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Call of Duty: World at War

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    Call of Duty: World at War

    Played about 3 hours of this tonight (on the 360) and, so far, I am quite impressed. It doesn't quite reach the dizzying heights of Call of Duty 4 but is still a very good game in it's own right.

    The game is based around 2 characters, one is an American soldier fighting the Japanese and one is a Russian solider fighting the Germans. The "story" is told through old war videos and voice overs from Sergeants who fought alongside your character. The American Sergeant is voiced by none other than Keifer Sutherland and I think I heard Gary Oldman too (if I am not mistaken), nice little bit of useless information for you there!

    Gameplay is pretty much your standard Call of Duty affair so if you have ever played one then you will be right at home here. However the good thing here is World at War plays more like Call of Duty 4 than Call of Duty 3, which means it plays really well! Everything from the controls to the way the visual style of the game is pretty much like Call of Duty 4. Although visually it doesn't really get to flex it muscles as much due to some of the loactions the missions are set in, still pretty though!

    The obvious difference is that this is World War II game, so none of that modern warfare stuff anymore. You are back to the good old Thompson, M1 Garand, MP40, Paznershreck and so on! The new addition here is the Flamethrower and what a great addition it is! You get access to it pretty early on when you're the American soldier and it is great for taking out groups of enemy soldiers. It might be inclined to say it a tad overpowered cos you don't run out of ammo as such but then again you do have to wait for it to "re-fuel" so that balances it out slightly. Add to that the fire that comes out of it looks very nice!

    So far the missions that I have done have been pretty good, a couple of them have been quite brutal and intense. Infact the game shows it brutality for a very early stage, the first cutscene infact. I don't think there has been a Call of Duty game this "in your face" with it's brutality. It's nothing like limbs and head flying off everywhere, it's hard to explain so I guess you will have to experience it for yourself.

    The sections where you are fighting the Japanese are the most intense as they can pretty much pop out from anywhere. They hide in the grass, water and even trees, then when you get near them they just charge (or snipe if they are in a tree) you with no fear of their own life. I think I have only played two of the Russian soldier sections so far, they were pretty good too but not as intense as when you're fighting the Japanese soldiers. The very first Russian soldier section was very reminiscent of the great sniper section from Call of Duty 4, not as good (obviously) but a decent attempt at recreating something similar.

    The only small negative I have so far is that the AI, both enemy and friendly, is a bit erratic at times. For instance sometimes an you will be right next to an enemy shooting them but because they saw one of your team-mates first they will shoot them and totally ignore you. These occasions are quite rare though and in the heat of the battle can be overlooked, so nothing too major.

    In the end most people will ask, "Is it better than Call of Duty 4?". Probably not (as I mentioned in the opening) but it is still definitely worth playing even if you are "tired" of World War shooters. It is set during World War II but these are not the same battles you have fought before so don't let that be a stumbling block. You also have online co-op, the excellent multiplayer (which most you have played by now) and the all new Nazi Zombie mode!

    When it comes down to it this is a just a very good first person shooter/war game

    Managed to get this yesterday also and played it for a fair bit last night.

    It's good! I am pleasantly surprised. You can definitely see where Treyarch have spent the majority of their development time between this and 007 Quantum of Solace. This game looks more solid, sounds better and the controls feel a little tighter. Even the achievements are similar to an extent in that there's 1 for finishing a section and then 1 for doing something specific in that level. There's also a third for each level for finishing on Veteran.

    As Ezee says, Kiefer is the US Sgt Roebuck (pretty cool) and it is Gary Oldman playing Reznov, the Russian equivalent. It lends the game a nice air of Hollywood and big-budget WWII movie. It's a shame then that some of Kiefers' dialogue sounds a bit wooden but that could be said about a lot of his performances

    The game is ridiculously vicious! From the opening scene

    you're a POW captured by the Japanese and you see one of your compatriots get their eye burned out with a cigarette and then he gets his throat slit

    to a bit in the second level

    where you get hold of the flamethrower and just mercilessly burn people out of trees or toast them in there MG nests

    the game does not shy away from the nasty side of war.

    Played some multiplayer last night. It's 2 player co-op on the same console or 4 player over Live! I did a "co-op" co-op and a "competitive" co-op. The first is everybody being friendly to complete the level and the second is similar but everybody gets a score and multiplyer to build up and you try and come 1st. This was okay but you found yourself trying to get ahead of everyone to get more kills which led to silly deaths and loss of the multiplyer.

    A couple of niggly points that I have noticed. Enemies can take a fair few shots to die. With the Garrand M1 I can hit an enemy 3 or 4 times before he starts to keel over. Also, some of the enemy death animations are a bit long winded so you're not actually sure that you've killed them or not so you keep firing bulets into them to make sure as a couple of times I thought that I had killed some soldiers, turned around to take out a few more and then found myself being shot by the guys I thought were dead!!

    The other thing that annoys me is the music during the gameplay. Who at Treyarch / Activision honestly thought that heavy, guitar based rock would complement the horror of WWII as you run around machine gunning wave after wave of Japanese troops?

    It really isn't as good as CoD4 (did anybody honestly expect it to be) but as a WWII FPS it has so far proved to be enjoyable.


      Do the japs pop up out of nothingness? or are the there waiting and vulnerable if your sneaky enough?


        Apparently you can sweep the grass with the flame-thrower to flush them out.


          Just starting it now all I can say is after nearly cancelling after the beta demo with its dire textures this looks like a modified COD4. Looks gorgeous even better than COD4 at moment and I prefer the weapons from WW2.

