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Puzzle Quest

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    Gah, a few days on, and I can honestly say I'm pig-sick of the sight of this now - how fickle I am!

    Same old bleeding puzzles, boring storylines, the core game feels awkward when (badly) juxtaposed against the the RPG presentation and 'quest-based' gameplay that never actually feels like a 'quest', it's ALWAYS a frigging board of stuffing jewels, absolute repetition all the way.

    Don't get me wrong, the core gameplay is still compulsive, but having played at least 200 'battles', and *knowing* that the rest of the game is going to consist of exactly the same thing, my gaming feet are icy cold right now, plus I'm tremendously pissed-off with the way the computer AI seems to get all those juicy four-in-a-rows and flaming skull combos, it's almost like it KNOWS what gems/skulls are waiting in the wings(!)

    Plus, all the stats, spells, armour, upgrade options, the fancy stuff that masquerades this faux complexity, they don't mean **** when the game is so damn RIGIDLY SIMPLISTIC, and by God you'll realise that when you've put a few good hours in!

    Let that be a lesson to me, and invest my time in games like Chrono Trigger that *demand* to be played before I die. But maybe just one more go of Puzzle Quest first...


      Originally posted by JazzFunk View Post

      Don't get me wrong, the core gameplay is still compulsive, but having played at least 200 'battles', and *knowing* that the rest of the game is going to consist of exactly the same thing, my gaming feet are icy cold right now, plus I'm tremendously pissed-off with the way the computer AI seems to get all those juicy four-in-a-rows and flaming skull combos, it's almost like it KNOWS what gems/skulls are waiting in the wings(!)
      That is the problem I'm having with the game as it seems to make it pointless as the result seems very biased in favour of the computer. I was playing a game this evening which was going well as I had a decent lead on the computer with storing my attacks up carefully and only using the attacks when I couldn't do anything useful on the board. The computer pulled off a normal move but as the blocks filled in they kept forming more and more skulls which by the time it was finished had done a massive 50+ damage which as it was near the start of the game left me pretty much dead. The massive mana it had gathered meant it could easily finish me off, these extreme bouts of luck seem to happen repeatedly for the computer...



        Originally posted by JohnMcL7 View Post
        That is the problem I'm having with the game as it seems to make it pointless as the result seems very biased in favour of the computer. I was playing a game this evening which was going well as I had a decent lead on the computer with storing my attacks up carefully and only using the attacks when I couldn't do anything useful on the board. The computer pulled off a normal move but as the blocks filled in they kept forming more and more skulls which by the time it was finished had done a massive 50+ damage which as it was near the start of the game left me pretty much dead. The massive mana it had gathered meant it could easily finish me off, these extreme bouts of luck seem to happen repeatedly for the computer...

        Ive never really understood it when people say Puzzle Quest cheats, yes the computer somtimes get massive combos, but then I often do as well so I dont see the problem.

        To be honest if your actualy good at the game and know how to use your magic correctly (its not just about using it when you cant do anything on the board, you have to be tactical) then you never have to worry about the computer getting lucky anyway, you need more than luck to win a battle in it.
        Last edited by rmoxon; 26-12-2010, 09:33.

