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Monster Hunter Freedom 2

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    Cheers mate. I've wanted an excuse to get a slim PSP for a while. Another MHF is a good enough reason for me

    Anyone know if the save transfer carries everything across?


      Originally posted by MonkeyWrench View Post
      Are you guys playing this in single player? I played the original a while back but then I hit a wall of difficulty as it was meant to be played in co-op, was wondering whether this one is the same. Also how big is the game compared to the original?
      MHF2 is a bit more solo friendly than the first game but you will still hit a wall where some of the nicer kit is much more easily obtained with some friends. I imagine 2nd G will be very much the same.


        I think I might give it a bash...just need to find it cheap somewhere.


          I mostly play multiplayer now that I've finished the village chief quests. I don't think I'd want to try some of the top level guild quests single player. We've got a group of four of us playing at lunchtimes at work, and it's great fun. Single player time is mostly just preparing for multiplayer sessions, for me.


            anybody wanna get back into MHF2 now with the adhoc party for playstation portable could hook up with 4 players pm me on
            PS3 = MISTERBUBBLES


              Wait this version now has propper online?


                You can play quite a lot of PSP games online now, if you have a PS3. You need the Ad Hoc Party app from the Japanese PSN store, but it's free and fairly easy to set up.


                  Can you describe what the icon on the jap store looks like and ill download it, i take it this works fine with a UK copy of the game?

                  Ill certainly get involved with this online played 1 on the psp for god knows how many hours until my mates psp broke which meant no more hunting partner


                    as said elsewhere in the phantasy star portable thread heres the wiki of compatible games


                      its a green icon and it says adhoc party for playstation portable underneath the japanese writing (click on the wiki link it will show you what it looks like) and yes UK version works fine
                      Last edited by MisterBubbles; 24-04-2009, 14:17.


                        I might be up for it. I don't have a headset or anything though, so I'm not sure if that'll be a problem.


                          I might be up for this. Inspired by my love for demons souls Ive just started playing MHF2 - not even finished the tutorials yet though!


                            no headset no problem just follow the guy in front of you and when you see a monster hack & slash away


                              Okay, I'll send you a friend request then. My PSN ID is comma8comma1, btw.

                              What sort of level is everybody at? I'm at HR6 (HR7 once I've done the urgent quest), so I can pretty much do any of the missions except for the last couple of hard ones.


                                well im needing to start over from the start as i got rid of MHF2 (deleted my saves too)but re bought it just a couple of weeks ago to play online with adhoc party as monster hunter freedom 2 is meant to be played with 2-4 people IMO
                                btw most people meet in World J lobby 50 this is English speaking lobby of adhoc party for playstation portable
                                Last edited by MisterBubbles; 24-04-2009, 18:03.

