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Burnout Paradise (360 PS3)

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    Dumb question, but is there a custom control setup option on this? I bought it from the PSN, so no manual, would just like to see a breakdown of the controls somewhere. Not sure if there's a software manual option like you get with the PSP games. :/
    Originally posted by watusi View Post
    anyone bought the party pack? Considering getting it for a gaming night
    Discussed on the most recent ListenUP, sounds quite interesting but I have no friends use for it.

    EDIT: Also, what camera are people using on this? I went straight to bumper cam, but the models look so good (Bought the Legendary Pack along with the game) that I wondered if cockpit view or even behind the car might be better?
    Last edited by Number45; 23-02-2009, 12:28.


      Nope, there is no custom control set-up mate.

      As for the camera view, I used the bumper for about two seconds and the in-car view for a second less - the behind the car view is the best especially for drifting as you can actually see what you are doing all the time the camera rotates like in the PGR series by using the right stick. It's all good.

      watsui, the Party pack is great as long as you have a few friends sitting beside you - it is an offline multi-player pack only but a jolly decent one at that.

      I don't enjoy seeing the Legendary cars online, they spoil it a little bit from my point of view. I kind of wish the Big Surf Island would be released... now! That is the kind of content I'll spend my money on.

      Oh yeah, I got my platinum trophy the other day. I 'TAKENDOWN!' a random car, sent a mug/smug shot then ping. The EyeToy is actually pretty cool really - much better than I expected.


        I have this now - invite me please if ya see me online


          Well I was humming and hawing about it but when I saw them I just had to buy them all. The Toy Vehicles are just soooooooo cute and great fun to drive.


            I have shame!!!

            I bought the unlock key for the rest of the vehicles, I only had about 10 left to go and because of the sypid number of hours I've spent playing through this because of the problems I had, I just couldn't be bothered waiting any longer.

            I have to admit now I've done it though, you just can't beat the feeling of racing around Paradise City in a solid gold F1 car!!!


              Originally posted by John Parry View Post
              I have shame!!!

              I bought the unlock key for the rest of the vehicles, I only had about 10 left to go and because of the sypid number of hours I've spent playing through this because of the problems I had, I just couldn't be bothered waiting any longer.

              I have to admit now I've done it though, you just can't beat the feeling of racing around Paradise City in a solid gold F1 car!!!
              I'm quoting this just in case you come to your senses and try to hide your shame by editing your post.

              SHAME ON YOU!!!


                I accept that quote and raise it 120 hours!

                I've done my time, I'm a reformed character now. The real shame isn't the cheating, it's the fact that I've actually handed over cash for something that I've more than earned in the past.


                  I'm not even going to say how long I've put into this game. Let's just say John's time is pitiful compared!!!


                    Just a note for these debating whether or not to go for the Toy Car Pack, its currently mispriced at ?7.99 and will go back up to its correct ?9.99 soon.

                    I got the pack and must say the cars and bike are quiet good fun.


                      Originally posted by John Parry View Post
                      I have shame!

                      I bought the unlock key for the rest of the vehicles.
                      SHAME ON YOU!

                      Heh, I just thought I'll join in.

                      Man, I am annoyed with these vehicle packs - whenever I decide to play Burnout Paradise online, I get fairly fed-up of seeing nothing an huge increase in the number of the gold F1 car (thanks to Criterion for the unlock key feature) and the amount of Back to the Fyture-esque cars hovering around is getting a bit ridiculous.

                      I wish there was a separate online area - one for the **** cars and the other for the proper Burnout Paradise cars.

                      When is the Big Surf Island being released? I can't wait for that.


                        I'm one of the ones in the DeLorean! To be fair, in hover mode its fast as hell

                        Still got around 20+ cars to unlock, the old fashioned way ;p Did cave and bought the Toy pack so probably gonna head on tonight and try to get the three new trophies.


                          Originally posted by Extra Terrestrial View Post
                          Man, I am annoyed with these vehicle packs - whenever I decide to play Burnout Paradise online, I get fairly fed-up of seeing nothing an huge increase in the number of the gold F1 car (thanks to Criterion for the unlock key feature)...
                          I agree with you, that used to be the problem I had online where I'd be lined up in my Robin Reliant along side a herd of top level cars to just see them disappear as soon as the light went green.

                          I'm surprised that there isn't an option to the level the cars in each race to make them more even. Obviously, if people want to just compete using the full power of the cars then they should still have that option to do that. It should really be something along the lines of ranked races (balanced cars) and unranked races (no limits on cars) to give people what they want.

                          Because I'd unlocked the cars before and I was so close to getting them again there wasn't really much of a boost for me when I unlocked them. I am pissed off that I paid for them but it's done now and I can finally get back to where I was almost a year ago.

                          And to anybody who hasn't been able to unlock them yet, the F1 cars aren't as good in comparison to things like the Carbon collection when it comes to speed & acceleration so apart from the lovely feeling of driving around in a solid gold F1 car, you're really not missing that muchl.

                          I only have one complaint about the Toy Cars, they really sound terrible. I know they're only small but the engines are annoying for me.


                            I've been getting more into this recently and I find it brilliant and frustrating in equal measure. It's not frustrating to play (that's a joy), but it is frustrating as to what it could have been, which is the racer to eclipse all racers.

                            Some of the design decisions are strange. The example John gives above about the lack of an option to level the cars is one. Another is the new party mode. I bought this expecting a return to the fantatsic multiplayer mode of Burnout 2, but for some completely unfathomable reason, there is no crash mode in party mode . What is there is fun, but it could have been so much more.

                            Likewise you can't use the Toy Cars or any of the specials in the party mode, which again seems like a missed oppurtunity. Using the boost specisl would change the game. It's all there, but they just haven't thought it through.

                            I think this is exemplified by the recent decision to allow race restarts. For aggggggeees we had Alex Ward telling us there would be no restart option because it was against the Burnout Paradise ethos of a continuous play, and yet now that have buckled saying that they 'listen' to their audience. It's like they went:

                            "No, no, no, NO, NO, NO, FOR GOD SAKE NO! oh go on then, look aren't we nice because we listen'

                            It's a fab game with an amazing engine and a lot to love, but someone needs to take overall control of the high level game design, because it feels likes it's been developed by separate teams and glued together. There's a lot of content there, yet it doesn't feel like a whole game at the moment.


                              Originally posted by John Parry View Post
                              I'm surprised that there isn't an option to the level the cars in each race to make them more even.
                              There is. The host can choose whether the other players have a free choice or if everyone is limited to the same car.


                                Sorry, didn't explain that very well.

                                I meant where people could choose what ever car they wanted but the stats would be handicapped in the better cars to make it a more even race. It would essentially be everybody in the same car but in a different shell.

                                That way, people could race in the car they've spent their time earning (Or spent their money unlocking) but they wouldn't have all the advantages that go with that car's stats.

                                Brats, I think (Hope) that what they've done so far with the packs is just going to be an introduction to them. The part that really stands out for me are the bikes. Fantastic idea, particularly for free but at the moment it's little more than a demo of what could be a fantastic concept. I'd happily pay for a full series of events for the bikes if it included races, stunts, new bikes etc.

                                I think that could also go for the Toy Cars, I'm not expecting it to happen but I was messing around in one of them a few days back and was imagining hidden stuff around the city that only the ToyCars would be able to reach. Maybe you'd have to use the roofs of buildings to reach and there was a realy narrow gap to be able to get there.

                                Like I said, not expecting it to happen but there is so much more they could do and I know I'd hand over cash for the stuff. I'd rather they forgot about the aeroplanes that's on the way and did something like this.

