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Demon's Souls PS3

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    Phantom version only drops his sword and shield, I'm pretty sure. That's all I remember getting.


      ah well, going full on mage for my second playthrough so 'll do it then. Not bothered with the whole world tendency this time round either. Just enjoying spending time bashing things to death.


        I think world tendancy will be much easier the second time round if you want white pure and you're online. Just make sure you hit the earlier bosses in body form with two comrades and you'll get instant pure for that area. Black is even easier because you just save up your Ephermeral Eyes and die 7 times in body form for each area.
        Last edited by Riskbreaker; 08-05-2009, 20:55.


          ****ing hell, even on New Game+ this game doesn't give you a break

          Even though I'm at soul level 85 it's so bloody easy to get killed.


            I got my copy today, so I'm just trying it out the now.

            I spent about 30 minutes just messing around with the character editor.. I didn't expect to be asked to adjust everything down to the nasal vascular passage convexity!!

            I made a chick that was the least grotesque I could manage (although there were still shades of 'Playstation Home' about it) then I chose 'Royal' class as it looked stupid with this little cherubic face poking out of a suit of armour.

            So far so good, although half way through the tutorial my sword seemed to change and start firing blue fireballs instead of giving me a simple slash... I'm guessing it's something to do with the 'Soul Arrow' icon on my HUD?

            Now I'm in the Nexus and from what I've read here I believe I have to stash my collected souls somewhere... how do I do it?

            I've also possibly got off to a bad start - my DS3 has a broken spring in the R2 button so it's like a hair trigger - I was talking to the blacksmith guy and when I exited I must have inadvertently brushed it, as I took a swing at him and busted up some of his boxes. Now he's itching to knock my block off...

            (oh, and why have lots of people apparently been taking suicide dives off the high platform in the nexus?)


              Edit: Nvm
              Last edited by SuperBeatBoy; 09-05-2009, 14:59.



                You don't "stash" your souls anywhere, you spend 'em - either you buy equipment, upgrade/repair your weapons and armour, acquire new spells/miracles or (the important one) level up. Until you've finished the first area and beaten the first proper boss you cannot level up - so before that they'll just be going on the other stuff. Unless you really think you can one-life it all the way to that point.

                (EDIT: Note that once you have beaten the first boss, you cash in souls to level up through talking to the Maiden in Black. You have to go see a short cutscene first, then after that it's call in on her every time you're ready.)

                Your sword: sounds like you hit the weapon switch button (right on the D-pad). Soul Arrow's a spell - see the display in the bottom left? R on the D-pad changes right hand (and magic-users start off with both a weapon and talisman/catalyst assigned to the right hand), L changes left, U changes equipped spell or miracle and D changes equipped item.

                The blacksmith: um. Sucks to be you? You're possibly not going to like this, but best bet you'll have to restart your game. Anger any friendly NPC in the game and as far as I'm aware there's nothing you can do about it. Other than kill them, but then they're still gone for good. There is another blacksmith in 2-1, but I doubt it's worth the hassle of trying to use him instead at this point in the game.

                Suicide dives: multiple reasons. People don't like being in physical form, so they suicide as soon as they return to the Nexus. Plus there's a glitch revolving around suicide through which you can exploit the levelling up. Plus sometimes people are just idiots and believe every "Try walking out here!" message they see.

                Hope that lot helps!
                Last edited by Eight Rooks; 09-05-2009, 16:17.


                  It does indeed, thank you!

                  I might be alright with the blacksmith - I can still access his menus and he still talks to me - it's just he's gone from sitting down to doing a bruce lee impression. I'll just have to be very careful with that controller in future... I imagine doing it a second time would probably be the last straw.

                  This is the second game in a row I've played that's featured Scottish NPCs.. I approve. It's really odd that this is only available in the far east as they seem to have developed it with a global release in mind (although I did notice some badly englished messages in the nexus, which I presume come from the game and not other players as there was no 'rate' thingy)


                    The "story" parts - voice dialogue - was apparently done by a UK studio, if you watch the end credits (I skipped them <_< ). I do think they're mostly very, very good apart from a couple of bizarre line-readings here and there - oh, and I never heard the first magic trainer properly my first playthrough, so I was creased up laughing when I tried him my second game and realised how spectacularly bored he sounds. But they've got one guy doing both blacksmiths and a third NPC later on at least, possibly more, yet even though that much is fairly obvious he still does a really good job. Even with a fairly minimal story it's still one of my favourite games ever by way of its backstory detail, its characters, the atmosphere and the emotions all this evokes.


