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Tomb Raider: Underworld (demo)

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    Tomb Raider: Underworld (demo)

    Xbox360 demo has gone up today, and it's surprisingly good! Legend was a pretty good game in its own right and this feels like another step in the right direction. The platforming is a lot more natrual than before, and with it less obvious where the paths through the environment are.

    Animation is great, she actually puts her feet in hands in the right places while climbing for example, and the graphics are bloody brilliant. Once you get out the starting area (which in itself looks pretty good), your jaw will drop.

    Found it a little frustrating controlling her still as despite it being sometimes obvious where the next platform is, I couldn't get her to make the right jump. Also I had a few instances where the controls would lock up, or once where they went completely in reverse.
    The combat is tough but has quite a nice feel to it - when I was locked on and moving about, she would leap over objects automatically. They've evolved the QTE system now so it actually requires a bit of skill too.

    Well worth a download, especially for the graphics and ability to use sticky grenades on tigers

    Is the tranq' gun available in the demo? As I always like little moral choices like that.


      Originally posted by Malc View Post
      Is the tranq' gun available in the demo?
      Not sure, the weapon select screen has a couple of guns (including the tranq) but when I tried to use them it always went back to the defaults. Didn't really try though.


        I think its great too. Absolutly lovely to look at including Lara. She moves alot nicer and faster in this one, looks like they took some inspiration in Assassins Creed.

        Two problems i still have with it though. The camera and shadows are still ****e.


          Got to the second section with the huge statues and gave up after finding a certain section too frustrating/not knowing what to do. I am all for a challenge but surely there should be some sort of hint system if you get stuck or are not sure what to do next?

          It does look very pretty though and plays pretty well apart from that


            Originally posted by ezee ryder View Post
            I am all for a challenge but surely there should be some sort of hint system if you get stuck or are not sure what to do next?
            They have mate. They are so proud of it, they are hyping it up to be really revolutionary. Don't know if the hint system is in the demo, but it is in the retail version fo' shizzle.


              man, Im well up for some of this. Is this on PSN though? I hate using my 360...


                I'm the biggest Sony fan converter in the world, but I sure as **** would rather use a 360 pad than the awful dualshock sticks....


                  Believe it or not, the demo is a 360 exclusive!

                  The demo has a hint system which is well implemented but not particularly useful. You get two levels of hints and I guess you lose points when you use them. Unfortunately the hints in the demo were about as useful as "hmmm, I need to find a way in", or somesuch. On top of that you have the tailer made difficulty, where you can adjust the game to your liking - make combat less frequent and easier, make platforming more forgiving, or even make the game much harder in the ways you want it to be harder.

                  Also you have the echo system, which maps out the area you are in so you can easily see where the jump spots are.

                  The final section of the demo is pretty tricky, but satisfying when you crack it.

                  I'll give a hint:

                  you need to make the switch work!



                    ah well, 360 it is then!


                      Hint system; I've read about that and initially it made me despair. There were, apparently, people who found Legend "too hard", the most linear TR there has ever been. If they're trying to cater for that type of gamer why not just give away a walkthrough with every game?

                      But then I thought about it and realised that the fact they've decided to do that could mean the game is at core actually harder ie. more like old TR and the rather good TR: Anniversary.

                      The hardness in TR was rarely the combat it was about the exploration, the understanding and correct use of the game physics and, of course, more general puzzle solving. Getting lost or being unsure what to do next in order to progress is or rather was a vital element of the gameplay. It's what made TR different from your average platformer.

                      It sounds as if they've finally understood that and Underworld is going to make gamers stop, look and have to think regularly. It makes me even more enthusiastic to see what they've done.


                        wii one wll be best, anniversary had some nice controls and extra wii exclusive puzzles
                        new one looks even better,


                          Gave me motion sickness straight away so gave up with it no sale for me then


                            Is it just me or does TRU look upscaled - it seems blurry also textures look it a little low res. man i hate upscaled games recently been playing Resistance 2 multiplayer beta and that looks horrible for the same reason also MGS online - another culprit.


                              Everything i play on the 360 looks upscaled. I have it on 1080p, so i never thought about it. I think it looks real preety regardless. Apart from the awful pixelated shadows.

