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GTA IV - 360 & Ps3

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    Originally posted by FatGit_UK View Post
    Nice. Best crack on with hunting them damn birds then!
    I'm hunting them down at the moment as its the last thing I have to do to achieve 100%, and I can tell you this, it is fooking boring.


      I'm up to about 50 odd at the mo as been doing them a few at a time, find it less boring that way.


        What I did with em was I started with first island of the 70 odd and then cleared the first island in gameplay then soon as second island started did em on that, I opened the 3rd island without doing a single mission on island 2 by doing Packies so went off and did them. I enjoyed doing em that way as took breaks from it (I think doing 200 at once would do my head in as must take around 10+ hours at least) just took my time. I didnt get chased by the cozzers more than Id say 15 times out of all 200, you just have to be carefull and look around before you shoot that theirs none in the area. Their is a few places they will always come after you ie police stations but in general very easy to get em.


          Micheal is dead. Michael is dead. MICHAEL IS DEAD. YOU ARE DEAD. GORDON IS DEAD. ARGHHHHH!!!!!!

          Stupid mission.


            think its been said before but how brilliant are the Republican Space Rangers on TV, bearing in mind most americans I've met (and I know a lot) are irony free zones I imagine this will fly straight over most of their heads.


              Originally posted by Number45 View Post
              Micheal is dead. Michael is dead. MICHAEL IS DEAD. YOU ARE DEAD. GORDON IS DEAD. ARGHHHHH!!!!!!

              Stupid mission.
              I gave up because of this mission yesterday. After three attempts I just couldn't face driving all the way over to the other island again. The idea of loading the game up and going back to it and trying again doesn't appeal at all, either.


                Originally posted by Sixty View Post
                I gave up because of this mission yesterday. After three attempts I just couldn't face driving all the way over to the other island again. The idea of loading the game up and going back to it and trying again doesn't appeal at all, either.
                I have no idea what mission this is, but I know I'll reach my own, personal, equivalent sooner or later as I have done in every previous GTA.

                For me, this game is at its best when I'm calling the shots. When I'm choosing what car to drive, who to shoot, and where to go. When the game tries to tell me, it all falls apart at an alarming rate.

                GTA needs an option to bypass a mission if you fail it more than once. Never has a game needed this more. Or at least some better placed checkpoints. I know we all riled at the regeneration pods in Bioshock, but I'd prefer some sort of mechanic like that, to the inevitability of a GTA mission, at some point in the future, that will stop me playing the game.

                It's like going to war and knowing that someone, somewhere has a bullet with your name on it.


                  It's actually not a difficult mission in itself, I could easily fight my way into and out of the place with minimal fuss. The problem is that there are three others and they all need to stay alive - and you have zero control over that happening.

                  I did get further with the rambo approach though, I think a few more tries tonight and hopefully I'll get lucky.


                    Just a quick question. It says in the guide that if you

                    finish Brucie's "No 1" mission and the "Smackdown" mission that you get on Alderney island, you receive a phone call from Brucie which unlocks the car theft missions. I have done both of these but have not received the phone call yet. How long do I have to wait, or is there anything I might have missed? I still have quite a few mission strands left open.


                      Aren't his car theft missions run from email, unless there are more later that I haven't come across?


                        There are some from email. But there is another guy that Brucie puts you in touch with, called Stevie. He sends you text messages that show pictures of cars that he wants stolen - you have to work out where they are. There are 30 of them apparently!


                          Ah OK, haven't got to that bit. Sounds cool though, I miss the 'list' from the previous GTA games.


                            Originally posted by vocoderfreak View Post

                            There are some from email. But there is another guy that Brucie puts you in touch with, called Stevie. He sends you text messages that show pictures of cars that he wants stolen - you have to work out where they are. There are 30 of them apparently!
                            I spent ages looking for that


                            Bugger was right in front of me!


                              Finished the main missions yesterday.

                              A little dissapointed to be honest.

                              But it was still a great game. My fave will forever be Vice City though. 80's music, 80's style, it had it all.

                              I think GTA4 would have been a lot worse for me without custom soundtracks and the ability to use any taxi to get where you are going (too much messing up and having to drive back).

                              Still, it was a great game. But, something was missing for me. I can't put my finger on what though.


                                stuck stuck on GTA3 for a giggle and it still looks alright

                                the cars in that game handle much better

