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Condemned 2: Bloodshot

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    yeah i never got lost either - you're an investigator, have a look around :P

    if monolith had put in a guide arrow like bioshock we'd have been going mental!

    still one of the best games this year despite my dissastifaction with the end 3rd.

    just read this has sold quite well in the UK, 2nd in 360 chart last week behind Rainbow Six. At least we'll see C3 this gen i reckon.

    roll on Project Origin then!
    Last edited by Plisken; 08-04-2008, 18:28.


      I can't make my mind up on this - part of me loves it, part of me hates it. The doll factory level was awful imo. Museum isn't much better - i've been wandering around the same section for twenty minutes, I've followed the tyre stains and then what??

      EDIT: After reloading the last save, investigation options were available when examing the knife in the pool of blood, which didn't happen during the first load - has anyone else had hiccups like that?
      Last edited by gaz@manc; 08-04-2008, 20:38.


        I experienced a couple of investigative problems, both quite late into the game in the

        snow section after your plane crashes

        . First I found the

        severed arm

        but couldn't get it to highlight anything but the
        , which always resulted in a poor rating. The other was shortly after when you find the body. I sent the three answers I thought were the best and got 'no, that doesn't help much'. I reloaded the checkpoint and sent them again in a different order and got a perfect. That kind of thing is inexcusable really and shouldn't be in any game later than a bad 90s point-and-click.


          I hated the majority of the first level...kind of like an interactive death-metal music video. All the black goo and such.

          Glad I stuck with it though....there's been some FANTASTIC moments so far. The investigative sections are wondrous, totally absorbing and really smart. I like that following a UV trail leads you nicely through levels and keeps set-pieces coming at a good rate.

          Even thought some of the scares of the first have been recycled, they're still very trouser troubling.

          My main gripe is the combat. It's certainly not knackered or anything, but more complex than neccessary I reckon. Too many on screen prompts and messages too. It felt more instinctive in the first game. That said, a brilliant thing occurs with the sound in some fights...when the music goes all monged and Aphex-like whenever you land a punch, with one last ultra wierd flourish when you land the last blow...sounds ace.

          There's been a handful of crap, heavy-handed horror cliches, but never enough to detract from the atmosphere. That's what's winning the day for me at the moment.

's great so far...not sure if any of that made sense. I'm mighty tired.


            Finished this last night.

            In the latter stages this almost totally loses what made the first Condemned such an original game. Instead it kind of nicks ideas from every FPS going. One level in particular is such a lame attempt at ripping off Bioshock's style and atmosphere.

            There's a lot of switch pushing towards the end too...not helped by the fact that it's difficult to find the ruddy things in pitch black. Many frustrating game-overs occur because you can't see what's attacking you through all the darkness and filters applied to your vision.

            There's some GREAT jumpy moments in the game, but even they got so silly towards the end that I was just charging through the environments...rather than tentatively peering around each corner.

            I enjoyed some of it very much, it's still way better than most of the 360's generic FPS for my money. But all the random settings crowbarred in towards the end really take away its edge.

            Should provide a nice trade-in price for GTA though


              Am i the only one when saying that i enjoyed the doll factory level. After that it went down hill. It was still a fun game, the story was complete crap though. Did anyone think that the

              giant metal guys were crap big daddy knockoffs?

              I probably won't play it again.
              Last edited by SuperBeatBoy; 21-04-2008, 21:35.


                I thought the doll factory level was pretty good myself...did feel slightly forced in to the game though. I think my favourite bit was not far after that when...

                you clamber out from some sort of x-ray booth to find the entire building is deserted. Lots of ace 'corner of the eye' glimpses follow...though it does lose it when all that black goo shows up again.

                Totally agree with you on the

                big-daddy rip off's too...thought that as I was playing, though I thought they looked like something out of Quake initially!


                  Monolith are the best when it comes to scripted scares. As for your fav bit

                  i totally agree, everything looks so clean when you first start. You just know that stuff is going to go down the crapper preety soon, but don't have a clue. The moment when you get a scan on your throat and the end of it, is brilliant. All like a lucid dream.

                  Lets just hope Project Origin delivers. I loved the ending to the original FEAR.


                    I finally started playing this yesterday after getting it a couple of weeks ago and have gone straight in on Hard, but I have to say I'm not enjoying it like the first game. The combat is over complicated and has too much emphasis this time in my opinion. I'm not sure I can be bothered to complete it.


                      Originally posted by MJ View Post
                      I finally started playing this yesterday after getting it a couple of weeks ago and have gone straight in on Hard, but I have to say I'm not enjoying it like the first game. The combat is over complicated and has too much emphasis this time in my opinion. I'm not sure I can be bothered to complete it.
                      The combat is broken. It was my main critiscim with the game. Like you said its overly complicated and it isn't very easy to pull off, its hard to really get any good practice out of it. When theres more than one enemy, you can just throw all of it out of the window. Doesn't help that most of the time you will accidentally pull off instant kills.


                        How long is the enemy's reach too?!


                          After persevering with this I got into more about half way through and have now completed it on Hard, but how do I access FPS mode?

                          Edit: Please ignore.
                          Last edited by MJ; 14-06-2008, 10:27.


                            Erm. Anyone still playing this online? I've got a copy but not booted it up at all yet.


                              Heh, I dug this out the other day to finally complete it as I had left it for ages after getting so far. I thought it was pretty poor to be honest, the first one was miles better as it didnt have all the silly monsters in like this one.


                                Originally posted by k0pp0 View Post
                                Erm. Anyone still playing this online? I've got a copy but not booted it up at all yet.
                                This was dead online a week after launch. MP modes are bobbins.

