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Pokemon Diamond / Pearl

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    I still have plenty of SNORLAX available, as stated previously & im back in the UK if anyone wants to trade via wireless internet PM me asap with friend code or whatever


      Originally posted by Katsujinken View Post
      I still have plenty of SNORLAX available, as stated previously & im back in the UK if anyone wants to trade via wireless internet PM me asap with friend code or whatever
      cool, please make sure you save me one im getting the pal version friday , will pm you my code then



        finally getting this one on friday, not impressed about this national pokedex thing before i can import my old ones


          It's not so bad, you soon forget about it towards the end when you've got a team you're happy with.

          It was definately a concious design decision not to overwhelm the player with 450 all at once, it would of been nice to have a fair few more pokemon banging around but Having reached the national dex section of the game I'd say I'm perfectly happy and it has extended the game for me


            lol I didn't mean in that way because yes 450 would be too much, there's got to be a way around this. Has anyone got a Squirtle they don't want?


              Originally posted by melenko View Post
              lol I didn't mean in that way because yes 450 would be too much, there's got to be a way around this. Has anyone got a Squirtle they don't want?
              I may be able to rustle one up for you...

              What have you got?


                Originally posted by Nu-Eclipse View Post
                I may be able to rustle one up for you...

                What have you got?
                Lol nothing as yet, I have to wait for the release day to buy things If I could import from the start I'd be churning them out from leaf green


                  Originally posted by melenko View Post
                  Lol nothing as yet, I have to wait for the release day to buy things If I could import from the start I'd be churning them out from leaf green
                  LOL - I hear you.

                  To be honest, for now you're probably best off just getting your copy of Diamond/Pearl and getting up to the point of unlocking the National Dex.


                    Originally posted by Nu-Eclipse View Post
                    LOL - I hear you.

                    To be honest, for now you're probably best off just getting your copy of Diamond/Pearl and getting up to the point of unlocking the National Dex.
                    butbutbutbut... squirtle.. blastoise O_o


                      Originally posted by melenko View Post
                      butbutbutbut... squirtle.. blastoise O_o
                      OK, OK - no need to cry about it...

                      I can't give you one until after the weekend as I plan to go the 3rd Generation Pok?mon event @ Brent Cross Toys 'R' Us on Saturday to get a Mew downloaded onto my copy of FireRed, but I can do it after.

                      When you get Diamond/Pearl, PM me with your in-game character name and Friend Code ASAP, and then I'll get back to you.


                        Originally posted by Nu-Eclipse View Post
                        OK, OK - no need to cry about it...

                        I can't give you one until after the weekend as I plan to go the 3rd Generation Pok?mon event @ Brent Cross Toys 'R' Us on Saturday to get a Mew downloaded onto my copy of FireRed, but I can do it after.

                        When you get Diamond/Pearl, PM me with your in-game character name and Friend Code ASAP, and then I'll get back to you.
                        Awesome cheers mate ^^


                          Do you trade over wi-fi on Pearl? Never played pokemon before, might pick it up.

                          @Nu-Eclipse. I have the official headset thing. It rocks.
                          Kept you waiting, huh?


                            Originally posted by J0e Musashi View Post
                            Do you trade over wi-fi on Pearl? Never played pokemon before, might pick it up.

                            @Nu-Eclipse. I have the official headset thing. It rocks.
                            J0e - I have a copy of US copy of Diamond, and trading and/or battling over Wi-Fi rocks. Highly recommended.

                            As for the headset, I had a feeling that it would be a great accessory - I was going to get one sooner but using standard earphones and the DS Lite Microphone to chat over Wi-Fi works surprisingly well.

                            Nevertheless, thanks for the endorsement J0e - it's another one for my DS shopping list!


                              Should I get Pearl then or do I need Diamond too? I'm a total n00b at Pokemon so any help I'd appreciate. I will buy the JPN one if it's playable?
                              Kept you waiting, huh?


                                Originally posted by J0e Musashi View Post
                                Should I get Pearl then or do I need Diamond too? I'm a total n00b at Pokemon so any help I'd appreciate. I will buy the JPN one if it's playable?
                                Dude - Either a get a cheap US version or wait for the UK version to come out. JPN version is a no-no in this case, trust me. Especially with transferring GBA Pok?mon - the Pal Park feature is version specific i.e. JPN Diamond/Pearl won't combine with the US/UK versions of the GBA Pok?mon games, and vice-versa.

                                Whichever version you get is up to you. Most people I know own Diamond although some die-hards own both (I'm not one of them! ). Pearl is the eaxct same game but it will have exclusive Pok?mon in it, as will Diamond. The choice is yours.

