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    my copy turned up today, so been giving it a whirl.

    the story of lair concerns itself with a once peaceful race, split into 2 different countries and ideologies due to a volcano erupting at some point in their distant past. one of the tribes embraced a pseudo-technological outlook, the others a more pagan bent and both are now at war with each other.

    if you`ve ever played any of factor 5`s games before, you really will feel right at home here. the twist now is we have motion control in the form of the SIXAXIS on the PS3. this should in theory make it a deep, interactive experience to fly dragons, and engage in combat in the skies. for the most part it works really well. tilting side to side, up and down, it all flows really well and you always feel in total control of your steed. you can push up fast which will instigate a 180 degree turn, or push down which will propel you forward at speed. the intimation that the dragons themselves are clumsy or somehow really awkward to control is a nonsense. in the short time i`ve played it i never felt anything less than in control of my dragon.

    swooping onto barrage placements, setting them on fire, or landing (press R1 and R2 together while close to the ground) and burning all the ground troops is very satisfying. while control switches to analogue sticks and face buttons during these segments, its instinctive and flows easily. a favourite is swiping with circle, or hitting triangle to feed on enemy troops.

    unfortunately it comes slightly unstuck when you try to lock onto an enemy dragon while in the air. pressing L1 or L2 will lock onto your suggested target, you then "swipe" at them by pressing circle. this initiates a dog fight as you try and take swipes at them by jiggling the controller up and down, side to side. the ultimate aim is to knock the rider off the dragon and/or a one on one fight between the dragons or the riders. what makes it fiddly is the imprecise nature of the SIXAXIS when it comes to the motions. it might be lack of practice on my part, but i found it very hit or miss if i actually managed to do it effectively. it becomes frustrating as you`re sure you knocked into them, only for them to gain the upper hand instead. it does feel that if they`d had either more time to work on it, or had some better form of feedback it would`ve been tweaked to perfection.

    for all that annoyance it feels good to swoop around the wonderful world factor 5 have created. as you get to grips with the game, you enjoy the spectacle, the feeling of being part of a giant war going on around you as you try to fulfil your mission objectives. graphically it swings from sublime, to the horrid. the cinematic are of the highest calibre and paint a vivid story, but then it lets itself down with some real cheesy dialogue which makes you cringe at times. for every wonderful cut-scene or a truly stunning overview as you fly over a well realised cityscape, you have screen tearing and horrible, muted textures which can pop in and out depending on how close you are. i`d see the point if this was happening on the more detailed areas, but it happens on featureless mountain ranges ! bemusing to say the least.

    the front end, dragon stables, etc. reek of the rogue squadron series, even down to your character running around to find the dragon set aside for you to clamber on. at one point i wondered if an x-wing or a tie-fighter would be an unlockable such was the feeling of deja vu. even the actual missions give a distinct nod to that series. whether its making sure a convoy survives sustained attack from above, or defending a castle wall. even how you are scored at the end brings the aforementioned series to mind. as enjoyable as they were, it does seem rather limited to copy it wholesale as apposed to trying something new and diverse.

    i`ve only played 2 missions so far and bar the niggles, i`ve enjoyed it. whether i continue to do so is another matter. from what i`ve played it`s in no way deserving of the scores of 4/5 out of 10 it`s had from other sites out there.

    Nice impressions. How is it paced? Do the levels flow nicely into one another or is it somewhat disconnected like the Rogue Squadron games?


      I'm actually looking forward to having a go now tbm, it sounds exactly like I was expecting it to be. Pretty much Factor 5 by definition I think.

      Do the cut scenes get in the way as much as was suggested?

      Try the Remote Play thing to give us impressions tbm!

      It seems like the Remote Play thing was some sort of accident as it's now being looked into by Sony:
      Originally posted by Next Gen
      The rep added that the folks over at Sony HQ were investigating the matter further and that an announcement would be made in due course, so stay tuned for an update.
      Mods, sorry for hijacking this thread with this stuff! Does it need it's own thread? It seems there will be more announcements shortly by Sony.


        Originally posted by tbm View Post
        from what i`ve played it`s in no way deserving of the scores of 4/5 out of 10 it`s had from other sites out there.
        It does seem that nowadays it's quite okay to mark something down like that because it's on the PS3, I've never seen such unbridled hatred toward a console before.

