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Mirror's Edge [360/PS3]

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    Just started playing this again yesterday. The sun was out, the sky was blue, and I was about to start Arkham Asylum but decided to revisit this as the mood felt right.

    Played it through once when it came out and didn't really touch it much after that(did a few time trials, bought the dlc too).

    I'm playing it on hard now. It's pretty exhilarating with runner vision turned off - although I don't like how things that would've been red are often just white or another boring colour - and it feels like I'm actually making decisions instead of just looking for the next red thing to interact with. I also chuck guns instead of using them, and disarming people is great fun.

    It's still so beautiful to look at. The intro bit where Faith runs round the corner, wall runs along that orange billboard before jumping onto the red crane in slow-motion is one of the best I've ever seen in a game.

    I really hope they make another one.


      Along with Dead Space, this was the other major title I wanted to get stuck into.
      Completed two chapters and so far it's excellent. Such a fresh gameplay example. The visuals are still amazing, mainly down to the wonderful art. Audio is also superb.
      No gameplay issues so far, like the combat overall although there has been too much action for me so far. Ultimately it's exhilarating, you really hold your breath when attempting risky jumps.


        I'm loving how you're playing through some older games, Naka.

        Dead Space and Mirror's Edge are two games I'd also like to play eventually.

        There are so many games I've yet to play on the 360 and PS3, I can't imagine getting a One or PS4 any time soon!



          Bizarrely i just started playing this at the weekend, am now on to chapter 2. Loving it so far, not like anything i have played before.


            Well, despite my general current gen apathy; there are some corking games have played and yet to play fully. Dead Space, Mirrors Edge, Sleeping Dogs and Demons Souls are key titles.


              Originally posted by nakamura View Post
              Along with Dead Space, this was the other major title I wanted to get stuck into.
              Completed two chapters and so far it's excellent. Such a fresh gameplay example. The visuals are still amazing, mainly down to the wonderful art. Audio is also superb.
              No gameplay issues so far, like the combat overall although there has been too much action for me so far. Ultimately it's exhilarating, you really hold your breath when attempting risky jumps.
              Don't use the gun (unless during the cut scene). I expect you to get the 'No gun' achievement.


                I never did that. Need to.


                  Well I have completed this now and what an absolutely brilliant game. It's without doubt the game that has caused me to cringe and panic more than anything else. Making jumps you are not sure you can make for the first time really made me hold my breath. The first person view is so well utilised, I have never felt more like I was in a game than with this.
                  I also had no issue at all with the combat, it works perfectly well. You run when overpowered, take guards down when only a couple. You can also drag them away from their team to disarm them. Firing weapons is also fine. I like the fact there is no info on how many bullets you have as Faith would have no idea anyway. I would often disarm a guard, kill the next one and take his weapon anyway.

                  Story was crap mind, everything was hugely under developed which was a huge shame when you consider the stunning art style. I do love the art too, however it does back up my claims that minimal is sterile. I like the world in the game but do not want it to become a reality!

                  Fantastic game, 9/10.

