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Call of Duty 4 - Xbox 360/Playstation 3

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    I sold this game months ago and I still miss it. Quite tempted to pick it up again..sigh.


      Originally posted by Believeddog View Post
      I sold this game months ago and I still miss it. Quite tempted to pick it up again..sigh.
      You know you want to...

      I've put in around 90 hours into multiplayer now (and that's with a month of no Internet as well since November) but I just don't seem to get bored. Occasionally it's very frustrating - campers, everyone using the M16 with Stopping Power etc - but the payoff is worth it.

      I've been particularly pleased with my new "Ninja" class - UAV Jammer for Perk 2, Dead Silence for Perk 3 and a silenced M4 or G3 as my weapon. The enemy don't know where I'm coming from

      The only problem is because I want to play this I've hardly touched any other games - pretty much only Lost Odyssey is all I've played. I have Turok, DMC4, Bully and Dark Sector all piled up waiting for some 360 lovin' but I only ever end up playing COD4...


        since i signed up to live in january, ive not touched another game apart from this.

        id say it was probably my most played game ever, and will only be taken out of my 360 when GTA drops through my letterbox...


          Originally posted by SmokeMeAKipper View Post
          You know you want to...

          I've been particularly pleased with my new "Ninja" class - UAV Jammer for Perk 2, Dead Silence for Perk 3 and a silenced M4 or G3 as my weapon. The enemy don't know where I'm coming from
          that sounds ace Smoke! though might have to swap the single shot rifle for a sub, as i love sniper hunting on creek and bloc...


            I put this on last night for the first time in a good week or two and after a troublesome round or two using M4 and M16, I changed back to my trusty Gold M60 and was ON FIRE!! Just mowing people down in the blink of an eye. It really is great fun when you get handfuls of airstrikes and heli's in the one round and you are just demolishing the opposition!


              I use that ninja class all the time in hardcore games, no kill-cam means they are usually scrambling to figure out where the hell you are.

              Im also loving the overkill perk to carry two main weapons on levels like Creek, Broadcast and Overgrown where you have open distances mixed in with close quarter battles. Im running with a 50 .cal as my first weapon (so you get the ghillie suit) and then either the M4, M16 or P90 as my back up.

              Last thing I reccomend in hardcore if you like it is the fast reload perk (forget its name)... I dont know how many times I've managed to reload and then plug an enemy straight after.


                Originally posted by SmokeMeAKipper View Post
                The only problem is because I want to play this I've hardly touched any other games - pretty much only Lost Odyssey is all I've played. I have Turok, DMC4, Bully and Dark Sector all piled up waiting for some 360 lovin' but I only ever end up playing COD4...
                I'm in exactly the same situation! I always end up turning on my 360 with the intention of completing one of my (many) half finished games, but as soon as I sign into live, I just see all me mates playing some team deathmatch and it's just too tempting!

                Really loving some of the private matches I've been having lately. We've even made a few of our own custom game types... knives only or shotguns on small maps like shipment are a right laugh!

                Think I'll try some stealth action myself soon. Wouldn't mind adding a different approach to game (rather than my usual Rambo guns blazing stylee). Seems to work for this guy...

                call of duty 4 Mp5 Montage perks:BandolierUav jammerDead silence WATCH TO THE END ENJOY


                  On re-reading, my post made no sense whatsoever.


                    That video is sweeeeet! I've set up that class and will give it a go!

                    Last night playing this, again took me a few rounds to get into it, keeps happening recently, but once I had started I was awesome. One game though, I died 5 times in a row at the start without any kills and my mates were up at 10 kills already and by the end, I had came top of the leaderboard with 32 kills or something, was just on fire after I got warmed up!

                    But in our final game of the night, we were hoping for a good one, so we set up a game of Headquarters, just the two of us left playing. And we got chucked into a game that was already started, and our team with 90-15 down! Christ I thought, this'll be over fast. So much for an enjoyable last game of the night.

                    But ohhh it was fantastic. Crash was the level, and me and my mate started off with airstrikes within a minute, then both getting heli's straight after which really helped up claw back some points. I kept managing to find myself where the whole team were spawning and at one point, I had all 6 of them in the sights, took out 4 with knifes, then shot one, and the 6th guy took me out just on time! It was hilarious, I was rolling about laughing as none of them seen me until the last second, was pure ninjaness!

                    Then as it neared the end, the other team got a few more headquarters before us and the score was 240-200 in their favour with under a minute to go! We all spread out and waited for the next one to appear and we were all fairly close, they all piled in while I sat outside, popped some smoke and threw 3 random grenades to stop any of them making it through the door, then just fire off two full clips on my M60 while strafing around in circles without anyone even seeing out touching me. Got an airstrike, layed it down on top of the headquarters, with 5 seconds left of the timer the score was 240-240, and we got the final 5 points to take it to 245-240 with 2 seconds left on the game clock! And we all cheered out loud when Victory was announced and the other team were silenced! It was awesome, possibly the best game we've had on CoD4 since it came out! It was just so tense to the very last second!


                      Wel I have done prestige 7 times now, have got the Gold AK47 (it takes somes work to get!), will have the Gold M60 by later today, and, I have never been bored for one second.

                      53,561 Kills
                      16 days 4 Hours played

                      Longest I have ever played anything

                      Now the new maps are here, more hours will vanish!


                        Nice. I've been putting in a lot of hours on this too!

                        I'd like to get those gold weapons but I'm too busy trying to get my prestige level up.


                          Got to say, I'm loving going back through this on Veteran... Great stuff.


                            I picked this up and I'm loving the online mode but having installed the map pack the new maps have never appeared, anyone got any ideas as to why?


                              Crazytaxinext - you cant select the new maps, unless you play a private match. they will just appear randomly as you play through the different levels.
                              found that creek and broadcast appeat the most frequent, with killhouse hardly at all, which is a shame, as its a right laugh...


                                Thanks, I must be having no look them. Installed them about 2 hours of gameplay ago and still nothing. Ah well, I'm still levelling up nicely

