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Call of Duty 4 - Xbox 360/Playstation 3

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    Originally posted by reektan View Post
    As i ran out jets roared overhead and I had a slight erection.
    Awesome post man!!


      Hehe, hitting the chopper pilot and watching the cockpit explode in a flurry of bright red blood and brains was brilliant shame we didnt get to use that sniper rifle more often, I doubt many folk would have ****ed with Soap if he was carrying that bad boy about the battlefield.


        Originally posted by reektan View Post
        I forgot how amazing the MP element of COD4 really was as it's been a little while since the beta. Had one of those ' corrrr ' moments earlier. I was backed into a burned out room in a building in a team DM game. AK47 was out of ammo - sat quietly as I could hear footsteps behind me on the surround sound .. they move to my back left and that way is a door so I sit and wait. One of the enemy team comes through I knife him in the chest - his accomplice see's me and is about to fire but I raise my handgun and shoot him clean in the face ... I picked up his carbine and quickly exited the killzone feeling like jesus. As i ran out jets roared overhead and I had a slight erection.
        HAHAHAHA, gold. This game is awesome, having so much fun online.
        Been playing pretty solidly since it came out, im rank 21.. some people are rank 40+ - May I ask how?


          Ive not found Veteran stupidy impossilbe hard, Ive felt it was either my stupid impatience or one more go and I could do it feeling and then I just get such elation when I do it (yesterday I punched the air when I made it into heli on Ghillies first time and then though f* nooooooo when they told me to go back and get him as Id left him behind pml). If had plenty of games what Ive thought stuff that on hardest level (R6 for me was that I got about 15minutes from the end on realistic then hit a brick wall for days then lowered it down just to finish it) as they dont feel fair, COD4 for me doesnt do this, yes its hard but its not that insane. Im one of those people though what will play any game on the hard level minimum anyway (I actually get more annoyed when I have to play a game to unlock hard like GOW). Id rather have it too hard and knock it down than too easy and be bored (I did some levels on Halo3 on normal after doing it all first play thru on hardened and I know if Id played the whole game on normal I would have benched it as it was a yawn fest).

          Took me about 20 attempts to do first bit on shot on sniper I kept hittin bloke next to him in nads.


            Originally posted by Onii View Post
            HAHAHAHA, gold. This game is awesome, having so much fun online.
            Been playing pretty solidly since it came out, im rank 21.. some people are rank 40+ - May I ask how?
            Lot of them prob got the asian/usa copy early .. or they're yanks with not much else to do .. what with being 12 and all. The funny thing is if you have an element of skill at FPS you can hold your own as a low level against a crazed american with a super modded gun and crazy logos next to their name. Kinda feels good when you top them then pick up their spesh gun .. pure " haw haw MINE "
            Last edited by reektan; 11-11-2007, 12:32.


              Friday night I nearly wet myself when I think it was Bleeders or one of the NTSC gang had that skill when your dying you get to let your pistol go off at em. First time Id seen it and I couldnt stop laughing as it looked so funny.


                What an amazing game this is. Just finished this on Normal, and have to say this really is a contender for game of the year for me.

                Now for me to delve in the multiplayer.


                  Originally posted by Onii View Post
                  HAHAHAHA, gold. This game is awesome, having so much fun online.
                  Been playing pretty solidly since it came out, im rank 21.. some people are rank 40+ - May I ask how?
                  If it's anything like the beta, then you should be unlocking challenges, which help you level up quicker if you complete them.

                  Thanks for the tips re: the knife achievement guys. Will try and find three happless victims later on. I guess stun grenade might be useful for it?


                    argh can only find it for £45 in town, sigh, really bored at present too hah


                      Tried places like Asda/Tesco etc... kernow? They're usually pretty cheap for high street.


                        yeah, sold out like, hehe, I even went to the 24hr tesco


                          little tip for the ferris wheel section if you don't kill the dogs in the pool right before they savage half the soldiers for you as soon as it kicks off.


                            MP is the mustard. Really love the structure of it all.

                            Have to say, that the online on PS3 version has been rock solid since the hiccup the other night. Nice one.

                            Damn last second nade dropping corpses!


                              Finished this on the PC last night, and due to no internet at my flat just now can't play MP, but the SP was pretty good. It's still the same old CoD, you know try and do something you're not supposed to and the game punishes you/nothing happens. The game felt short, not so much in the time it takes to finish, but unless I missed something, so much of the story seemed to be missing. Or it just wasn't explained that well, quite surprised about the story to be honest was better than I thought and he Half Life inspired cut-scenes were a welcomed addition.

                              Really hope for CoD5(6) that IW gets rid of the infinite wave of enemies design and actually creates an AI that actually challenges you/uses tactics.

                              And anyone that can finish the final mission on Veteran deserves an actual medal.


                                Managed to do the ferris wheel bit on Legendary finally

                                Planted C4 everywhere then hod at the other end of the map, before I ran back I detonated the everyone :woo:.

                                Still wasn't done though had to frag the **** out of everyone and lob flash grenades everywhere then getting back to the choppa was insane. Im sure I should have been killed my whole screen was blood red one bullet would have ended it BUT I DID IT !!!!

                                Im know stuck at the end of next level

