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Ninja Gaiden 2

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    Yikes. Have to see how I get on. If it gets too cheap I'll just shelve it. I don't get enough gaming time as it is, I won't spend the time I do get getting frustrated when I should be enjoying myself.


      Started on this again today after my save broke on it last year (the sub bone boss think it was level 6 it wouldnt load it) and suprised they still havent fixed the massive slowdown on level 1 where the flame guys are even with a HDD install. Camera is still worse than a I remember and Ive had it lock twice on saving.

      Such a shame after NGS on PS3 and I hope NG2S is a improvment.

      Still I will stick with it


        Well Ive finally finished it after a slow 10days playing this and nowt else due to pap health taking massive breaks.

        Found it quite a chore from I think around level 8 or 9 when it went all wormies (not a fan of the non human mobs much) and they all kept creeping up.

        Ive pretty much done the last 5 levels tonight and was suprised how easy the last level was compared to what I read.

        Yep Ive been sat with a guide but my heads bad (and wanted to collect skulls etc..) but a guide on this can only give a quick info of what to use and what attacks they use and you learn that out in 10mins anyway. I thought Volvo or whatever he was called (one with the arms thats a wolf thing) was the hardest out the lot for me. Very last boss I beat on first pop both stages (right down to last sliver for me as well at end).

        I really started to dislike it further I got into it with some of the mobs but no its done I feel abit of achievement. Id like to go back at some point for + game but it seriously needs to sort some of those game breaking bugs out with the slowdown to death and freezing (and chuffing mid air freezing). Some of the later bosses are also very random like 2nd boss from end (or 3rd if you look at it) who seems to stay in air for about 3 attemps then next one he wants to stop on floor. Beating a boss like that aint showing skill that just shows randomness. I came that close at 8pm just binning it for last 3 levels as really got bored with the level design and mobs up to that point (green caves again bleugh) but it got abit better. I still think the levels with the humans are way better.

        Not bad but not as good as 1st for me 7/10 And stuff the ninja exploding dogs!


          Can anyone give me any tips on beating the second level boss (I know). I block some of his attacks and try and do the block dash around or away from him but he's got an unblockable attack and always does me in. I get frustrated and turn the game off.

          I was avoiding getting this game as the first one pissed me off but I caved in and bought it. There was a mistake or something at Gamestation and they let me have it for a tenner brand new.

          When I used to play 2d games in the past I would try for ages to finish a hard game but 3d games just seem to tick me off.


            Hes pretty easy when you know how Just get really close and dash around him (guard and move) and then use Lunar staff on him for quick hits and keep repeating but dont be gready. Hes one of the hardest bosses for levels after that weirdly enough.

            If you get stuck use this

            Also as an invaluable tip if you get a full ring of the life of the gods (1 gap) or have a live of thousand keep em saved and only use em in boss battles when your nearly dead as they not only increase the bar they refill it I went thru first 6 levels without leveling up the bar lol


              the cam sucks, yes, but in the end it doesn't make the game unplayable or distracts too much from the enjoyment. haven't played Sigma myself yet but as far as i've read the camera there isn't much of an improvement either.

              i wonder if the DLC is worth my money or if it's maybe better to wait for Sigma 2, which probably has all NG2 DLC included in the package?


                Na cameras much worse on this than Sigma its a right step back compared. It will cut to the most horrific angles sometimes in corridors or even blumming open spaces so you end up doing Swallows blind.

                THe DLCs actually very good but if your going to get Sigma 2 your better off waiting.


                  Thanks Dazzyman, will try again using your tips. Cheers.


                    let's hope Team Ninja don't forget to include rumble support in the new game like they did with the first Sigma...


                      Is Team Ninja still around after the moves at Tecmo? I'd love another DOA.


                        After playing Sigma 2, i gave this a try straight away. Its certainly no push over, but thanks to the experience i gained, the enemy patterns i learned while playing S2. Its turned me into a right ninja badass.

                        I'm sailing through this like no mans business, when it first came out the furthest i got to was ch4. Now i'm on ch8.

                        The only hurdle i've come across so far is that stupid armadillo boss, it wouldn't be so bad if he didn't repeat the same move over and over again (stupid sonic spindash anyone?) and try to kill you after you finish him off.

                        Its been awhile that a game has had me hooked till 2:30 in the morning, last game was Policenauts. After playing both versions i do think i prefer the 360 version, mainly for the extra enemies, head popping and gore. Those strength of valor challenge rooms are a nice bonus too, really don't know why they removed them from the ps3 version.
                        Last edited by SuperBeatBoy; 10-10-2009, 01:19.

