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Manhunt 2 Wii

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    Originally posted by oblivion_6 View Post
    One final note is the way this game actually gets in your head, not since Shadow of the collosus have i felt this way, while your executing perps and crims you start to actually feel like your doing it for real, again its the superb use of the controllers. I started to actually feel guilty for taking out some civilians!
    Eek, let's hope Jack Thompson's not reading this..


      I've decided to look at the bluring as a psychological defense mechanism the character uses to disasociate himself from his actions which, although a stretch, kinda fits in with his character at the point I'm playing at. This way it doesnt cripple the game. Wouldn't mind playing an uncut version if they ever release one though.


        That's fair enough and was the way I looked at it initially. I think the main problem I have with it is it in conjunction with the Wii controls.

        Without really being able to see what's going on you're just thrusting the nunchuck and remote around like a demented fool, switching between looking at the command prompts for whatever action Lamb is supposed to be doing and squinting to try and make out what the hell might be going on for all the squelching and gargling.

        I wonder if it might be better on the PS2 as the controls would probably feel a bit more natural than the Wii ones right now.


          It wont be released I dont think but once I finish my purchased game I might hunt down the PS2 version without filters on the net and play it just to see what it was supposed to be like. Am I allowed to say that? I have bought the game so technically its not stealing or anything.

          Yeh good point mate, I was feeling the same when playing it, your trying to work out whats going on on screen without realising that a new move has came up in the corner of the screen and your expected to flail your arms about a bit more... Just didnt seem as fluid as it could be but on the ones where you could see what was going on it felt right as you knew that you were punching to the right, jabbing down on the head and thrusting forward to finish, etc etc.


            Originally posted by Rossco View Post
            Am I allowed to say that?
            You just did


              Been playing the uncensored PSP version recently (actually bought the PSP version too but decided to play the uncensored one) and it's interesting to see in the uncensored kills what's been edited from the leaked PS2 beta.

              Most notable is

              Heads don't seem to come off/explode the way they did in the uncensored beta. Also, during the Sexual Deviants level when you are in the Hostel type dungeon when you kill the guy in the dentist chair execution you no longer stab his eyes with a scalpel and you can't kill the innocent guy who's in the electric chair. What is funny though is that peoples heads explode like candy with guns, guess the ESRB didn't mind that

              Still a very atmospheric game and works a treat with headphones on the PSP, really adds to it.


                Hi troops,

                Is this playable on a PAL Wii, or are you lot playing on modded or NTSC consoles?


                  Originally posted by Bada Bing! View Post
                  Hi troops,

                  Is this playable on a PAL Wii, or are you lot playing on modded or NTSC consoles?
                  NTSC US machine for me. No idea about chipped machines.


                    Gfx wise this is a pretty poor looking game, I`m only up to the sexual deviants lvl so far.

                    Its a good stealth game all the same. Taking your time and waiting for a good moment to creep up behind a nasty and do him away with various shakes and thrusts of your Wii mote is well implemented.

                    On a side note I watched Hostel 2 this evening, how this game got banned and the film got let in is beyond me.
                    Either the ratings board are a bunch of brainless nitwits or its politics.
                    I think its a combination of the two.


                      Been playing this through since Friday on the PSP, uncensored.

                      Enjoying it more than I thought I would.

                      Controls are pretty decent for the PSP, you're certainly not fighting against the controls as I felt I was with MGS Portable Ops.

                      Some of the sections have a real Duke Nukem feel about them. Dark humour etc.

                      I like the gritty visuals, going through a cycle of run and gun at the moment which isn't anywhere near as satisfying as the sneak sections.

                      Women sitting next to me on the train this morning nearly shat herself as she was nosying in on a sledgehammer moment. Serves her right, nosey witch. She smelled 'off' too, I hate that.

                      Can't see me playing it through again but so far it's been 'fun'.


                        I just finished playing this through for the second time, yesterday, this time with the horrible filters removed thanks to Ocarina/Gecko OS.

                        Thinking back on my first experience with this game, as time wore on, I gradually came to have a lower and lower opinion of the game. I could still remember having great fun with the game, but all the little niggles (like the slightly useless gun aiming) were pulling at my opinion, pleading with me to think less of the game. Also, reading several reviews as the PAL version finally saw the light of day, left me unable to defend those weaker elements.

                        Anyway, after playing it again, I've got to say I'm definitely a confirmed fan now! I started off just out of curiosity, thinking I'd just try a couple of executions and then return it to the shelf. But, before I knew it I found myself chasing after every execution cut-scene, and pretty soon I was finishing the whole game! Without the filters, there's a real "gotta catch 'em all" feeling.

                        If anyone has homebrew installed and was wondering about buying or returning to the game, definitely give it a whirl. The game's now pretty cheap if you want to have a stab at it!


                          How does this filter removal thingy work???

                          I'm just in the process of trying to sell my US copy becuase I thought it was pants & hated the enforced blurry filter effects on the death scenes.

                          Would like to see them in their gory glory if I can before I part with it then.



                            You get the codes from the USB Gecko website (not sure if I'm allowed to post). Then you have to make that text file into a .gct file, which is easier to do in Windows (there's a program to create them) or you can load them up in the gct program on the Wii. Once you have the gct file, you simply put it in /SD/Codes directory and start up either Gecko OS (better) or Ocarina and the codes are applied. Then they're just "off", no further action required.


                              Just to note as well that even if you remove the filters it's still nothing compared to the uncut PS2 beta that was leaked before Rockstar changed it for release.

