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Puzzle Quest

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    Puzzle Quest

    I know i maybe a bit premature on this, but it IS the best puzzle game on the DS, let me explain why....

    I have been playing Puzzle Quest, for a week or so now and i find myself sneaking off work to play in the loos, playing through my lunchbreaks and spending as much time as i can playing this fantastic little puzzler.

    The game premise is a strange one. Take the gameplay from bejeweled, mix with a reasonable turn based RPG and essentially you have Puzzle Quest.

    The game plays out like a standard RPG, you get missions, listen to rumours in the pub, talk to people, save the maiden ect... but the USP is rather than battling a foe through fighting, you play a game of bejeweled. Sound strange? Well, yes it is, a bit to begin with but it soon all clicks.

    In a battle you have a playing grid, this grid contains


    magic (and some others i will mention later). You link up 3 of the same colour they are removed from the grid and the magic is added to that colours magic meter on your top screen. The idea is to build the magic meters up so you can cast spells and attack your opponent (who is also playing on the same grid). Depending on what weapons, level, stats you have depends on the spells you can equip to your character.

    The first player to rid the other of their lifepoints wins.

    The grid also contains skulls, link these and they cause damage to your opponent directly. you also have purple items that if you match add to your luck, meaning you may randomly get and extra go.

    If you link 4 of the same type, you get an extra go. If you link 5 you get an extra go and a wild comes into play. The wild will have a random value. I think the biggest one i have seen was X12. They can be linked with and 2 or more and take on that type but it also multiplies it by the wilds amount.

    On the RPG side you have to take over castles and when you have done this you earn gold from that town every few days. I have also read that later in the game you can build dungeons and take defeated foes there and can steal their abilities.

    This game is excellent i can't stress that enough, a game of this type may have been such a mess, but every single small detail had been thought about, to make sure the game functions flawlessly

    I've been playing it for the last few days, and it really is very good. I'm not a fan of your standard match-3 Bejeweled-style game, but the additions to this work brilliantly. They've added just enough in the way of tactics to the puzzle section itself to make it feel like you're actually having to work out the best moves and plan ahead, and the surrounding RPG story and levelling up stuff makes the whole thing addictive as hell.

    The only bit I'm not keen on is when you're trying to learn new spells, and it just turns into a standard match-3 clone, with seemingly random blind luck playing a major part in whether you get through it. And the monster capture puzzles can be a bit tedious too. Other than that, though, it's just great.

    If anybody's unsure which version to get, by the way, it should be noted that there's a bug in the PSP version that means that companions don't work. It's not too serious a problem, but they can be quite useful so it's a bit of a shame.
    Last edited by JamesS; 07-04-2007, 16:49.


      This is without doubt one of the greatest blendings of genres that I've ever had the privalidge to play and it's beautifully structured.

      I won't bother summing up the gameplay because Mole has done that very nicely, but I will add a few things that he's missed out on.

      The graphical style is very reminiscent of the Fire Emblem series (no bad thing in itself).
      It's possible to capture mounts, and learn new spells and even crearte new items. There's a staggering amount of quests, and a brilliant multiplayer mode. And best of all it can be picked up from Play for a ridiculously cheap £15.

      Quite simply, if you don't have this in your DS collection, you don't deserve to own one.
      Last edited by MartyG; 07-04-2007, 21:38.


        Well my experience with a downloaded version of the PSP game made me go out and buy the DS version, simply for the touchscreen mechanic, which is more suitable for this game.

        It's mint, and combines the addictiveness of bejeweled (never got into zookeeper) with some additional strategic play, power up collecting and a 'plot'.

        Highly recommended, and The Mole's account (with Striders additions) is spot on.


          after finishing god of war 2 last night i started playing this as a bit of a chill out game and it is perfect for either a quick few minutes or an extended session.

          it is super addictive and despite the art and setting being all very cliched, i'm really enjoying the rpg mechanics.

          it's also nice to be using my DS after something of a quiet period for me.


            The PC demo of this has made me go out and buy another DS (I sold the last one a few months ago after getting a bit bored).

            Amazingly addictive stuff.


              Bought this today. Only had a quick go but it looks ace.


                Only been playing the PC demo but its very addictive, can't believe such a simple concept has been drawn out so much, yet works so well!

                You can download the demo here -


                  Does the game 'do' anything else other than what's in the demo (the full game but limited to level 7). It's very addictive but can't see it lasting too long.


                    Not played the demo but have finished the DS version. I'd imagine there's not that much else "to" the real game aside from what's in the demo, but for me it got far better once I got some decent spells and could begin to customize my character more. Meant there was a lot more strategy and you would go for certain colours and ignore others etc...


                      Can anyone tell me the pricing in store for this title? it's 14.99 online, but i'm doubting i could walk across the thames and grab it for the same price in game.


                        apparantly is ?19.99 in hmv.

                        I am going into town at lunch to probably buy it. I will let you know the prices in various shops upon my return.


                          24.99 in store at game, BOOO!!!

                          I dont understand the pricing sometimes, I can get it on for 14.99 and I will!

                          Sure shop rates etc but it's a tenner difference, I usually expect a fiver difference.


                            Originally posted by Boggy View Post
                            I dont understand the pricing sometimes, I can get it on for 14.99 and I will.
                            Damn got all excited about grabbing a copy of this myself only to find they're now out of stock .


                              There's loads more than is shown in the demo.

                              You can build all sorts of buildings in order to develop skills, items and magic, there's loads of quests and the stacks of spells to learn. The game also gets pretty tough later on.

                              I sadly had to pay £24.99 to get it from GAME, worth every penny though.

