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Call of Duty 4 - Xbox 360/Playstation 3

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    Originally posted by Boggy View Post
    Just finished it on Hardened and is the first War game i've completed. (Always got bored before) The game is amazing and i'd recommend it to anyone.
    I finnished the game on veteran on 360 but the mile high club is kicking my ass. 900/1000 AP's, just bought the guide so i can find all al asads Tv's and the intel computers.


      It's stupid that when the party leader leaves the post game lobby, the party doesn't leave with them.


        Indeed, but you can just exit out yourself and you'll still be in the party.

        Having eight or more players in a party and trying to get them all to leave whilst Americans scream down their headsets can be difficult.


          They need to change it to work like Halo's.


            Originally posted by GODZOOKI View Post
            I finnished the game on veteran on 360 but the mile high club is kicking my ass. 900/1000 AP's, just bought the guide so i can find all al asads Tv's and the intel computers.
            Why not use Youtube? Cheaper surely?


              War Pig on Veteran is annoying. Sniper AK-47s is it!


                Lots of problems trying to get into games tonight, started about an hour ago. It keeps kicking people out of the lobby saying it's closed before sorting anybody into teams.


                  Recurring issue. This has happened before.


                    Originally posted by GODZOOKI View Post
                    I finnished the game on veteran on 360 but the mile high club is kicking my ass. 900/1000 AP's, just bought the guide so i can find all al asads Tv's and the intel computers.
                    Gamefaqs FTW.


                      Finished this and must say that it is possibly the most intense shooter I have ever played and that's coming from a Halo fan. Pure cinema from beginning to end. The last level in particular just takes it into the stratosphere......

                      I had tears in my eyes at the end seeing my buddies dead or dying

                      I can't wait to get back into it on hardened. The guns are great too as they are always consistent and don't go down the bigger is better road that other shooters fall for. I hardly touched the Russian metal but I am looking forward to trying out their guns.
                      Last edited by Richard.John; 04-12-2007, 03:44.


                        All Ghillied Up is tense and brilliant!


                          Finally got around to playing this bad boy tonight as a few chums who already have it were on Live too.

                          I hosted a match with just them to start off so I can get a feel of the controls. I've been playing Lost Planet this week so started clicking the right-stick to reload, but that just swung my knife!

                          I got a couple of kills in, but I swear the guns are a lot more powerful than CoD2. Sometimes you could run away with the screen all red and survive, this time people go down fast.

                          My friend's up to level 30 and he's at a real advantage:
                          "Why do you drop a grenade when you die?"
                          "it's just a feature you get as you level up"
                          "how come your gunsight's so much better than mine?"
                          "it's just a feature you get as you level up"
                          "How come you've called an airstrike?"
                          "You get them for killing sprees"

                          After that we tried going into a ranked match. Not knowing the map didn't help and there's me Level 1 up against these higher ranked clan people called things like [XxL]NoobKiLLa. I got a few kills in when I worked out what the terrorists look like but the game started lagging and people were zipping all over the shop.

                          The match timed out and I got no kills and I'm still level 1...

                          More time needed on this, methinks, just to try and even the field.

                          Well, that's my First Play take on it!


                            I know what I'm doing over the weekend

                            Originally posted by FourZeroTwo (Infinity Ward: Community Relations Manager)

                            We're kicking off a double XP weekend exclusively on the PS3 starting on Friday and lasting till Monday morning. Play at anytime starting at 10 am (PST) through Monday at 10 am (PST) and you'll earn double the XP in every gametype. Rank up higher, unlock more all weekend long!

                            This is a special limited time deal, so get in there and rank up while the double XP lasts, as come Monday morning it's back to normal XP. See you online!

                            Starts: Friday Dec 7th at 10 AM (PST)

                            Ends: Monday Dec 10th at 10 AM (PST)


                              That PS3 only!?


                                Originally posted by Rossco View Post
                                That PS3 only!?
                                Strangely, yeah.

