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Viking: Battle for Asgard (360/PS3)

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    That last boss was something chronic - not just the fire bits but the actual transformation was just a laughable character model.

    Rhianna Pratchett did sterling work on Overlord (and Heavenly Sword's story was pretty good too) but this was just dire from top to bottom.


      Bizarrely I didn't mind the transformation. I think it was a relief fighting a

      glorified giant

      after all that grinding.


        Just finished it.

        Had to say I enjoyed it.

        Hack and Slash with a bit of adventure. Not bad at all.

        Really loved the big battles, they looked great.

        Was happy it ended when it did though....anymore and I think it would have got a bid tedious (especially after the final boss).

        Buy yeah, not bad. 7/10 all the time. 8/10 if I'm in a good mood.


          Yeah, I picked up it up cheap t'other day too - aside from a few issues where the game forces you to trek over and around things when it really shouldn't and it's just being a git, I thought it was pretty sound; certainly better than the other GOW clones doing the rounds. You can't just slash your way through the game by just spamming one attack as some people have moaned, even in Normal, although the game isn't much more of a challenge in Hard, apart from the cheap last boss setup.

          Worth picking up for <&#163;20.