                      I am LOVING this!!!

                      I got off to a very slow, cautious start thanks to this thread putting the fear of god into me - I was alright in the first area apart from the section where there is one knight in silver armour, and on a bridge close to him there's a dude with glowing red eyes and a spear that charges you. That charging guy killed me in no short order half way along the bridge. Result was I had to attempt to rush out and pick up my dropped souls and then leg it back before he met me in the middle. First attempt he beat me to it so I had to turn around and run.. I thought he'd give up as soon as I left the bridge but i could still hear his footsteps behind me until I was halfway back to the archstone! Really effing creepy! Next time I made it to my blood stain and scarpered again... went back and bought some items I can't use yet but it's better than losing everything.

                      After that I took a different route, and thanks mainly to the very helpful comments left by people I got all the way from that point to the first boss, beat it first go and returned to the nexus without dying!

                      I actually have mixed feelings about the messages as they are helpful, but also make for a very slight form of spoiler. I was always warned when there was going to be an ambush, I knew where to stand to be safe from the dragon and I knew which weapons to use against the first boss -

                      after reading that flame worked well I stuck turpentine on my sword and made short work of him

                      - all of which I attribute to my survival. I suppose the solution is to not read them, but the atmosphere puts you on edge so it's hard not to.

                      That dragon encounter was spectacular. I thought I would have to try and leg it across before it incinerated me but there were too many soldiers in the way.. I had bought a crossbow on the way but left all my bolts with Stashmaster Tom back in the Nexus.. I tried using my soul arrow and noticed the dragon lost the tiniest smidgeon of HP - about 15 minutes later I had him down to about 30&#37; and thought I was gonna kill it... then

                      it buggered off!


                      Anyway now I'm back in the nexus and that no-eyes chick told me to talk to the statue above, I've ran all the way up as far as I can and there's no way of talking to it as far as I can see... all I found was a rather cool but slightly pointless hall of fame. <- scratch this, found what she was talking about

                      P.S. one hit kills after parrying are the coolest thing ever

                      edit - sorry I have another question. I am wearing a ring called 'cling ring' which apparently reduces HP loss in 'soul body' form. Which form is that? I've only seen people talking about 'real soul' form.. does soul body mean alive or dead?
                      Last edited by Darwock; 11-05-2009, 06:32.


                        Soul form just means your dead form ie the form you spend most of your time in.

                        As for the Elemental, it isn't the big statue so to speak, go up a few levels until you come to a balcony with a lot of small statues sitting down. You'll be able to speak to one of them and that's the elemental. I got confused with that at the start as well.


                          Cheers for that, found it in the end. I was very close to taking a leap off the edge in the hope something happened lol

                          Although my first outing with my new body I got invaded by a black phantom anyway. It was right at the start of the level so when I got the message I stayed where I was with my back to the wall and got ready for it. I put up a pretty decent fight as I saw him using recovery items (why I didn't switch to magic and blast him at this point I don't know) but I got a big flashy message saying I had the plague.. after that I lost my head and used loads of my own herbs - finally he put me down in 1 hit after a well timed parry.

                          I really wish I hadn't used my items as I wasn't in any danger of losing my collected souls in that area I just hope he spent more than he gained in taking me down, heheh

                          So I'm tackling the burrow king now, there seems to be lots of ores to be had but those wolves at the start are a pain in the arse, usually I've lost most of my health by the time I leave that room. I need to get a spear for fighting in the narrow areas but that means fighting my way back through boletaria palace to get to the vendor... hmmm
                          Last edited by Darwock; 11-05-2009, 11:24.


                            Not for me this. It's good, but there is something about it that I can't get on with. Too sandbox maybe?
                            Sold off my second copy, and used the funds to buy the uber expensive JPN version of Killzone 2, which I'm hoping I'll enjoy more. I can always go back to it if I feel the need arises I guess.
                            Kept you waiting, huh?


                              OT, but if the japanese version of KZ2 is so expensive why would you buy it? It's region free you know, I play the UK version on my Jpn console.


                                OT, I want to not be able to understand the audio, as well as having matching spinage with my other PS3 games (which are all JPN versions). Habit is a terrible thing you know...

                                OT, Demon's Souls requires much time ploughage, and currently I just don't have the time for it. I've put in about 15 hours so far, and made little progress. I'll deffo go back to it, just not yet.
                                Last edited by J0e Musashi; 11-05-2009, 11:48.
                                Kept you waiting, huh?

