's only to free ride, I'll jump on it each night.

          In fact this is one of the best games for smoking or drinking whilst playing, as you can relax and grab the uber icons simply using the nunchuck to navigate


            Damn this is tough lol, i only got the Wii today so im still finding my feet with it full stop, but still this is one tough learning curve, i havent managed one uber yet and its only pure luck that im pulling off some tricks, seems a solid game though and i too would ask why did they make the characters mute : / Also the soundtracks in races etc seem to have gone downhill from tricky too.


              Getting a bit better with it now! Chucked it on there for the first time since my first time and I'm a slowly getting used to the controls. I've put the steering fully to the nunchuck, which at first was a bit odd but I love it now. And I'm geting a bit better with the tricks, especially since I understand that you level the remote and tap A to level your guy off, I think I was holding it before so crashed out half the time when trying to land tricks!

              So far so good though, it is ace, and I'll hopefully manage an Uber within the next few months!


                i dont understand the fuss about the controls in this game. i got this on sunday and am loving every second of it, and have found the controls to be very responsive and intuitive.
                im not a great gamer by any means but the nunchuk feels great for carving and feels natural to flick it to jump.
                i guess it could be a marmite thing, but i personally think this is a standout title so far.

                re ubers: it is tricky at first but once you suss the knack its not too bad!
                im having trouble with the slalom events!


                  Still can't make my mind up about this...I'm just starting to get to grips with it but I'm still at the point where any stray thought coming into my brain such as "time for a swig of tea" completely buggers my concentration. Also, how on earth do you uber? Do you point the remote at the screen? I'm confuzzled!

                  I do love the 2 layer steering on the nunchuk though, feels really responsive and natural, and grabs are really satisfying too, the way you have to tilt the nunchuk and press Z feels lovely...and oddly like your actually grabbing something.

                  But what's with the characters? They're less developed than they were in the first SSX! Bunch of boring mutes they are, musics not as good too.

                  I'll give it time, but it's looking like It's going to be a trade-in!

