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GTA IV - 360 & Ps3

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    Finally got 100% : D


      Still loving this game. I'm doing missions but get really wound up in doing my own thing, causing carnage or seeing what happens if I do X or Y.

      I love that they placed one of the Safehouses within walking distance of a sportscar showroom! Makes it very easy to steal a nice ride quickly

      Three Leaf Clover is owning my ass though. I left it for a while and did missions for other characters, but I have to do it now, I can get out of the bank and round into the alley way, but don't always make it much further, there's a lot of firepower at that section and the auto-aiming is horrible. I forgive it because the game is so much fun in other ways, but when it comes to fire-fights, it's a poor experience.


        I just took my time with that mission, making sure I used the cover. Clear out what's there then, when the boys move on, run after them to the next cover point. Didn't take any major damage.

        There's a cellar door open down one of the alleyways on the left quite early into the escape, this has a health pack. There's also an armour pack, but I don't know where it is (I just noticed that I had armour that I didn't have prior to starting the mission).

        As long as you clear the way you should never have to worry about being flanked/approached from behind, so just concentrate on covering at the front. I also find that one of the bigger machine guns makes these fights easier, because they pack a better punch at range and are accurate enough to guarantee a headshot in one/two shots.


          I was somewhat surprised to find that the Turismo is the easiest car to obtain in the game. There is an unlocked one in a driveway next door to Faustin's house which is available from the moment you start the game (I checked).


            Just started this last night (on PS3) - good good stuff. Just played through until after my first lapdance - quite a way to go still!!


              I can't believe there's no screen shot functionality in this game. There have been so many moments where my jaw has hit the floor and I've cursed the fact that I can't get a snapshot of what I'm looking at.


                Yeah screenshots or replays would be cool. I was playing a while ago with a mate in my house watching and I was escaping from the cops or chasing someone and it was down to my last bit or health or something like that. Anyway I crossed over some grass at the side of the road to cut the corner and hit a weee hilly bit and as soon as it happened the car was flung up like 20-30ft in the air to a flurry of cries from my mate an I shouting "ohhh nooooo!" and then the car managed to do a back flip and a side flip at once and land PERFECTLY on all four wheels and kept on going full speed away. It was so awesome, being able to take screenshots or replays of it would have been ace!


                  I did my 71st mission

                  It was the one were you have to kidnap Gracie. I wasn?t expecting her to start grabbing the wheel, it was getting late when I was doing the mission and at first I thought I?d moved left on the pad causing myself to crash. Thank god he knocked her out she was doing my head in trying to cross the bridge.

                  last night and checked to see how many hours I?ve spent on it, I?m at 29 hours and 42 minuets so I?ve blown my chance to get all missions done in under 30 hours. I?m not sure if I?d go through it all again to be honest, certain missions are so frustrating at times I?m surprised I?ve got this far but then that?s testament to how good of a game this is.


                    Can anyone tell me, the mission Union Drive,

                    when you're chasing the guys bribing Bernie the gay dude, do you need to kill the guys when chasing or does something happen eventually during the chase to kill them as I've lost them three times now and it's getting annoying!


                      Originally posted by Rossco View Post
                      Can anyone tell me, the mission Union Drive,

                      when you're chasing the guys bribing Bernie the gay dude, do you need to kill the guys when chasing or does something happen eventually during the chase to kill them as I've lost them three times now and it's getting annoying!

                      just have to follow them if i remember, think its scripted like alot of the chases, its a bit of a bugger though that one!


                        Cheers mate, just done it by following them and you were right!

                        Stole their Aston Martin too at the end of it! Parked nicely in my space now.


                          These long missions are starting to really piss me off now for not having checkpoints or some way to save your progress. Even if their was body armour or health dotted around I wouldn't mind but I rarely find that either on missions!


                            Originally posted by Rossco View Post
                            These long missions are starting to really piss me off now for not having checkpoints or some way to save your progress. Even if their was body armour or health dotted around I wouldn't mind but I rarely find that either on missions!
                            If there's no health around, can you not just stop somewhere and get something to eat - that'll give you a health boost?


                              Yeah but I was actually thinking of the missions inside buildings, the one I was on was in a hotel that I had to go up to the top in kill people then make my way out, tried it twice and died both times so just avoiding it for a while the now.


                                This really struggles when you're constrained for space, particularly those hotel/apartment missions. Not being able to kick the door open and have it STAY open is a pain in the arse because you basically have to fully expose yourself to whatever's in the room to get some shots off.

                                I just try nudging the door a little at a time to set my sights, but it's hit and miss when there's three shotgun equipped mobs right inside the door.

                                When there's space and cover the combat in the game shines.

