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GTA IV - 360 & Ps3

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    I dont select when im using the auto-aim. I leave go of the trigger and press it again, it magically zips to the next one. Either that or i move the right stick in a general direction and press it.


      Yeah I tend to go for manual aim after I got ringed while blasting away at a corpse. The right stick thingy just didn't work, there were enemies stood everywhere and the reticule wouldn't move off the dead body. By the time I'd depressed the L Trigger and repressed it, then aimed for the head, it was curtains, baby...


        I have just started to play this and I am finding it pretty sluggish at the minute, especially the fighting. Need to give it more time but at the minute it's not engaging me..


          Originally posted by prinnysquad View Post
          I agree with this in principle, but when you fail due to rank AI, or poorly mapped controls, or an auto-aim feature that sometimes locks on a dead body and won't move off, then it takes the satisfaction out of the success and is replaced with relief; relief that it's done and you haven't been shafted by things beyond your control.
          That's true. After completing the final mission it was more a sense of relief, rather than feeling a sense of pride in my awesome gaming skillz. I didn't have much of a problem with the controls, though. Not during the final mission, anyway. The auto-aim isn't perfect, but it's preferable to not using it. I learnt to live with the occasional friendly fire incident.

          In some missions it's more a case of learning a particular route. Trial and error is acceptable, as long as you don't have to repeat a huge chunk of what has gone on before. Not that battling through a swarm of enemies is particularly difficult. It's more difficult to keep a Zen-like calmness about you and resist the temptation to wade in like Chuck Norris. Though that method can produce some incredibly satisfying kills. Just a pity that 9 times out of 10 you end up dead. But it's at times like that when you and the character become entwined as one. I love how Niko echoes your own frustration - screaming things like "I'm gonna cut your ****ing head off" or "I don't give a sheeet."

          Just awesome.


            Couple of questions - is there anything interesting out in the open water? I've been on my boat headed North for ages now, and have a load of police boats and two helicopters chasing me, so I figured I'd ask if there was anything to see before I die.

            And where can I find a helicopter? Someone told me that once you get to "the middle bit" you can easily get one. But I can't seem to figure out where from?


              If you complete the main story, the heli-tour pad in the south of the middle island has a bunch you can either enjoy a trip in or jack. As for open water - I dont know, theres so much on land to discover as it is ^^.

              I finally completed the main story (died a lot over the weekend on the last mission - kinda got frustrated untill I realised I could just take it a bit easy on certain segements). I like how you keep getting calls from people afterwards - its a nice touch. I think im going to put this game back on the shelf for now though - I think it will be a nice game to come back to and explore more after clearing some other games that I have yet to complete.


                Originally posted by angelox View Post
                If you complete the main story, the heli-tour pad in the south of the middle island has a bunch you can either enjoy a trip in or jack. As for open water - I dont know, theres so much on land to discover as it is ^^.
                You don't need to complete the story to access this. They are always available, it depends what day or time it is for certain ones to be there. There are up to 5 different tours. Did it before i completed the story and unlocked the achievement.


                  Ooh cool. So whereabouts are they? (Didn't find anything interesting in the water by the way - although once you drive off the map it just seems to be endless water and the game kind of chugs along)


                    Yeah, I wasted about an hour or so the other day and found absolutely nothing of interest.


                      I think maybe the most satisfying mission for me now is the

                      one where you have to save Roman.

                      Everything clicked in that mission. The aiming worked perfectly, the cover system worked fantastically well and having Niko walking around shouting in his defiant tone, full of fury, desperation and anguish, was a truly cinematic moment. I really cared during that mission.

                      No control mess-ups, no dumb AI to screw me, no

                      lame chase at the end

                      : I felt very satisfied and got through on gaming merit.


                        Yeah that was well done. It was a little easy though (I play cautiously at all times and there was more than enough cover)... having said that, I drove out over an explosive barrel and had to do it again.

                        I love the way that you get little phone calls after missions as well from friends/enemies, really adds to the rivalries/friendships and also keeps you thinking about the main parts of the story.

                        One thing I noticed the other night playing as well, which is a really trivial thing, was after meeting up with

                        Packie at his house, and being introduced to Kate

                        , when he gets up to leave the room, he checks his pockets and looks behind him to make sure he's got everything. It's little things like that that are so easy to pull off but so few make the effort and it just draws you that little bit further in.


                          Originally posted by Number45 View Post
                          having said that, I drove out over an explosive barrel and had to do it again.
                          I did that too. I was gutted. Yeah, it's easy to get through but, man, it's long and having to do it again because I was such a tit was really frustrating.


                            Originally posted by Keith View Post
                            And where can I find a helicopter? Someone told me that once you get to "the middle bit" you can easily get one. But I can't seem to figure out where from?
                            I think there is a Helipad at the south-west end of the middle island near the coast.


                              Right, I've had enough of this! 40 hours, 62% complete and right at the final mission and I've got so frustrated with it that I really don't want to try and finish it

                              I thought that

                              Three Leaf Clover

                              was a difficult mission with it's

                              awful AI and lack of checkpoints

                              but this is ridiculous

                              It's almost as bad as the ending to the first Halo

                              I had $500,000 but I've had to spend most of it to buy weapons and ammo everytime I retry.

                              Let's hope that Rockstar remember to put checkpoints in the next one and maybe I'll give it that little bit of extra effort required to finish it


                                Does anyone have any tips for Waste Not Want Knots? The mission where

                                you, Packie and a couple of his friends drive to the sewage depot on the river? The mission itself is easy enough, particularly now that I've run it a few times, but Michael seems completely incapable of keeping himself alive! To be honest I'd like the option just to get them to wait outside.


