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    With the recent release of Bioshock, i fear many people have forgotten about the release of MotoGP 07, I havent played much yet so later on i can say some more about it.

    Anyone else managed to pick this up today got any impressions?

    i've had a quick mess around.

    i didnt play the last 360 version, but this feels much more twitchy than 2 and 3 on xbox. that may be down to the newer bikes, or because my bike doesnt have many credits yet. normally i'd be power slideing round corners leaving huge tyre marks, but i keep falling off when trying in this.
    only done a few races so not much to say gameplay wise really. havent tried online yet either.

    the pit lane scenes done with in game graphics are atrocious, the mechanics and brolly girls look terrible. graphics in race seem ok, although i did notice some judders as my bike pulled ou the garage in the rain, and again in some of the training things though. crap music by default too.


      on the positive side

      It's definately better than MotoGP 06 and the demo pretty much represents the final game. Sadly only 7-8 tracks have rain which i guess are the ones that it actually rained at this season.

      But the graphcs are beautiful better than Forza 2 i say, and in the rain looks even nicer. The road reflects your driver and if you take the time to stop and look at the walls around the track you can see water running down them aswell as a nice water effect when your driving seeing the water part side-to-side behind your 2 wheels.

      If you looved the Demo and the 06, get this. Otherwise, it's more of the same.


        it did sound a bit negative, but i do love it.

        i loved them all though (apart from 06, which i missed) i've done a few online races now, which was good. im getting used to it again, and managing to slide round a bit more. it is all very reminiscent of the older games, which is good imo, its just nice there are actually people online to race against again....and as long as that doesnt change too soon, i think i'll be playing it for a long time.

        going to try and zoom through some championships and get my custom bike a bit better now.


          Unfortuneately Fuddle, we seem the only people who are actually playing this on NTSC-uk.

          with MotoGP 06 i got it really late, but there were still alot of online races going, but you did end up seeing the familiar faces in the match. So MotoGP 07 should last a few years.


            I bought it yesterday with Bioshock and Bluedragon but just didnt get time to play any of them as was knackered. (tag is Dazzyman)

            I wasnt a fan of last years but I was a huge fan of previous years and this years demo so have higher hopes for it


              I'm off to pick this up shortly so will be online later tonight with it (actually, been up since 5.00 so may not be online to Sunday evening) but I'll send you all a Friend Request.


                Picked this up yesterday as well will have a bash online tonight.


                  If anyone can post best controller settings again for braking from last versions please do as my stupid coma brain has forgotton what I used to use


                    i've been playing it alot more, i think its really good.

                    i cant really explain it, but something was off with no3 after no2 was so very good. and this version seems to have clicked with me too. now i have a bunch of points on my custom bike i'm getting into the swing of things again.

                    i think i just use the default controls, its the same as i used to play anyway. brakes on the shoulder buttons and accelerate on the A button....double tapping to slide round corners.


                      I think this is a big improvement over last years version (which I still enjoyed greatly), everything is so much more refined etc, not been in the pits yet but every other thing look superb. Lovely quick loading times are also worth a mention.

                      Seems much harder for the AI to knock you off (so far, not tried harder difficulties yet) which is a god-send.

                      I use the same controller settings as Fuddle, tried a few and that seems most comfortable.

                      Overall a great update to the series


                        I tend to use the triggers for accelerate and brake, that seems the most easiest and comfortable for me.


                          Cheers, Ive got used to the default controls now (started playing this properly today for 4hours). I did about 6 races on Pro on career but restarted (actually deleted my save) as I missed the first 3 challenges. Wast until I restarted that I reliased you can choose the challenges in another page as one DOH!

                          Great game though and hell of a lot better than that pile of steaming previous version


                            i've been steadily making my way through the championships, and done all the challenges too... need to redo a few to get all golds. but i might not bother, its not like you need all the credits anyway.

                            done about 25 races online now, but only managed to win one, a stunt race. which was only chosen as the host wanted to get an achievement for it. i tend to join rooms that are practically full, making it quite tricky to get away, but when you find a room with people that are carefull about bumping into each other its very good.

                            made my bike look quite nice too, black with yellow spots.

                            maybe we can get an ntsc-uk race soon.


                              It's a shame this title is not getting the praise it deserves at the moment.

                              Firstly it's the best bike game ever made and beautiful to look at. I adore the contol of the bikes as it's so precise and frightining as you can fly off at any moment. Tense, exciting and unlike any other bike game on the market. Also the rain on the circuits approach MGS2 levels of detail due to the rain effecting the track. Stop on the Start Finish straight on Le Mans and look at the concrete wall on the left. Yes, the water is slowly poring down the wall, lovely.

                              My only niggles are the framerate really nose dives in certain situations, rain is not selectable on every circuit and it is the same as gone before since Moto GP 2.

