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Tomb Raider Anniversary

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    Tomb Raider Anniversary

    Anyone tried this yet? I've given it a go, and it seems ok at a glance. Graphics are reasonably polished and run at a decent framerate (although that's mainly because 'next-gen content' isn't present in the game unlike Tomb Raider: Legend), and the audio seems pretty good too. My gripe at the moment though is it seems somehow unnecessarily awkward to play, although this may only be specific to the PC version. The default controls mapped for 360 pad users seem a bit iffy, notably I have to wonder why the shoot button is mapped to an analog trigger? You cannot fire fast/consistently enough using that from my experience, so I can't see the logic behind it... luckily you can easily remap buttons though.

    Which goes onto my next gripe... it doesn't tell you what controller buttons to press when in-game hints pop up. For example, run over to the nearby cog at the start of the demo and you get 'Press E to pickup items' or something along those lines. No mention of what controller button though... so you either mash a few buttons hoping to get lucky, or you have to back into the menu and see what the mappings are. Repeat this for pretty much all in-game control tips, and you have a frustrating experience in my opinion... something I can be doing without.

    I quit the demo when I came across a bear that does 'charge' attacks at you... couldn't find a reliable way to dodge said attacks, and the only tip the game gives you is displaying four directional arrows in the corner of the screen shortly before it hits you. Wah? Anyway, don't think I'm going to be bothering with this game after all, but I would be interested in your thoughts. I'm too short-tempered nowadays to put up with niggles like this, lol
    Last edited by Hohum; 31-05-2007, 14:43. Reason: Changed title so thread can be used for discussion of the game in general.

    Ace, where can we download the demo?



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      BT is being a bit awful tonight, so i'll hold off downloading it.



        I don't know how fast the mirrors are now though... speed started to drop off when I was about half done from the Filefront mirror (#2).


          Just downloaded it and had a quick go, I think it's brill!

          I surprisingly got on with the controls really well with the 360 pad, it's the first PC game I've used with a pad where I didn't need to change anything, the game handles just as good as TR Legends.

          While the graphics aren't as good as TR Legends (because of the lack of next gen content maybe that's why there is no 360 release?) it still looks decent enough, the textures look better than what you'd get on a PS2 game, so it looks like they have put some care into the PC version. It also has some good art work in it and light reflections. Obviously the PC version will be the better looking one over the PS2 version thanks to the high res and full screen anti-aliasing, looks very nice in 1680x1050.

          Sorry to go against your comments Hohum.


            I'm just overly critical I think... niggles later on in a game I can usually put up with, as by that time I've got a good grasp of the game and how to deal with them if need be. From the outset though... I just get frustrated way too easily and have to quit before I lose my rag

            Daresay I'll give it another go, but it's just silly little things they could have done to make it a much more fun initial play than what it currently is. If it's gonna tell me how to play, then it should tell me properly


              I`m sold on the pc version, looks lush on my 32" sammy.
              Did anyone notice the weird bluring around Laras body when shes stood in front of water, she ripples.
              Or is it my gfx card (6600gt)?


                Originally posted by huxley View Post
                I`m sold on the pc version, looks lush on my 32" sammy.
                Did anyone notice the weird bluring around Laras body when shes stood in front of water, she ripples.
                Or is it my gfx card (6600gt)?
                Yeah I noticed that effect to, keep getting screen tear though, even with V-sync on. I'm using a ATI X1950.


                  Have they fixed the swimming from the last game?


                    Originally posted by jimmie2k View Post
                    Have they fixed the swimming from the last game?
                    I would like to know this, too. Have never played TR1, but I understand the swimming controls were much better in it than Legend..? Really didn't get on with the Legend swimming controls.


                      I haven't played any TR game for a long time so I think this game looks pretty good. Need to sort the control buttons out but it's no big issue. How long does the demo last for?


                        Swimming controls are the same unfortunately... one button to swim downwards, one to swim upwards, directional controls 'steer' you at the specific depth you reach.


                          Can't get the demo to run on my rig.

                          Just crashes out when I launch.

                          (Quad 6600, 8800GTX)


                            Originally posted by Hohum View Post
                            Swimming controls are the same unfortunately... one button to swim downwards, one to swim upwards, directional controls 'steer' you at the specific depth you reach.
                            Oh god. I could forgive it in the last one because there was very little swimming. there's LOADS of it in the original TR though.


                              I can't imagine doing the Egypt section with the big underwater statues with Legends controls. But then, I can't imagine doing much of the above-water stuff with Legends controls either so I guess they've probably changed it enough to compensate.

