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Mass Effect

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    Mass Effect

    Picked this up in my local Currys on Friday afternoon, I was there buying GHII and it was just sitting there on display. Rude not to. It maybe just my store (Aylesford nr Maidstone, Kent) as they have just this week finished a refurb, so maybe in laying out all the stock and boxes that have amounted over the weeks they mistakenly took out the pre-releases. It was ?39.99 (anymore and I would of kept my pre-order at GAME).

    There has been some talk of the game only taking 14 hours to complete on the t'internet somewhere, well you can at least double that for me. Isn't it possible to finsh one of the Super Mario games in a few minutes and Super Metriod on the SNES in under 3 hours, yet most of us never get to do that. It appears that with every new release thats leaked out to the shops, someone posts that "it only took me 14 hours". I wonder if that poster was using the in-game clock. After I played it for about 1hr30mins, the in-game clock stated that game time was 38mins?

    Without starting an argument here, there is so much dialogue and in-game cut scenes so far that the reason the game is, in some peoples view, so short, could be the disc its on (9GB).

    Now, onto the game. First let me point of that I tried KOTR and Jade Empire and got bored pretty quick, the former's framerate being laughable to the point of unplayable and loads of yak-yak-yak and Jade's generally dull action, although I was really looking forward to it at the time.

    First thing to note about the game is the music, its great. The sound overall is very good, if a little on the quiet side, expect to crank it up above your normal levels. I knew straight away that I would quite easily get lost in the story and plot, so I switched on subtitles before I started. Chose to go with a Female lead character as I didn't want the cliche of the hard man role again. She looks quite attractive I think, looks a lot like Joanna Dark IMO.

    Anyway, story kicks off and its really easy to follow, elements of "2001" are evident here, but the voice acting and the digital on-screen characters are excellent and very detailed and rich. Not much story before your into your first mission. The game does a little bit of explaining about the controls, but not much. Took me a while to figure out that the characters cannot climb or jump, which is quite bizare, so you can guess that most missions will take you on a very predetermined path with no open ended levels to speak of (yet).

    I chose my character to be a SOLDIER class, but she cannot handle a sniper rifle for toffee, so I guess the RPG element comes into effect later on with making it better, along with more health and greater stamina to run longer distances.

    Design of the interface is excellent, it all uses the analogue stick very well and none of it feels sticky. The Weapons screen, seen in most of the preview videos is quite well implemented overall, you press and HOLD the LB (or is it RB?) button, do what you need to do and then let go, which is great because its not an on/off button press.

    The whole space world design is fantastic, really well done, they have nailed what makes scifi great, for the first 2 minutes you know how good its going to be.

    Graphics are uniformly excellent, framerate is not. My 360 is literally creaking under the weight of running this game, the open environments appear to stream from the disc (a la PGR) and, as a result, textures load in quite late on some of the cut scenes (think Halo 2 cutscenes), although I have long suspected my 360 discdrive to be shagged for some time now, so some of you may have better luck than me with this. However at times its quite off-putting and spoils the experience, at one point when I reloaded a mission after dying, my 3 characters where standing in front of me while the rest of the background painted its way to the screen for about 2-3 seconds.

    I don't think the framerate is game destroying to be honest, but when you see the amount of effort that has gone into this game, its a big shame. This is something I believe lies in the Bioware's coders ability, so far this is 3 games in a row where they have not been able to meet a solid framerate, while others can (COD4, GOW and BIOSHOCK are prime examples). Screen tearing so far is generally there, but not too distracting so far, close interiors fair better, while open environments have it.

    Don't know what else to say as to not spoil it for those of you rabid for it, although the framerate and streaming from disc issues generally taint the experience for me personally. Put bluntly this is generally not my type of game, usually too fussy and anal to get into, but so far, given the overall vision of this game and the fact that the story, so far, is very easy to trace and understand, I will be plowing back into it at my next opportunity, and the fact that it will drag me away from COD4 online is some feat!

    Nice impressions, thanks

    You have no idea how tempted I am to go out in the pouring rain to my local Currys on the off chance they're selling this. My microwave appears to be leaking so it might be all the excuse I need...

