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Call of Duty 4 - Xbox 360/Playstation 3

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    I just dont have the time to put into it like I see from some of the guys here .. impressed how some of you can try the same bit over and over for 3 hours though. Crazy!


      tbh this is why i love achievements, until playing CoD2 on the 360 id never even bothered with Veteran but on 360 i wanted to wh0re them points lol.

      I've got to say that finishing CoD2 on Veteran was also one of my favorite gaming moments, just the sense of YAY its done.


        I just assumed Veteran meant "realistic" in that if you get shot, you go down and probably don't get back up. Maybe I'll give it a shot then if that's not so.


          veteran is not that hard to be honest bar a few areas. The only one I gave up on was "No Fighting in the War Room" and it was an absolute breeze in hardened mode

          3 achievements left to go for the full 1000 although 2 of them are for 2 veteran levels. Have to do the cargo ship in under 20 secs too which I am finding tricky for some strange reason


            I'm just concerned about the ghillies level on veteran, cos the middle

            (after the shot is fired)

            of that was very very hard on normal!


              it's not that hard bar the ferris wheel part but there are plenty of different strategies for that part

              Running to the next checkpoint works very well too especially if you have already completed the game and know where to go next. I couldn't do that I as played through on veteran first so had to do it the hard way


                I found it difficult because they seem to come from the front, sides and from behind (oh my, they most certainly come from behind) and I HAD to carve a route out despite being told by my superior to not worry about them, we don't have time.

                I tried legging it, but the ones who came from behind had me on my face pretty quickly.
                Last edited by Jebus; 11-11-2007, 11:51.


                  I agree Jebus, there was a time in that mission where I almost admitted defeat as I could see NO way out, but careful choice of my targets, my route and when to run like **** got me through the checkpoints. The Ferris wheel section however I just dont know...

                  maybe planting C4 on all the landing points of the helicopter guys and taking them all out in one fell swoop even then I still think it would be ridiculous. Its like the entire cast of 'Enemey at the gates' is coming at you.

                  Has anyone done 'Mile high club' on Veteran? I tried it a few times last night and I actually think it is impossible...

                  unless you take out everyone with headshots as soon as they appear I just cant see there being a way through this. Making it 1 hit kills for that bit was bad enough as it so confined but shortening the time, WTF

                  ... SUPERB missions though and loved it on Hardened but I think Vet may be a step too far for me


                    I tried Mile High Club on veteran and found that rather than the difficulty being the problem, it's the timer. Simply insane.


                      Originally posted by Jebus View Post
                      I tried Mile High Club on veteran and found that rather than the difficulty being the problem, it's the timer. Simply insane.
                      That was my point man, the cyborg enemies I can handle but the timer is set-up so that you near enough have to just run through every room. Simply having to reload uses a good 10-15 seconds of that time, it is truly insane and anyone who does it should file an application for the real SAS, I know am gonna if I do it and put on my CV... recently completed 'Mile High club' on veteran, I am the anti-terrorist ninja.


                        I forgot how amazing the MP element of COD4 really was as it's been a little while since the beta. Had one of those ' corrrr ' moments earlier. I was backed into a burned out room in a building in a team DM game. AK47 was out of ammo - sat quietly as I could hear footsteps behind me on the surround sound .. they move to my back left and that way is a door so I sit and wait. One of the enemy team comes through I knife him in the chest - his accomplice see's me and is about to fire but I raise my handgun and shoot him clean in the face ... I picked up his carbine and quickly exited the killzone feeling like jesus. As i ran out jets roared overhead and I had a slight erection.


                          I'm slo glad I got that Ferris Wheel section done last night at 3am! If I didnt do it then, I dont think I could have made myself put the game back on today after the frustration I went through!

                          Any luck with you yet Gerry? The time I managed it I was just doing the exact same as before, hiding at the far right section of the map next to the buildings, picking off as many of the respawners as I could and turning round to get the odd guy in the dodgems bit. LAID C4 AROUND me so if anyone got too close, I could blow out the game! Then as soon as the heli started getting close, I made a run for it in between the dodgems and the ferris THROWING FLASHBANGS at the time, which gave me precious seconds of not getting shot in the face so I could reach the captain, then when you pick him up, STAY AWAY from the cars, try to take a line around them but still as short a route as possible to the chopper as the cars sometimes blow up!

                          Took me ages of trying and that was on Hardened, hopefully it wont be MUCH different on Veteran!

                          The single sniper shot bit before that was class too!

                          Really liked it, did everyone get the shot first time? I'm wondering if they made it easy so most people get it first try and dont mess the mission up. I aimed about a foot to the right of his head and BANG, he's gone, and his arm went flying off! Then shot the pilot of the chopper right between the eyes.

                          Ace part of the level.



                            Now that would be a game to buy.

                            Rossco, I missed the shot the first time! The

                            wind changed at the last second, they all scarpered then a chopper rocketed the building. You restart from the shot though so no biggy



                              The single sniper shot bit I ended up doing a few times. Got one of the henchmen in the balls twice - good marker. Forget the flag and the coriolis effect - monitor the balls.


                                I've lost count the amount of times I've been amongst the other team and melee'd them to death, before they've realised I'm not one of em'

