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GTA IV - 360 & Ps3

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    Originally posted by El Leone View Post
    We'll get more Niko action. DLC is coming remember?
    That's not necessarily a given, the extra levels or content could revolve around a secondary character in the game - I'd love to play as Brucie!


      Originally posted by Miguel007 View Post
      That's not necessarily a given, the extra levels or content could revolve around a secondary character in the game - I'd love to play as Brucie!
      I reckon we will still continue playing as Niko. Although it could go anyway, I think I have a idea how they will handle the DLC. Don't click unless you have finished the game, end game spoilers!!1:

      At the end, either though you may have kill Dimitri or the other guy, the Russian mobster, Rodislav Bulgarin, is still alive and well. So I wouldn't be suprised if we encounter him in the next two DLC packs


        The pidgeons are impossible to find without using a guide. Even rockstar knows this by putting up a particular website in TW@ (i love that name lol) that shows all the locations.


          What's the situation with the social club in regard to the 100% club at the minute? Does it have to update to 100% before the 19th for us to be able to get our keys? or will it just take the date that the achievement unlocked (more sensible).


            Might be a bit wide of the mark here, but could

            the guy at the U Paper place you work for after the Snow Storm mission, with his thick glasses and "front" in a paper company,

            be a wee nod to Horn Rimmed matey off of Heroes? I thought that straight away, anyway.


              i think in total i have done about 5 missions but i am looking for all 200 pigeons so far i have found 5 of the damn things


                how close am i to finishing the first island i have just done the

                mission with dimitri where kills his partner on the rooftops

                and would like to know how close i am to moving onwards and upwards


                  dcmk, you're not that far now.


                    Packie = useless arsehole.

                    Was doing that

                    steal the truck from the docks

                    mission. His 'covering fire' took out zero blokes, and the chasers in the cars managed to cap me just 10 metres from the lockup, with that dopey mutha in the passenger seat taking out zero blokes or even tyres.


                      I like Packie, hes a pretty cool guy.


                        lol it's only my second mission with him, I guess he's got time to redeem himself. I get the feeling in GTA games though that 'covering fire' from AI teammates is an arbitrary feature, that's designed to immerse you, but gives you a flawed sense of greater security that lowers your vigilance, and makes you more likely to screw up, because the AI help is hopeless.


                          There's a few bit likes that (i.e chases which won't end until a specific point, no matter what you do), it ups the cinematic effect but once you realise whats going on it spoils the illusion somewhat.


                            Originally posted by Prinnysquad
                            I get the feeling in GTA games though that 'covering fire' from AI teammates is an arbitrary feature, that's designed to immerse you, but gives you a flawed sense of greater security that lowers your vigilance, and makes you more likely to screw up, because the AI help is hopeless.
                            I agree. As you say, its good in one aspect as its pretty immersive and makes you feel like you've got somebody with you, but in terms of gameplay they don't really do squat.


                              I never forgave Packie for refusing to get in my getaway car during one of the missions. Stupid paddie. Friendly AI can be mission-failingly dodgy at times.

                              As a character, though, I like him.


                                Originally posted by Believeddog View Post
                                There's a few bit likes that (i.e chases which won't end until a specific point, no matter what you do), it ups the cinematic effect but once you realise whats going on it spoils the illusion somewhat.
                                I never know whether to start shooting at them or just tail them for a few minutes. Bit odd that. I tend to tail them as I don't like risking the wanted level.

                                So I've

                                just killed X. How far till the end?

