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GTA IV - 360 & Ps3

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    I've had lots of problems where it won't connect or where you try to join matchmaking and it kicks you out.


      Been badly off games with flu for 3 days so nice to get back to gaming, done my stunt challenges part 2 this aft so uploading it in HD now. Funnily part 2 was easier to do than part 1


        Anyone that has done 100%, have your social club profile updated yet? Mines still stuck on 61%, its not looking good for me. :/


          Finished the story mode today, some absolute corking moments awesome game, time to **** about and get achievements, woo


            I completed the story a few days back, and then decided to put the game to one side to avoid the 100% temptation. I'd feel sick if I spent the time needed to 100% it in the limited competition time frame.

            Plus as others have said, the game can be completed at my own leisure over the space of a few months.


              Bank job done on second attempt, when Packie could be arsed to stay alive. Yep, very satisfying and the best mission so far. I bet it's the biggest ****bag ever if you keep getting skanked though.


                I dont know why people have a problem with it. I think its one of the easiest and funnest mission. Ive finished the game twice and did it both first time...


                  Yah. I did it first time as well. Quite glad I did actually, or else the mission would of lost some of the adrenaline rush if you had to do it mutiple times.


                    Just finished my second cunning stunts video on second island
                    Grand Theft Auto IV Cunning Stunts part 2. All 15 stunts on second island taken again on 360 at 1080p and downsampled to 720p 2channel (from 5.1) Last stunt I left…

                    Shows how much I enjoy this. Went on tonight but nobody was about so decided to do my own scenic video driving and flying about (adding that tonight), just adore this game way tooooooooo much

                    Edit now up
                    Bit of a chilling out video of GTAIV for how it looks. Doing a heli ride on second island followed by a bike ride from first island to second island. Bike ride…
                    Last edited by Guest; 19-05-2008, 11:25.


                      Originally posted by Zero9X View Post
                      I dont know why people have a problem with it. I think its one of the easiest and funnest mission. Ive finished the game twice and did it both first time...
                      Took me two attempts. On my first go...

                      once down on the subway tracks, the other guy ran off leaving me and Packie behind. Packie then didn't move until I'd run off and got the other bloke to follow me back to him (even a shot in the leg didn't persuade him ). By this time, unknown to me, more cops had entered the subway and hit me full in the face with a shotgun when I turned a corner

                      . 2nd attempt went much smoother!


                        One thing I've been meaning to ask, because I'm enjoying playing through the various contacts/story missions at the moment and I'm not messing about too much - when you complete the main story, does the game 'end', or can you still mess about within the game environment (Pigeons, random missions etc...)?


                          You can do whatever you like when it ends and pick up everything you missed, and still take your mates bowling or whatever.


                            Good stuff, didn't want to complete the story and find I need to start a new save to just mess about.


                              I completed the main story over the weekend. Best. Game. Ever. Well, not really, but it does feel like there is a big empty void to fill in my life now. I'll still go back to the game and finish off some of the side missions, but I'm not really arsed about the multiplayer or doing the 100% thing. It was the characters and the story that kept me hooked. Now that's over the game feels more or less done with.

                              I thought the Three Leaf Clover mission was hard, but it was a walk in the park compared to the final mission. END SPOILERS

                              I ended up playing through two different endings on different saves because the first one upset me so much, only to find that the other one is even WORSE. I never had much of a problem with the 'revenge' option, but I sure did in the alternative mission where you have to pursue Dimitri by boat. The bit when you had to get picked up by Little Jacob in a chopper was a complete bastard. Took me ages to do it. Made worse by the fact that you knew if you failed you'd have to do it all over again.

                              I'm tempted to say that they should have put in check points for the longer missions, but the lack of check points does give you a real fear of failing and a huge sense of satisfaction when you finally nail it.


                                Originally posted by PrayforMojo View Post
                                I'm tempted to say that they should have put in check points for the longer missions, but the lack of check points does give you a real fear of failing and a huge sense of satisfaction when you finally nail it.
                                I agree with this in principle, but when you fail due to rank AI, or poorly mapped controls, or an auto-aim feature that sometimes locks on a dead body and won't move off, then it takes the satsifaction out of the success and is replaced with relief; relief that it's done and you haven't been shafted by things beyond your control.

                                I agree more and more with what was said in the Edge thread a couple of weeks back - control is everything in a game. Good control mechanics mean that when something goes wrong and it's your fault, you can accept it, and when you nail it next time you get that satisfaction. You also get that 'fear of failing', but importantly you know it's your own skill that will make or break your task.

                                But when the controls let you down, you just feel cheated. This has happened a couple of times on GTA IV to me. On the whole, it's been superb, but the controls are still prone to skanking you.

