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Boom Blox (Wii)

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    Originally posted by Nisa View Post
    Picked this up today and decided I'd have a quick go at about 7pm, 3 hours later and I'm still playing, brilliant game. I've only played single player so far but looking forward to some multiplayer when folks come round.
    Cheers m8, is this worth it for solo then? Cant afford it myself till June (Rock band rebuy fault lol) but it looks great BUT Im worried about solo fun as I dont do home multi only system link on 360 or online.


      There seems to be 2 main single player modes, Story Mode which I haven't touched yet and Explore Mode which is what I was playing earlier (batteries ran out after 3 hours or I'd still be playing).

      Explore mode has a number of puzzles seperated into specific catagories depending on the techniques you use to solve them, there are 6 catagories in total. In one catagory you'll have to use explosive blocks to start chain reactions and in another you need to knock out certian blocks within a tower while avoiding knocking down others which detract from your overall score and so on. Each puzzle gives you a rank on completion (Bronze/Silver/Gold) and it's trying to get Gold that makes it so addictive, Gold is often rewarded if you can solve a puzzle in one move. Once you get at least all Bronze medals you unlock the next tier of puzzles which are more difficult than the last, so far I've only done 5 catagories in the first tier.

      The level editor should also boost the lifespan of single player, there's already some great levels kicking about on Youtube using classic 8-bit sprites as towers as seen in the video PeteJ posted, levels can also be shared among friends as well through WFC.


        Adventure mode takes everything you learned from Explore and wraps it up in a very weird story (with cutscenes!). I've only done the first world (of four) but it has so far been more of a reaction test than a puzzle. Explore is more fun I'd say, up to the Expert tier so far, and after that its Expert.

        Some of the levels are amazingly cool - there is one to pull apart a jenga-like tower within thirty seconds and without the top piece falling off. You have to be so insanely fast that you are basically pulling bits out while the whole thing is toppling over, grapping opposite sides to try and keep it central. Very satisfying!


          I took this round my girlfriends house last night expecting just me and her to be multiplaying it up. 5 other people come in and within 1 minute we've got a 4 player game going and people are dying for us to finish.

          These people rarely play games yet we played for hours. It's true, a 3rd party can "do Nintendo" better than Nintendo!

          An absolute Gem (blox) of a game


            I got this game and played it for a hour. Pretty cool, but goddamn game's pointer positioning sucks. Does anyone have idea how I could improve it?


              Originally posted by elkatas View Post
              I got this game and played it for a hour. Pretty cool, but goddamn game's pointer positioning sucks. Does anyone have idea how I could improve it?
              Quoting myself. It looks like game is extra sensivite about light sources near the sensor bar. But I really like the game, and how it plays, although I don't really like the missions where you need to pull boxes real time.
              Last edited by elkatas; 13-05-2008, 14:21.


                The love this game is getting both here and on rllmuk has prompted me to pick this up. Ordered from Shopto at 9am this morning, shipped already

                It has snuck up under the radar for me tbh and I can't wait to give it a go. The Wii just keeps on giving


                  I quite fancy this but the rrp seems a bit much. It would be a no brainer at say £20.


                    Its one of the most expensive Wii Games ive ever seen. Ive seen it in most shops selling for £39.99. Which is a rediculous price for it. Even £29.99 is kind of stretching it for what it is. I was going to get it, till i saw the price. I'll wait for it to come down a bit.


                      Seems like a fun game; but as mentioned, the price is a little steep for it.


                        Im really interested in this so don't get me wrong. All your impressions are fabulous.


                          Originally posted by Zero9X View Post
                          Its one of the most expensive Wii Games ive ever seen. Ive seen it in most shops selling for ?39.99. Which is a rediculous price for it. Even ?29.99 is kind of stretching it for what it is. I was going to get it, till i saw the price. I'll wait for it to come down a bit.
                          I'm not sure what has happened to be honest, last Friday at launch you could pick it up for ?30 in most places (I did in Tesco), but everywhere seems to have upped the price to ?39.99 during the week.


                            Originally posted by PeteJ View Post
                            I'm not sure what has happened to be honest, last Friday at launch you could pick it up for ?30 in most places (I did in Tesco), but everywhere seems to have upped the price to ?39.99 during the week.
                            Popularity? Or maybe Tesco priced it wrong.


                              Originally posted by Malc View Post
                              Popularity? Or maybe Tesco priced it wrong.
                              By my understanding various distributors had wrong price for the game.


                                I was going to trade some games in for it on friday in my local game (as i didn't know the price at the time). Anyway, they only got two copies and they sold them all...So i got a few other things instead.

