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Unreal Tournament 3

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    Is there a split-screen mode on the PS3 version?


      Not 100% certain but not by the looks of the back of the box. Not offline at least, possibly not online either.


        A couple of reviews have confirmed this. A shame, I've gone from "desperate, I'll order it today!", to "mildly interested, I'll pick up the PAL version when cheap".


          Got this bundled with my PS3 and I'm stunned how shocking it looks on a SD TV. Considering how good Gears of War looks in SD, I'm surprised Epic couldn't achieve a similar visual quality with this. It's jaggy as hell, has awful texture flicker and doesn't even run in widescreen (despite the dash being set to 16:9, a bug perhaps?). I'm sure it looks swank on a HD set but I've not got the cash to fork out for one yet so I'm stuck playing on my standard 28" widescreen set.


            Try setting post-processing to "vivid".

            Helped a few people I know.


              I will give that a bash. Still won't help with the widescreen issue though


                What's this 'core' pack all about? I keep getting some message about it whenever I try and join a game at the moment....


                  Players with US games can't join EU servers and visa-versa. Epic are working on a patch which should arrive sometime after half the PS3 players have given up on the game


                    Picked up the 360 version of this recently. What jolly good fun it is too. Lots of maps, half-a-dozen game modes, the classic weapons, mutators, bots and more. I used to love the original UT and this captures the feel really well.

                    The Campaign mode (which can be played co-op by up to four) is really just the multiplayer modes with bots. However, it's strung together by an incredibly in-depth and moving story that will tear at your heart-strings.*

                    *That last bit might be a lie.


                      Big bump for this thread with the release of the titan pack which so far I'm really enjoying. I'd highly recommend it to anyone who's a fan of the game especially as it's free.

                      The new pack adds a variety of features and modes with the headline being the titatn mode - this is a mutator which when enabled allows you to become a lot larger and tougher after a certain number of kills. You can go bigger again however this time it's limited an after a countdown timer you'll detonate redeemer style.

                      Greed and betrayal are two new gameplay modes although so far I've only been playing Greed which I think is really good. Each time you kill someone they drop all the skulls they are carrying, if they have none then they drop a single skull. Single skulls are worth one, gold skulls are worth 5, red skulls are worth 10. The goal is to carry these skulls to the enemy's flag point however as skulls only disappear if they fall off the side when the enemy dies (rare) or they're taken to a capture point it generally means the game keeps escalating as more and more skulls are on the battefield. You can't tell how many skulls someone is carrying which can make for some heart stopping moments when you kill someone metres from your capture point and they drop a load of red skulls.

                      The titan part integrates well, you can still turn into a titan but you cannot carry skulls and will drop all the ones you're carrying. Your movement on many of the maps is quite restricted as well however as the game has escalated with tons of skulls, so can more people go titan as the odds go higher and higher - early on in the game one person getting through doesn't matter but later on it could well mean game over, titans tend to take up base defence but often can't give chase.



                        Free weekend for steam users as well so give it ago!


                          Ive got the titan pack but it hasnt given me any of the new maps, like CTF-face, what am i missing do i need to download something extra?


                            ^ PS3 or PC?

                            I downloaded the correct Titan Patch off PSN on Thursday last week after the 2-week debacle of a no-show and then the wrong version.


                              On PC I downloaded the titan pack and the required patch2.0, thought the maps came with the titan pack.