        Nice impressions though, not a game I was that interested in but thanks to this forum you can never be sure, always worth a look in the for sale forum


          And how happy I am my order will be arriving either tomorrow or Wednesday

          Nice impressions TBM. I have always looked forward to this even after the scathing reviews so I cant wait to get in about it myself. The controls will take practice for sure but I think the positives are going to seriously outweigh the negatives.

          Excitement levels have risen, thank you TBM


            Originally posted by Jebus View Post
            It does seem that nowadays it's quite okay to mark something down like that because it's on the PS3, I've never seen such unbridled hatred toward a console before.
            Does this mean that the Sony's own, official Playstation Magazine hates the console too, because they too gave it very low score?


              Wouldn't suprise me, it really wouldn't.


                Originally posted by Concept
                Nice impressions. How is it paced? Do the levels flow nicely into one another or is it somewhat disconnected like the Rogue Squadron games?
                the 2 levels i`ve played so far seemed well paced, but never overwhelming.

                the levels are broken up allowing you to either replay any you`ve completed to gain a better score, or continue with the story proper. in that respect they the same as the rogue squadron series.

                Originally posted by Evolution-One

                Do the cut scenes get in the way as much as was suggested?
                cut-scenes seemed to flow seamlessly from the action once you`ve finished a mission. its only when they finish that you have this strange "pause" as it throws you back to the overworld to select a mission/continue the story. as i said above though, the cut-scences can be cringeworthy.

                have`nt tried the remote play stuff, will give it a whirl later on once i`ve charged up the PSP


                  I'd read somewhere that your game is constantly being broken up by cut scenes, it's a relief to hear otherwise though!
                  Originally posted by tbm View Post
                  From what i`ve played it`s in no way deserving of the scores of 4/5 out of 10 it`s had from other sites out there.
                  As much as I distrust review scores...what figure would you give this out of 10 if you were forced to tbm.

                  Just so you know, you are being forced to!


                    So the general concensus seems to be that with a bit (or maybe more than a bit) of patience and trial and error, this can be an enjoyable experience?

                    I want to buy it just looking at the visuals. Stunning! The mid air dragon fights look amazing too.


                      Just finished having a try of this as I got it today and I have to agree with tbm in the case of the game not deserving a 4 or even 5 out of 10 score. From what I played so far it is a decent game and if scoring it I would give it about 6.5.

                      The motion controls are honestly not that bad, I never really felt that I wasn't in control of the Dragon. It did take me a few minutes to get adjusted but once the tutorial level was over I felt in control. Sometimes though in the midst of battle you can get a bit "overwhelmed" with the motion stuff but again it just takes time I think. The only real time I felt let down by the motion controls were during the mid-air "dogfights" that tbm mentioned. You are shown what to do on screen but sometimes the motion you do with the pad is not read correctly so it's really luck sometimes which gets you through these battles. The ground combat is top notch, gotta love swooping down into a horde of enemy soliders and swiping them all away with a few presses of the O button

                      The visuals and sound are excellent, mostly. It is a quite a sight flying around the place and looking around, especially flying over water at high speed. The only letdown, for me, visually would be the textures on the terrain in some parts of the levels, again as tbm mentioned they look bland and out of place. The sound is a real winner, making great use of 5.1 surround sound. Your ears will rejoice as you are in the midst of a big battle and you hear the sounds around you.

                      Verdict so far, not a bad game but not the great game I was expecting.
                      Last edited by ezee ryder; 06-09-2007, 11:57.


                        If this doesn't arrive from VG+ tomorrow I am going to take someones life

                        WANT... NEED... NOW!!


                          is there ever guna be a demo of this, thorght they would of done one by now?


                            Makes you wonder if they didn't feel it would be such a good thing? I don't know, but the impressions so far in the thread have me more interested than I have been since the first reviews appeared.

                            I'm sure I'll pick it up over the next month or so.


                              Originally posted by Johnny View Post
                              So the general concensus seems to be that with a bit (or maybe more than a bit) of patience and trial and error, this can be an enjoyable experience?
                              The general concensus seems to be that Lair is a bit ****

