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Call of Duty 4 - Xbox 360/Playstation 3

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    I think i'm about on my 4th 'full' play through at the moment on hardened. I enjoy the intensity of the firefights, with so much happening around you.
    Yeah, the battles are scripted, but damn "war has never been so much fun!"

    On a side note, i've finally joined the 'Mile High Club' on veteran
    It took me fooking ages! and i must've had about milliseconds left before i reached the VIP for the first time. I got lucky in the end corridor section with my flashbang as i ran past the last two. THANK F**K i didn't cock it up first time and kill the VIP, otherwise the disk would've gone out the window.

    I tried the method posted a few pages back. But it was just too suicidal at the beginning, even though it's probably one of the faster methods. I just couldn't get it to work.
    In the end, i more or less copied this video:
    Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

    here's a nuts one i tried to do earlier and failed miserably:
    Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

    pistols ftw!


      Completed this on hardened last night.

      Did i like it?
      Did it frustrate the hell out of me?
      Did i come with swear words that i never knew exisited?
      Am i going to try it on veteren?

      In all seriousness though, the difficulty spikes were awful. I can see a less patient gamer turning it off and never returning to it. Mind you i didn't play it on normal first (like it recommended to me at the beginning.)


        I played the Beta to death on the 360 but have bought the game for my PS3. In the Free for All on PS3 it is 8 players, I am sure there are more on the 360 can someone confirm?

        As for the game, love it single and multi. I ahve done it once and will play again many times!


          I'm struggling to put into words how much I rate this game. The whole package is fantastic. Special mention has to go to *don't read unless you've finished the game*

          the death of Paul Jackson, from hero to a slow death in one level, amazingly well done and very emotional, left me a bit shell shocked



            Originally posted by Believeddog View Post
            I'm struggling to put into words how much I rate this game. The whole package is fantastic. Special mention has to go to *don't read unless you've finished the game*

            the death of Paul Jackson, from hero to a slow death in one level, amazingly well done and very emotional, left me a bit shell shocked

            That was without question one of the most brilliant moments I've ever played in any videogame ever. It also utterly refutes one of the more annoying "rules" I read in some of the textbooks on writing for games I've been through -

            that you can't introduce a player character who's doomed

            . But then most of the people in the industry who deal with this kind of thing talk a lot of self-indulgent nonsense as it is.

            Shame that most people will ignore the contributions a game like CoD 4 makes to furthering cinematic presentation and truly innovative interactive storytelling because it's a first-person shooter built on pretty antiquated notions of game mechanics and level design. Oh, and because it's not made by Bioware.


              Finally got the 1,000 on this yesterday, first game I've bothered to do that with in a loooong time.


                On the subject of voice acting, Captain Price is Billy "Johnny Allen" Murray. Well that's who he sounds like anyway.


                  Yep that's him.


                    Originally posted by Eight Rooks View Post
                    That was without question one of the most brilliant moments I've ever played in any videogame ever.
                    I agree. Infinity Ward should be congratulated for this, one of the most shocking and saddening moments in a game ever.


                      I have had this for a day or so and it is rather good......
                      Playing as the SAS, well that is about as cool as it gets and to think that some people actually do this **** for a living.

                      Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.


                        must. stop. playing. online. multilayer....

                        Bollocks can't stop, it is a drug this game!

                        PS3 high on kills is 3553, do these people ever work!!


                          I'm really f**ked off with the online multiplayer today. Things just arent gelling & my aim/reaction time was terrible. I always seem to get killed more times than I actually kill enemies, but today was terrible.

                          I got really heated because of it & it makes me just not want to bother carrying on. I just feel like I'm wasting my time.


                            Originally posted by Tommy Verceti View Post
                            I'm really f**ked off with the online multiplayer today. Things just arent gelling & my aim/reaction time was terrible. I always seem to get killed more times than I actually kill enemies, but today was terrible.

                            I got really heated because of it & it makes me just not want to bother carrying on. I just feel like I'm wasting my time.
                            Ah, the CoD4 dilema. I know exactly how you feel. I've put over a day into multiplayer, and I'm still woefully average, but amazingly addicted to it. My reactions are waaaaay to slow, and I frequently don't kill from long distance, despite getting the little X on the crosshair so I know my aim is right, and then using an entire mag, but someone else will spy me from a mile away and kill me with two bullets from the M4!

                            I'd leave it for a while and come back to it - I've threatened to sell it on at least twice, but always buckle and come back to it, such is the addiction


                              must. stop. playing. online. multilayer....

                              Bollocks can't stop, it is a drug this game!

                              me nither. I never got the whole clan, counterstrike thing years ago, why people would spend so many hours on it i could never fathom.

                              Think i get it now, much to the detriment of everything else i should be doing.


                                Originally posted by PhilG View Post
                                I'd leave it for a while and come back to it - I've threatened to sell it on at least twice, but always buckle and come back to it, such is the addiction
                                You took the words right out of my mouth mate!
                                I hated it about 3 hrs ago, but ended up going back to it about 1 hr ago & had a pretty blinding sesh & for the 1st time ever I think I had more kills than deaths. I only really bought for the multiplayer & havent really touched even the 3rd mission of the actual game yet!

                                Its a Love/Hate thing is this game, & like you I just cant seem to put it down.