    I've often wondered about textures popping in as to whether it's the 360 or the actual game (although this is the Unreal engine which is know for it). Disappointing if it's up to Halo 2 levels.

    What about the level of control you have over your team mates? I've read elsewhere that you can't give them orders to take up positions only for them to direct their fire at certain things?


      Just looked in my local smaller currys, they didn't have it on the shelves - and as for the large out of town one, I don't bother anymore - they don't even have halo 3 on the shelves - I think the newest title they have is Blazing Angels 2 - it's a terrible store


        A nice little intro into the game, nice one.
        Good to see that you've mentioned a few negs but they dont seem affect the actual play so they're only minor, & at least we all know whats coming now.



          Also I have another question - I'm reading that there's a filter to the graphics that can be turned on or off. What's this do? Is it like the Gears settings?


            Interesting what you say about your 360 creaking.
            Don't know if you've noticed my story in the other thread. I was due to start reviewing games and ME was to be the first. Came in the post last Monday but my 360 wouldn't load it. I have trouble with other games but eventually they all load. MS have my 360 now.
            Could it be that on start up, and I'm thinking it could be a firmware problem, my 360 just refuses to load so much, if indeed it is trying to load a lot of data.
            And what is it with people finishing the game quickly? I remember somebody on TTLG forums finishing Bioshock in 6 hours first play through. It took me 60 hours. I timed myself. That includes dying a few times when I'd load my last save instead of using the ingame option. Never did like that feature in the System Shock games either.
            I've read ME has 40 hours play main story and up to 70 for side-quest stuff. It wouldn't surprise me if I get at least 70 hours from it. I'm the type who takes their time. I'll read all the journals, weapon descriptions etc.


              Originally posted by Spatial101 View Post
              Also I have another question - I'm reading that there's a filter to the graphics that can be turned on or off. What's this do? Is it like the Gears settings?
              In answer to you first question about squad members, you can boss them about to move to a position, attack an ememy, or re-group. Its a bit like Rainbow Six, nothing too complex.

              The graphical filters are GRAIN and MOTION BLUR, both ON.OFF settings. GRAIN gives it like a film grain effect, which dirties up the picture a bit


                Is the group commands a stop the action kind of thing or is it done in a look at something and hit a button kind of way in real time (like your R6:V example kind of suggests)?

                Reason I ask is the earlier vids showed the player stopping the action to move squad mates to cover but recent impressions I've read elsewhere said this wasn't possible.

                edit: looks like I'll have to answer my own question then. It's still like it was in the videos by all account so you can stop time and direct things
                Last edited by Spatial; 19-11-2007, 06:49.


                  Just to show I wasn't being picky in my original comments about the framerate and texture loads etc, I've made a <bad> video and stuck in on YouTube just to prove a point.

                  The video is taken after reloading after dying, and shows that it takes about 15 seconds for the textures to load :|

                  Watch the block on the right first, followed by the wall to the left...I'll say no more. Its okay on initial load, but when its doing it on the fly, the framerate bombs!

                  Just a brief video for my fellow forum members, to demonstrate the time it takes for the game to load in the textures. Watch for the texture on the cube on ...


                    That doesn't look right, have there been any other moans about that on the net?

                    I can't imagine that is meant to happen, perhaps your HDD is on the way out or needs the cache clearing?


                      Wow, those textures did actually take quite a bit of time to load. It was even worse than the time it took for the textures to load sometimes in Gears of War.


                        Oof! @ that video. Nice music though

                        There are lots of people talking about the pop in textures in various places on the web, but that really does appear to be much worse than Gears ever was for me. Doesn't seem right it's that bad as Boris said.

                        But according to a Bioware rep on their forums Mass Effect doesn't use the cache so there's nothing to clear. Chances are it's the downside to the engine (and MS's continuing ludicrous standpoint of not forcing people to use a hard drive).


                          Englishbob: How much have you played since your initial impressions,wondering if these technical hitches have ruined the experience much?

                          Will be getting this still anyway.


                            Not really hampered my enjoyment that much, but I've just got to the level where you get to use the BigTrak, and its ****e! Difficult to control and its firepower and shields are underpowered, keep getting blown up. This is hampering my enjoyment!


                              Why would they release a game like that. They should just make the loadtimes a bit longer to avoid that.

