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Demon's Souls PS3

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    Originally posted by FullSpecWarrior View Post
    It's little things like this they need to sort out in any sequel. There is no way on earth that anyone could possibly know what they're supposed to do on that bit. Ridiculous. Still awesome mind.
    True. I did drop some shiny stuff on the off-chance, but I haven't been able to make it back up there since!


      Righto after having this sat on my shelf for the last 5 months and having put final fantasy 13 to bed I am ready to give my life over to the demon souls!

      I have a US PS3 with a UK PSN account, will I be able to play online in the UK?
      Is it worth getting some kind of guide because I have a low frustration threshold and am generally quite thick.

      Any other tips for the uninitiated?


        I'd say it's worth using a guide but just use this: I used that occasionally and it's pretty good.

        And I'm pretty sure PS3 online regions are decided by the games region, so you should be fine. I can't tell you for sure though I have a US PS3 and a US copy of Demon's Souls.

        Originally posted by analog dog View Post
        Righto after having this sat on my shelf for the last 5 months and having put final fantasy 13 to bed I am ready to give my life over to the demon souls!

        I have a US PS3 with a UK PSN account, will I be able to play online in the UK?
        Is it worth getting some kind of guide because I have a low frustration threshold and am generally quite thick.

        Any other tips for the uninitiated?


          I've got a US version of the game and a US PS3 and a UK account and also a US account!


            Don't use a guide - not knowing what you are walking into is a lot of the appeal of this game. I reckon people who read up on it first only confuse themselves with a lot of stuff they don't even need to worry about in the beginning. If you have questions just ask here, the many people who know the game can give answers without spoiling anything.

            I'll stick with the same piece of advice I've been giving since last year - keep your shield up at all times!


              Heh I'll do that-thanks!


                Originally posted by Darwock View Post
                Don't use a guide - not knowing what you are walking into is a lot of the appeal of this game. I reckon people who read up on it first only confuse themselves with a lot of stuff they don't even need to worry about in the beginning.
                I think this is what I did


                  After playing (a mere) 15 hours of this game I think I've found the words that best describe my experience so far: nasty bloody grind. What I can't explain is why such a hideous game just keeps me playing, almost as if it's playing me, and will keep me playing until the bitterest of ends...

                  ...something about this game....


                    I'm pretty sure this article is the best thing I've ever read about DS.

                    nail on the head


                      It was a funny read, but I don't agree with him. Not at all in fact. He talks about the early days of gaming to show his credentials but he must have sucked at those games too. 3 victories out of 200 invasions do not inspire confidence in his abilities (although I assume he is exaggerating).

                      Also the moaning about the NPC murders - he says he was given no warning by the game but that's presumably because he didn't try to find out.

                      One of the other NPCs explicitly TELLS you that Yurt will do this. And the important NPCs are not the first to be killed - also there are tell-tale bodies littered about the place before anything significant happens.

                      If he missed these massive clues then it just shows that he wasn't paying enough attention - which I guess goes back to that article title.

                      Besides which, none of these 1 hit kill traps or wicked game designs would be any fun if it was easy to avoid them happening (the first time at least). That's why I appreciate what From Software did so much, it's like they were allowed to design a game 100% without any interference from the men in suits.


                        Haha i have to laugh at the bits where he mentions about his Girlfriend trying to kiss him goodbye and the lack of a pause button as exactly the same thing has happened to me!


                          I had the same view about this game when i first bought the Korean version. I hated it. I think that was quite simply down to the fact that, i didn't know what i was supposed to be doing and that the steep difficulty straight from the off caught me completely by surprise as these days, about 99% of games are just ludicrously easy and here was one that was a throwback to the nineties in difficulty.

                          I got rid and then reluctantly gave it a second chance and went back when it when i bought a USA version. Suffice to say, it was one of my games of the year last year.

                          You really do have to give it a few hours and play the game very cautiously as a beginner or you will just keep dying and getting your ass handed to you. Once you start to learn the mechanics of the game and tailor your play accordingly, the chances are you will see it for what it really is. A sublime action/rpg which for me has almost revolutionised the genre. You can be certain that when you die in this game, it's YOUR fault and not a glitch, bug or unfair AI, and there ain't too many games i can say that about. Don't get me wrong, there are odd moments when you can catch the game out with an iffy camera or the target not picking up enemies, but they are so few and far between that to blame the game for your failure becomes irrelevent nonsense, and you will know it.

                          I can see some people genuinely not liking it though as the style and gameplay simply won't be to everyones taste. But for those that perservere, the gameplay highs that you will experience in this game, online especially (i'll say no more), will probably remain unmatched for a good while to come.

                          This is Zelda for adults imo


                            Farming my levels and stones on PBWT 4-2. 105 but with RUBBISH armour. What can I use that is defensively strong but still allows me to roll around properly? Currently at lvl 105 but the magic set you get from 5-3 Boss is still too heavy.

                            Easy on 4-2, but the black phantom on PBWT 4-1 is a NIGHTMARE - Satsuki? How on Earth are you supposed to kill him?

                            Had a week away from this and then blitzed 7 hours of not really doing anything to progress the game. Still teh funz.
                            Last edited by ItsThere; 09-08-2010, 15:47.


                              After finishing the uS version last year with a heavily toe-to-toe combat based character I've just started the UK version with a royal. Loving the different dynamic ... Soul Arrow's pretty handy isn't it

                              Getting sucked into this amazing game all over again.


                                Originally posted by ItsThere View Post
                                Farming my levels and stones on PBWT 4-2. 105 but with RUBBISH armour. What can I use that is defensively strong but still allows me to roll around properly? Currently at lvl 105 but the magic set you get from 5-3 Boss is still too heavy.
                                Even with the ring of great strength? If I want to wear heavy armour and still be rolly-polly I usually stick that ring on... I don't see the point in raising endurance just for the sake of armour (which only comes in handy on a few occasions)

