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GTA IV - 360 & Ps3

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    Originally posted by Daragon View Post
    Stupid rasta is the reason I have to play with subtitles on, just incase he speaks again.
    Same here.

    I like Jacob though.

    Manny on the other hand was irritating from the get go. I never believed he was in it for anything other than himself.

    An achievement in itself that the game lets each of us interpret characters in different ways.


      What really annoys me about the subtitles is if you want to hear niko in his native tongue or anyone elses you need to enable them. They could have had an option just for that and another for the whole game.


        You're not meant to understand what Jacob is saying, just pick out the odd word that gives you a clue.


          Originally posted by Number45 View Post
          One thing I forgot to mention... I'm not the only one that cheered when Elizabeta

          shot Manny

          , right?
          I found that bit really shocking. I found
          really funny in an Ali G kind of way and when that happened, it was really cold and clinical. Sometimes violence can be more brutal the quicker and less bloody it is.


            I thought Manny was a bit of a mick take of Saints Row?


              Originally posted by vanpeebles View Post
              I thought Manny was a bit of a mick take of Saints Row?
              Yeah - sounds about right, but I think R* have paid more homage to Saints Row in the game rather than to try and patronise it. Regarding Elisabeta

              I was shocked by the execution too - couldn't believe how she just killed the pair of them straight out... was a real *gasp* moment


                Originally posted by Asholay View Post
                Yeah - sounds about right, but I think R* have paid more homage to Saints Row
                I agree, theres a road/street called Stillwater too


                  i am getting bored of looking for the fly rats so i think i will have a proper play and do missions over the weekend


                    I just finished the story! As I sit here typing this, the credits are playing New York Groove

                    Took me just over 43 hours (that's with a fair few side quests - I ended up with 75.5% completion), and that's the first GTA I've ever finished. While the ending itself wasn't much, the lead up to it (from the

                    deal/revenge bit - I went with revenge, but I have a save just before -

                    to the end) was awesome. Of course the game had its problems, but overall it was stunning and well worth the reviews it was getting IMO.

                    Now to put some time into Persona 3 before MGS4 and Ninja Gaiden 2... if these credits ever end, that is.


                      Most annoying character in the game. It has to be Dwayne, i wanted to plug with a bullet so many times in the game....Depressed Moaning bastard.


                        i have just started the game over again so far i have done 5% of the game i have a long way to go


                          I've played a ton on this already and have to say I don't get what the praise is about. Now I bloody loved Vice City, though I never played the last GTA, it would appear (as some have said) there's been no progression in it's mechanics. I could be playing Vice City for all I know. As I love VC, I don't hate the game at all, far from it, but is anybody really serious in it's praise? Yeah it's good but...

                          As a gamer who grew up on the likes of the original PC GTA, I found I drove more carefully and used taxis to a great extent in this one. I've found on other sites people following a similar path. Some thought I'd add is that we're more mature gamers and really don't have much spare time driving from point A to B for the 200th time in a week. Some may have said this in the thread already though. Worth repeating.

                          Some real progression in the wether effects would be nice too. Snow would be a coding/artistic nightmare but it really needs to be the next step. The atmosphere it could generate! Nothing like a Stateside snowstorm.


                            I've been really impressed with the weather effects. Yeah, snow would be lovely (there was one isolated and limited mission in LCS with snow) but what's here is great. As for your feeling of lack of progression, I share it and had you played SA I imagine you'd be feeling that much worse as that game was a big leap from VC in many ways.


                              I'm not a massive fan of sandbox games, but for me this has lived up to the hype. In fact, if it wasn't for the hype I probably wouldn't have bothered with it. Some games just demand your attention.

                              I'm not interested in getting into arguments about whether it's worthy of all the praise. I just know I'm having a helluva lot of fun with it. Sure the game has its flaws, but nothing game breaking. Just niggly little things, really. Even the more mundane missions have never become too much of chore, because you know you'll be rewarded with another quality cutscene at some point.

                              And I think I've developed some kind of man-crush on Niko. He is a constant delight. One minute he's an ice-cold mofo, the next a total sweetie. I've been really impressed by that side of the game - such well written characters. That counts as progress, doesn't it?

                              Originally posted by Zero9X View Post
                              Most annoying character in the game. It has to be Dwayne, i wanted to plug with a bullet so many times in the game....Depressed Moaning bastard.
                              He does go on a bit, but it's fast food food employees for me. "Thank you for eating at Burger Shot" = instant death.


                                Originally posted by Zero9X View Post
                                Most annoying character in the game. It has to be Dwayne, i wanted to plug with a bullet so many times in the game....Depressed Moaning bastard.
                                I quite liked him. The most annoying for me would either be Roman (thankfully he got better towards the end when he was in the story and wasn't going on about American titties all the time) or Brucie. I just don't get what everyone thought was so funny about him because he was annoying me from about his second cut-scene.

                                When I finished the game I decided to get all my relationships up above 90%, just to whore that little achievement, and the only one that wasn't that high was Brucie's. Coincidence? I think not.