          Right back to it


            I thought the textures on the beta were ropey...thought it must of been my eyes as so many people on various forums were saying how nice it looked *puzzled*

            Haven't missed a console COD yet, and will be picking this up Friday.


              Just finished the campaign on the normal difficulty and my earlier impressions still stand, this is a really good game. The only thing I regret is not playing it on hardened cos apart from a few deaths from grenades (damn I hate them) I really didn't get troubled too much.

              The best sections of the game are undoubtedly the ones where you play as the American soldier (Miller I think his name is) because you are taking on a enemy who lieterally have no fear. They will stand there ground and if they can't they will just charge at you! The Russian sections of the game are still quite good though, they are more "action packed" and fast paced. This is usually because there is so much going on around you. As I mentioned in my earlier post, a couple of sections give a slight nod to some of the more memorable moments from Call of Duty 4. There is one set piece quite late on in the game which is a tad bit like the gunship one from the previous Call of Duty 4 but a bit more frenetic and also surprisingly fun.

              I briefly mentioned in my earlier post that the game is quite brutal and not shy about showing you the horrors of war. Well this is pretty much kept up throughout the campaign, this really is the most visceral Call of Duty ever! I noticed while sniping that enemies limbs would come off and there was a little splatter of blood too, never seen that in any of the previous games before. There was even a part towards the end where

              I just turned to my right to find a fellow soldier with his legs missing, severed limbs showing and him looking at me in pain.

              Quite a visually "shocking" moment.

              The campaign is pretty much the same length as previous Call of Duty games, just about the right length so you never feel doing the same thing over and over again. I would say if you spend a couple of solid nights on it you should get it done. I will probably go through it again via online co-op with a mate on hardened or veteran even so that adds some replayability to the campaign.

              To sum up, Call of Duty World at War is a really good game and well worth your time if you have played any of the previous games or you just like a darn good shooter.

              Almost forgot, you unlock the Nazi Zombie mode after you finish the campaign once, for anyone who is interested in that!


                Would you say that if you spent a fair amount of hours on COD4 then COD5 would provide much trouble to go through on the hardest difficulty? I'm unsure whether to go full hog on the difficulty from the off of just put it on easy to race through?


                  I'm playing on Veteran and it seems comparable with CoD4, perhaps slightly easier. A couple of bottlenecks aside, it hasn't been too much trouble for me to progress through the first 4 levels or so, although I'm led to believe it gets very difficult later...

                  Excellent game though - better than expected and Treyarch have definitely redeemed themselves, although it sometimes feels like they've followed in CoD4's footsteps a bit too closely. The Russian sniper level in particular, feels like a right rip-off of "All Ghillied Up".

                  I have to agree that it does seem considerably more hard-edged than previous games in the series, but to me, thats a good thing since the previous WWII CoDs had a bit of a "jovial" vibe to them that I didn't like. History tells us that the Japanese/Nazis were brutal and at last we have a game that shows them in that light. Bravo.


                    Good to hear about the difficulty. I went through COD4 twice on easy/normal and just hammered through it. Then spent about 100hrs online, was hoping that would be enough to not find Veteran too taxing and just go straight for the trophies

                    Well, if I can pull myself off the multiplayer


                      How many levels are there?

                      I have done a fair fwe now and feel I must be not so far from the end.

                      Really enjoyed this so far, much more so than COD3 which was a bit of a let down, its pretty violent in parts and doesnt hold back, visuals are very nice, effects also very good.

                      Not tried CooP mode yet until I can finish the game but its been fun so far, enjoying the US v Japs story more than the Russian Story but thats cos it feels more intense.

                      8/10 from me


                        its very nice - engine looks the same as COD4 (very smooth). The first mission is a little dull, but the next landing mission will blow you away! The early russian campaigns are ripped straight from 'enemy at the gates'. Wasnt sure about the early ingame music - (slightly moshy/metal guitars) but it fits really well! Way better then the abysmal COD 3, and almost as nice as COD 4 - I would go as far too say that some of the graphics and set pieces are better than COD4.
                        Last edited by dvdx2; 13-11-2008, 13:03.


                          Im playing it on hardened (did COD4 on veteran first time and regretted it as it took me over 20hours) and its identical to COD4 difficulty same level. Graphics are better than COD4 as its got better lighting and particle effects. I cant believe im going to say this especially with it being Treyarse but so far having just got to the Russian campaign Im enjoying it more than COD4. Fantastic stuff and Im gagging to get it finshed to play it on co-op (doing it solo first as it misses two minor scenes on co-op a solo sniper bit and some badly done vehicle one that everyone hates lol). I detested COD3 but this is already better than COD2 to take the WW2 FPS crown

                          It really is a different game to the beta that was horrendous!


                            I have just reached the Russian levels now, playing on hardened. Really enjoying it so far. The only real complaint is enemy grenades. The warning signal really isn't clear enough and they have a huge blast radius!


                              Originally posted by ezee ryder View Post
                              Just finished the campaign on the normal difficulty and my earlier impressions still stand, this is a really good game.
                              I think the single player is still a POS. Somewhat entertaining (Stalingrad was great!), looks good and the scripted elements are cool at times, but the totally unintelligent and familiar rushing from checkpoint to checkpoint in the narrow tunnel with enemies and grenades spawning and the 100% reliance to scripting just doesn't do it for me.

                              I want to finish the single player part before heading to mp. I just started Relentless (or something?). It’s the second American mission after the first Russian missions. How much do I have left?

