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Tomb Raider Anniversary

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    I'm surprised that this is working so well on my ageing hardware (I can't remember the specs - I built the thing too - but it's only a GeForce 6600 GT). It's running smoothly with all the effects on even shadows. Admittedly, I managed a fairly decent performance with Legends but that was a careful balancing act.

    I fear that later on things will get more busy (after all nothing much has happened on the demo's opening, which is all I've played on) but I'm seriously considering going for the PC version instead of the PS2.


      Originally posted by huxley View Post
      I`m sold on the pc version, looks lush on my 32" sammy.
      Did anyone notice the weird bluring around Laras body when shes stood in front of water, she ripples.
      Or is it my gfx card (6600gt)?

      Same thing on a 7950GT, also Lara's skin looks really kind of nasty just after she's gotten out of the water - I know it's supposed to look like she's wet, but it looks more like she's grown scales.

      I'll be waiting to hear if the little graphics glitches are corrected for the retail launch, then I think this one may be the first PC game I've bought in ages - lots of fun, once I figured out the button mapping, and hearing the reworked version of the original music was one of those chills-down-the-spine moments.


        I completed the demo and of course it ends right at the part where you meet the T-rex. Is it just me and my eyes, or does the T-Rex look like a robot and about as scary as puppy? I remember the original at that very part to be all dark, hard to see far ahead (due to technical limitations) but it shat the hell out of me when I could only hear and feel the ground shaking, then to see a figure in the murky distance coming towards me. This new version it's all bright and light and doesn't scare me at all.


          Yeah I see your point supergoal, all this new tech ruined what was an a scary moment due to the tech back then not being able to do anything better.

          Still, it was an enjoyable demo and ran really well on my crusty PC. It's 30 bucks on steam which would equal about 15 quid, it's a bargain!

          The controls take a bit of getting use to, but I got there in the end. Did anyone work out what the 4 arrows represent when you fight the raptors?

          I also got the weird rippling body effect. strange. Love it when Lara bombs off the waterfall though
          Last edited by Dezm0nd; 30-05-2007, 18:16.


            The arrows are a dodge move. When it goes all slow mo, you press one of the four directions and you do a slow mo dodge in the direction you picked. All the while shooting and looking cool


              Ah nice, I think i might pick this up on PC you know wouldn't mind revisiting the swords of death!!



                Widescreen, Progressive Scan, 60hz, Subtitles and screen positioning on PS2 confirmed.

                Finally someone puts some damned effort in.

                If only shopto actually sent it on the wednesday for it to come on the thursday like every other time


                  Full game will be on Steam now as well - $30.

                  Pretty cheap.


                    Originally posted by NaveT View Post
                    Full game will be on Steam now as well - $30.

                    Pretty cheap.
                    30 USD + VAT = about 30 EUR where I live, Portugal (21% VAT). That's about 20 quid.

                    Costs the same as buying online, but you don't have to wait for the mail.


                      Anyone know if this is coming out on the 360? I'd buy the PS2 version, but would rather get the 360 if its coming out later.


                        There isn't a release date for it or any news about it being released on the 360. I've got the PS2 version and i think for the current price it's definitely one to own. The thing is deciding which version you want....the standard or the collector's edition.


                          Originally posted by smallvillex View Post
                          the standard or the collector's edition.
                          Allways the collectors edition!

                          I believe it comes with lots of damn, decent extras! Not just a couple of pre-release trailers like some games.


                            I received my Amazon UK pre-order PS2 copy yesterday and have been playing it for few hours. I've stuck to the mansion so far, which is a decent level in it's own right - a few nice, if simple, puzzles. Taking a bit of time getting used to the PS2 controls though - I played Legend on the XBox and it felt much crisper. On the PS2 everything feels a bit woolly and the camera is an oddly lazy, zoomy in/out thing. But it undoubtedly still looks very good for the PS2.

                            One significant display issue though: widescreen = good, PAL60 = good but progressive scan, although available = not particularly good. Apparently this also applied to PS2 Legend but this mode produces noticeably bordered images (on my 32": 3/4" left/right, 1/2" top/bottom).

                            This reduces the active image area to more like 15:8. I've tried to deal with it by going into my TV's service menu but with no luck, the adjustments required are outside my TV's capabilities. Unless borders aren't a problem for you I'd recommend PAL users stick with RGB with what is described as the PAL60 mode.
                            Last edited by fallenangle; 31-05-2007, 20:54.


                              Fallenangel you played it for a few hours and yah STILL stuck in the mansion? Isnt the mansion teh training level?

                              Unless theyve added new levels to the game, i thought it was a jus remake of the original game with no new levels but improved everything else.


                              Last edited by 112; 31-05-2007, 15:35. Reason: wanted to enphasise the STILL ;)


                                Originally posted by fallenangle View Post
                                I've stuck to the mansion so far,
                                Originally posted by 112 View Post
                                Fallenangel you played it for a few hours and yah STILL stuck in the mansion? Isnt the mansion teh training level?

                                he stuck TO the mansion, not IN

                                really disappointed to hear that they changed the controls for the underwater bits... didn't like the legend controls and with the large amounts of water bits in tomb raider i might give this a miss.
                                Last edited by beecee; 31-05-2007, 16:00. Reason: wanted to enphasise the TO

