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Call of Duty 4 - Xbox 360/Playstation 3

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    Yeah it's annoying as hell when you come up against a team of level 10's using M16's Juggernaut/Stopping Power. It's just horrible, especially when they just all stay in the same position and camp it out big style.

    But makes it even sweeter when you manage to sneaky up behind them and stab them in the back!


      I am a level 55 Prestige Gold Cross player, and, I hate campers. My response is usually, MP5, run round and kill them all. Even worse is the ones you kill who keep going back to the sopt every time! Madness.

      My KD ratio is 1.49 on 121,000 kills, so you don't need to camp to kill.

      Snipers, I have no problem with as that is the point of snipers, camp after all. And, I respect the skill of some snipers who are awesome.


        I gotta admit, I am incredibly bad as a sniper. I'm a awesome rifleman, but the skills just don't transfer over.


          BUT: if you're playing properly as a team, what sense is there in running about like it's Unreal Tournament? It's not. Fine if you're completely dominating the other team and you go in for teh rapage, but in a well-balanced game most people tend to defend one or two positions with a few infiltrators on either side running in with UAV jammer and dead silent. Some maps (like Chinatown), well - you've got to be pretty stupid or desperate for a lively game to run around on. It's a camper's dream, that map. IW really screwed the pooch when they translated that over from CoD2.


            My K/D ratio is still around the 1.8 mark but I generally seem to struggle to get above 1:1 now. Camping is just something you have to accept I guess.

            I'm finding playing as a ninja is the most satisfying way now - it's great when the opposition get a UAV and you just pop out in front of them and wipe that knowing smirk off their face


              Originally posted by SmokeMeAKipper View Post
              I'm finding playing as a ninja is the most satisfying way now - it's great when the opposition get a UAV and you just pop out in front of them and wipe that knowing smirk off their face
              yep that is class with campers also!


                Just finished the single player campaign the other day.

                I was a bit underwhelmed to be honest, after reading all the hype this game just didn't really agree with me at all. I just cannot get used to a game with no cover anymore.

                Also played a bit of multiplayer and was again disappointed - I much prefer the Rainbow Six multiplayer experience - that seems to suit me a lot more.

                Thinking back to all of the many fps over the years I definitely prefer the Rainbow Six and Ghost Recon games.

                I'll probably get flamed but to each their own I suppose.


                  Originally posted by Finsbury Girl View Post
                  Just finished the single player campaign the other day.

                  I was a bit underwhelmed to be honest, after reading all the hype this game just didn't really agree with me at all. I just cannot get used to a game with no cover anymore.
                  This game has Cover. It's just not the "press this button to stick to this wall till you move away" kind of cover


                    Originally posted by Finsbury Girl View Post
                    Also played a bit of multiplayer and was again disappointed - I much prefer the Rainbow Six multiplayer experience - that seems to suit me a lot more.
                    But that game is ridden with horrible latency issues and multiple bugs that ruin the experience? It's online isn't as good as COD4.


                      Originally posted by Malc View Post
                      But that game is ridden with horrible latency issues and multiple bugs that ruin the experience? It's online isn't as good as COD4.
                      No online game is as good as COD4. FACT!


                        I did give RSV2 a go a couple of months ago and found it solid enough, gave it up though as out of my short life playing games online it had by far the worst online community I've ever come across.


                          Originally posted by Rossco View Post
                          No online game is as good as COD4. FACT!
                          You'd better add an adjective like 'competitive' or 'versus' into that sentence, or L4D will want some stern words with you


                            Weird one - been playing most days over Xmas, at the weekend a 'Download Maps' came up on the menu, clicked it but nothing happened and haven't seen it come up before or since. Anyone else?

                            I know it's been announced there will be no more COD4 content as they are working on COD6. Local glitch?


                              Just got the GOTY version from HMV for ?30 with some of my xmas vouchers - loving single player and online, really enjoying it and I do not usually play 'deathmatch' online much.

                              Can feel a fair few hours gonig into this one...


                                Originally posted by MatWoods View Post
                                Can feel a fair few hours gonig into this one...
                                More like a few hundred hours online!

