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Manhunt 2 Wii

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    Manhunt 2 Wii

    Wooo the game theyve decided to ban over here!

    After playing this for about 2 hours Im starting to understand why it made some of the censors feel a bit sick

    Its amazing! The graphics are nice and gritty and the gameplay is slick, the addition of the wiimote and nunchuck to the moves is well thought out and doesnt seem like an afterthought like so many wii games.

    The executions are pretty grizzly, I dont know much on what was removed from this game, from the looks of it the executions are blurred slightly so sometimes its hard to work out whats happening.

    The whole look of the game amazes me but then I loved manhunt and this is more of the same only slicker.

    One final note is the way this game actually gets in your head, not since Shadow of the collosus have i felt this way, while your executing perps and crims you start to actually feel like your doing it for real, again its the superb use of the controllers. I started to actually feel guilty for taking out some civilians!

    Im interested as to where the story line takes this one as well, its convincing so far and very Hostel like in its approach

    All in a decent wee game and Im looking forward to getting in about it, hopefully the UK will get this eventually as on reflection its no worse than Saw IV

    Originally posted by oblivion_6 View Post
    All in a decent wee game and Im looking forward to getting in about it, hopefully the UK will get this eventually as on reflection its no worse than Saw IV
    Well thank god for that, if it was as bad as a Saw film I'd be embarssed for wishing the thing wasnt banned in the first place!!!!


      i've been playing the PSP version of this with the edits to the file to remove the blur filter, to be honest i can't see what the fuss is. It doesn't even look remotely real

      still, great fun and i just fired it up to test out before my US Wii copy gets here on friday

      How'd you get it so early ya luck bast...?


        Originally posted by Synthesthesia View Post
        How'd you get it so early ya luck bast...?
        Special Delivery

        How does it compare game play wise to the original, is it mroe or less the same in terms of execution? With the first it got samey VERY quickly, is there more variety now?



          Originally posted by 112 View Post
          Special Delivery

          How does it compare game play wise to the original, is it mroe or less the same in terms of execution? With the first it got samey VERY quickly, is there more variety now?


          Its miles better, the whole environmental executions add to the game massively.

          For example

          One time I snuck up on a perv having a whizz and i grabbed him, slammed his head against the wall, then flushed him down the bog and battered his skull in with the toilet lid

          Another time i snuck up behind a dude and skewered him onto a seat with scalpels.

          Its all good clean family fun


            This one time at band camp I put a flute in my pussy...

            Bet thats not in there, the censor suck ups!!


              Nice one spags........ lol........ oh and err hi5!

              Is that commentator back in the game, like in the first one? How does teh controls take advantage of the wii mote? Do you perform slashing moves like you would normally?

              This sounds really gruesome, can see it on Ebay and R@re...........



                Originally posted by spagmasterswift View Post
                This one time at band camp I put a flute in my pussy...
                Theres been a few ladies in the game but I aint had a chance to personally "greet" them with any weapons

                Originally posted by 112 View Post
                Is that commentator back in the game, like in the first one? How does teh controls take advantage of the wii mote? Do you perform slashing moves like you would normally?
                The commentator has been replaced with a wee side kick fellow who was in the mental asylum with you

                I suspect he doesnt actually exist and is part of your insane mind but anyways

                The controls use both the wiimote and the nunchuck, you basically sneak up on peeps and hold the A button then you get 3 grades of attack which depend on how long you hold the button. After you release you get small symbols which tell you what to do with the controls, such as swinging the remote up and down or pushing the wii mote out to stab things like that


                  Sounds interesting... guess I will defo pick this up next month when I'm over in the US... assuming I can find it okay
                  Lie with passion and be forever damned...


                    Just finished the first level, which I was quite impressed with. Must admit I never really put much time in the first game due to time restraints but I think this one might be different, having done a good job of sucking me into the manhunt 2 world.

                    Controls are good, graphics a little PS2ish, not as good as some other Wii games out there but good enough. The blurred violence graphics doesn't really annoy me like like I was expecting, the sound effects do a good enough job to convey the appropiate disturbed feeling. I don't get the impression that this is going to be a classic game but so far it is shaping up to be a good one. Looking forward to playing more.


                      Hmmm this isn't grabbing me. I played a few levels of the beta to see what it was like and I thought it had a chance to be good but now that I've got the US release I'm not really bothered about playing on. I've got just about as far as I did in the beta so maybe once I hit new territory again I'll enjoy it more but at the moment I'm quite let down to be honest.

                      The executions are so blurred out its pathetic. The first game was soooooo much worse than this, its sad that they've been made to dull it down so much.

                      But also, the game feels quite cheap and ropey, I'm sure Manhunt 1 played better. I'd like to go back and try it out again after this to see what its like but this deffo feels quite sub standard just now.

                      But I have paid for it so I will play through to the end and see how I feel then sell it on probably.

                      One question though, on the level Sexual Deviants

                      where you have to gain entrance to the underground bit by using a guy head at the door, how do you actually do it again? I done it in the beta but I cant seem to see or even remember whats supposed to be done here!


                        Originally posted by Rossco View Post
                        One question though, on the level Sexual Deviants

                        where you have to gain entrance to the underground bit by using a guy head at the door, how do you actually do it again? I done it in the beta but I cant seem to see or even remember whats supposed to be done here!

                        Go up the stairs from the main room and get the axe. Once there, the game will tell you the movements needed for beheading someone.

                        I know what you mean about the ropey looks, kind of early ps2 graphics, but I never really got into the manhunt and never tried the beta (don't have a machine that works with it) so the blurred executions don't bother me as much.
                        Last edited by Concrete donkey; 05-11-2007, 19:02.


                          Uch so you do, forgot about that! Cheers!

                          Not that I'll put it on for the next few days anyway most likely.


                            Gah! The blurring out of the executions really ruins this for me. The ones in the example videos they released didn't look too bad but some of them in the full thing are so awful you can't even vaguely tell what's supposed to be going on.

                            Instead all you get is thud, thud, squelch, squelch, hurngh!, thud.

                            You can also blatantly tell where they've taken some of the animations right out. For example the maximum sledge hammer one just cuts away as he raises it right over his head, where you know full well that you'd be seeing him pulp the guys brains all over the wall.

                            Shame its been crippled so much really because in atmosphere and tensions it's on a par with a first one (and Lamb seems to be a much more "likeable" main character so far than Cash).


                              How come this is just a Wii thread?

                              It is kind of nuts that the main feature of the game is covered and hidden. From the bits I played, though they weren't bad, they were really all based around setting up and getting those kills so covering them is like missing the end of a movie.

                              I wonder what it would have been like if they had reversed their thinking on the censorship, as in left in all the visual violence but replaced the gruesome soundtrack with comedy boings, slide whistles and a laughter track. Would have been like those funniest home video shows where they show a horrendous accident with comedy sounds.

